Limited by the related treaties, only the testing code is available now.
The codes are based on python3.8+, CUDA version 11.0+. The specific configuration steps are as follows:
Create conda environment
conda create -n fnerv python=3.8 conda activate fnerv
Install pytorch
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 torchaudio==0.8.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
Installation profile
pip install -r requirements.txt
Checkpoint can be found under following link: one-drive.
To run a reenactment demo, download checkpoint and run the following command:
python --config config/vox_256.yaml --driving_video sup-mat/driving.mp4 --source_image sup-mat/source.png --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint --mode reenactment --relative --adapt_scale
To run a reconstruction demo, download checkpoint and run the following command:
python --config config/vox_256.yaml --driving_video sup-mat/driving.mp4 --checkpoint path/to/checkpoint --mode reconstruction
The result will be stored in result.mp4
Our FNeVR implementation is inspired by FOMM and DECA. We appreciate the authors of these papers for making their codes available to the public.