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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 18, 2021. It is now read-only. - music command beautyfied and improved, secret votes, some command improvements and lot of bugfixes

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@zekroTJA zekroTJA released this 30 Sep 12:13
· 8 commits to dev since this release

Major changes

  • music saves will now be saved guild specific
    That also means, that all saves will be need to relocalized from /saves_playlists/ to /SERVER_SETTINGS/[GUILD ID]/saves_playlists/!

  • added -vote secret <args> to create secret votes
    Secret votes can only be accessed (closed and stats showed) in the channel where they were created from.
    IMPORTANT: Please close all running polls on every guild because there could occure errors while loding old polls without that function! Also please inform every other guild the bot is running on about that before updating!

Minor changes

  • added function wich adds channel category zekrobot with following channels after joining new guild

    • music
    • commands
    • cmdlog
    • voicelog
    • warframealerts
  • reworked stats command and added alias guild for it

  • reworked settings command, which displays all guilds settings and increased permission level from 1 to 2

  • updated reactions behaivior in vote, depending on PR #32 by @DRSchlaubi

  • beautifyed a lot of messages in the music command with embed builders


  • gif will now cut index of search values size
  • gif error message when no search results were found


Some users reported some bugs that the bot did not left the voice channel after entering -m stop or after finishing the track queue.
The user KBU#3846 reported the following error trace:

But on my testing I could not reconstruate the bugs, so I have no chance to fix this bug in this version. I have chaged some things in the music class in hope that this will probably fix this error. If you clould clone the repository and try to fixt this bug by yourself if it's occures on your guild, so I would really appreciate if you could make a pull request with your fix.
