Adds/Updates Cloudflare DNS entries for the purpose of DDNS using PowerShell. PowerShell can also be installed onto your Nix flavour of choice and scheduled with crontab.
- A domain name
- Cloudflare (free tier)
- A place to execute the code from within your network (anything that can run PowerShell)
git clone
This script is used with Task Scheduler in Windows, or crontab in Linux. Specify the frequency of execution, and you're done!
Import-Module Update-Cloudflare-DDNS.psm1
Update-CloudFlareDynamicDns -Token <# ReplaceWith_Cloudflare_Token #> -Email <# ReplaceWith_Cloudflare_Email #> -Zone <# ReplaceWith_DomainName #> -Record <# ReplaceWith_RecordName #>
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.