This micropython MQTT client is a fork of the asynchronous micropython-mqtt/ lib. A stripped-down version tested on both micropython ESP32, ESP32-S2, unix port and CPython3. Mostly adapted for
- Drop wifi and connectivity management
- Runnability on both cpython and micropython
This version reports down on network read,write error and stops working.
User needs to recover link and try connect()
, then wait for up
event or check internal flag _has_connected
This version targets long up-time mqtt client, which keeps running listening for command or reporting data. Since e.g. with an occasionally roaming network setup or in poor connectivity environment, recovering connectivty with minium downtime is non-trival and worth a task of its own. User should create his own async connectivity task to check and recover link (WiFi/IP/DNS/MQTT). If can't be bothered, simply reset wifi and wait for wifiup works in most cases.
The following public interfaces are the same as original mqtt_as
everything else is either removed or dimmed as internal:
/ disconnect()
-> awaitable
is unnecessary before re- connect, socket is closed onconnect
subscribe(topic:str, qos=0)
/ unsubscribe(topic:str)
-> awaitable
publish(topic:str, msg:bytes, retain=False, qos=0, oneshot=False)
-> awaitable
- msg must be bytes/bytearray, otherwise error on cpython
- oneshot: construct full pkt in buffer, prone to OOM under constraint RAM, mainly used in cpython for performance.
/ _has_connected
blocks for a few seconds, to actively wait for underlaying ping response. Inherited from orignalmqtt_as
.- Use
for immediate check on most recent status.
/ down
/ queue
- up: on connect
- down: on disconnect
- queue: async message queue
set_cb_on_event(event:str, cb:awaitable, udata=None, new_task=False)
- Create loops for above events (
for message queue) to call cbs. - udata is like user_data in paho_mqtt.
- Do not register same cb twice, no check for duplicated cb.
- Neither unregistering cbs nor stopping the loops is supported.
from mqtt_as import MQTT_base, config
async def cb_on_message(tpc, msg, retained):
print(tpc, msg, retained)
# override defaults
config['server'] = '' # Change to suit
config["client_id"] = "client202311abc"
async def main():
client = MQTT_base(config)
#client.DEBUG = True
await client.connect()
await client.up.wait()
print("mqtt connected")
await client.subscribe("new_topic")
client.set_cb_on_event("msg", cb_on_message)
await client.publish("new_topic", b"hello world")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await client.disconnect()
is a shim for to work in CPython.MQTT_base
initializes async lock/queue/event on instance creation. It must be created from the same loop that awaits othermqtt_as
coros e.g. connect/sub/unsub() etc. This will be frustrating on cpython, if not paying attention to.
All credit goes to the original author @peterhinch. Thanks for always answering my questions.