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[0] Intro: Creating a simple mod

Zealot Tormunds edited this page Jul 31, 2019 · 1 revision

How to create a folder for your mod

  • To create a mod, go to the /moddingapi/mods folder
  • Create a folder in that directory with an unique name
  • Inside the folder, create a file named "info.txt", and open it in notepad.

How to make an info.txt file:

All info.txt files have to follow this same format:

Mod Name|Mod Description|Mod Author

The following text is an example of this file's content:

Character Limit Expander|This mod expands the character limit so you're able to add your own new characters without replacing|Zealot Tormunds

Mods with invalid or non-existent "info.txt" files will be disabled by the API.

What's next?

If you followed these steps accordingly, the only step left is adding some files for the API to use.