Package name | Supported targets |
kompot kompot-setup |
el9 |
The package can be built easily using the rpmbuild-docker script provided in this repository. In order to use this script, a functional Docker environment is needed, with ability to pull Rocky Linux (el9) images from internet if not already downloaded.
$ ./rpmbuild-docker -d el9
Builds of these packages are available on ZENETYS yum repositories:
The RPM spec file builds two packages:
- kompot only installs files in /opt/kompot without touching the system.
- kompot-setup is a glue package that depends on the various components used in Kompot, eg: nagios, rsyslog, grafana, etc. Unless installed with KOMPOT_SETUP=0 in environment, it runs a setup script on %posttrans that installs Kompot configuration bits in /etc.
- Before installing kompot-setup, make sure you have configured the required YUM repositories. You also need to enable nodejs:18 module stream.
dnf -y install epel-release
crb enable
cd /etc/yum.repos.d
curl -OL
dnf -y module enable nodejs:18
- For now SELinux must be disabled on the system.
- Make sure your system is timesync'ed (eg: chrony, ntpd).
- Disable firewalld or tune it properly, you will need HTTP access on port 80 for a start.
Install. You may add --setopt install_weak_deps=False
to the dnf command in order to avoid unnecessary dependencies.
dnf install kompot kompot-setup
Start services. You may login again to get /opt/kompot/bin in your PATH.
/opt/kompot/bin/init-kompot restart
Test. Now point your browser to http://<ip-address>/kompot/ and switch to level 5.
More to come in a proper doc on the main project page or wiki...