BetterMe gives new and regular gym users a place to record their BMI and display a history log that shows a workout streak Mon-Fri.
It also provides its users with motivational quotes to keep them fired up and ready to train.
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BetterMe is an all-around motivational app for Android.
Getting and staying in good physical condition is hard. Keeping up the motivation and energy to maintain a level of conditioning requires good habits and an actual coach is not always going to be available when you need one. BetterMe aims to be your coach by providing reminders of good workout habits including scheduling, fueling, and rest.
BetterMe provides a variety of workout plans, uplifting motivational quotes, and a scheduling feature to help keep you on your workout routines, and improve your likelihood of meeting your performance and physical health goals.
Roger Reyes GitHub
Raul Zarate GitHub
Abdulahi Mohamud GitHub
Jason Wilson GitHub
Mike Brunette GitHub
Scott Evans GitHub
Chuck Altopiedi GitHub
Jon Rumsey GitHub