This package is an activity completed by Zehui Yin for the course GEOG 712 Reproducible Research Workflow with GitHub and R, taught by Dr. Antonio Paez in Fall 2024.
It contains the data for the paper titled “Food Deserts or Food Oases? Predicting Grocery Store Locations in Hamilton, Ontario,” which is the final project for the course and is also hosted on GitHub.
You can install the development version of GroceryStoreHamiltonData
from GitHub with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
Load and plot the grocery_CT
vector data. This dataset includes the
geometry of all the census tracts in Hamilton and contains a variable
that shows the count of grocery stores in each census tract.
main = "Grocery Store Count of Census Dissemination Area in Hamilton",
xlab = "Grocery Store Count")
Alternatively, we can use the prepare_data()
function to obtain a
cleaned dataset, which I utilized in the paper “Food Deserts or Food
Oases? Predicting Grocery Store Locations in Hamilton,
grocery_DA <- prepare_data()
summary(grocery_DA[,c("Freq", "PCT_single_detached")])
#> Freq PCT_single_detached geometry
#> Min. :0.00000 Min. : 0.00 MULTIPOLYGON :891
#> 1st Qu.:0.00000 1st Qu.: 37.86 epsg:26917 : 0
#> Median :0.00000 Median : 72.44 +proj=utm ...: 0
#> Mean :0.09877 Mean : 63.79
#> 3rd Qu.:0.00000 3rd Qu.: 93.94
#> Max. :4.00000 Max. :104.17
#> NA's :4
Yin, Z. (2024). GroceryStoreHamiltonData: Data for the paper “Food Deserts or Food Oases? Predicting Grocery Store Locations in Hamilton, Ontario”.
title = {GroceryStoreHamiltonData: Data for the paper "Food Deserts or Food Oases? Predicting Grocery Store Locations in Hamilton, Ontario"},
author = {Zehui Yin},
year = {2024},
note = {R package version 1.1},
url = {}