- Provide an alternative to set up OpenVPN Server in EC2.
- Enable Dynamic Domain Name mapping to changing Elastic IP due to stopped instance.
- See example here.
Variable name | Description | Default |
AWS_REGION | AWS Service Region to deploy | eu-west-2 |
prefix | Project Name | |
vpc_id | VPC ID | |
openvpn_server_ami | Any Ubuntu AMI (tested in eu-west-2 ubuntu 22.04 amd64) | |
subnet_id | Subnet ID that OpenVPN server will be deployed to | |
instance_type | OpenVPN Server Instance type | t2.small |
admin_pwd | Admin Password for OpenVPN Server | |
Email to register ssl certificate for your subdomain.domain |
subdomain | Subdomain, like prefix of api.google.com , it is api |
domain | Domain, like google.com |
public_key_openssh | Generate your ssh key and put public key here |
- Run terraform to deploy.
terraform init terraform apply -auto-approve
- Change your hostname when you have access to
.- Configuration -> Network Settings -> Hostname or IP Address -> Enter your
- Configuration -> Network Settings -> Hostname or IP Address -> Enter your
- Check VPN Settings.
- EC2 should have a private ip address, like
- VPC cidr is
- Change Network Address to
- Group Default IP Address Network (Optional) to
- Have clients use specific DNS Servers -- YES : Primary
- YES using NAT.
- VERY IMPORTANT -- Specify the private subnets to which all clients should be given access (one per line).
- VERY IMPORTANT -- Specify the network address to which does not conflict with any CIDR. For example, API on, avoid using because it will make the openvpn unreachable to API.
client->>route53: xxx.xxx.xxx vpn access
route53->>client: public ip address
box Aqua AWS
participant openvpn access server(ec2)
participant private subnet resources
client->>openvpn access server(ec2): ssh/vpn
openvpn access server(ec2)->private subnet resources:
Note over openvpn access server(ec2),private subnet resources: Access
loop Every day, Reboot
openvpn access server(ec2)-->route53: Update IP