Walmart Labs sponsors a weekend of hacking on an idea you have.
Our idea was to create a service that allows speech input to search for Sam's Clubs locations or products.
Walmart sent us to Angular U, and there was a workshop where we leanred to use Angular 1.4 + ES6 using Webpack and Babel. We adapted this approach for this exercise.
Install Node JS, which currently includes npm
npm i && bower i && npm run serve
After pressing the listen button, the following commands are available:
// find products
show [product]
display [product]
search for [product]
// find clubs
find a club
locate a club
- Product search currently only supports three items:
Ramen [noodles]
, andspeakers
. Ramen or Ramen noodles will work. - The club locator will ask for your location, but the service is based on JSON fixtures, of which there is presently only one...