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Vercel Preview URL

Test Integration Test Release semantic-release: conventional Conventional Commits

Retrieve the preview URL from the Vercel API, filtered by the repo and branch. The URL can then be used for further end-to-end tests, link checks and other PR integrations/actions.

The main difference to Capture Vercel Preview URL is that the action runs on push and pull_request, not on issue_comment. This enables 3rd party GitHub integrations to report directly on the Pull Request.

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Vercel needs a little time to build the preview, you can check the average build time in your deployments and add the seconds plus a little to a sleep action, to wait until the deployment is READY.

Instead of an arbitrary time, the Await for Vercel deployment Action can be used.

- run: sleep 30
- name: vercel-preview-url
  uses: zentered/vercel-preview-url@v1.1.9
  id: vercel_preview_url
    VERCEL_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.VERCEL_TOKEN }}
    vercel_project_id: 'prj_XYZ123'
- name: Get URL
  run: echo "https://${{ steps.vercel_preview_url.outputs.preview_url }}"

Vercel Project ID

Your project name is not the same as the project ID. You can find the project ID in the Project Settings, it starts with prj_:

vercel project id

Environment Variables / Secret

In the repository, go to "Settings", then "Secrets" and add "VERCEL_TOKEN", the value you can retrieve on your Vercel account.

By optionally setting SEARCH_BRANCH_NAME as an environment variable, you can override the branch name used to search for deployments in Vercel. This environment variable is useful in cases where GITHUB_REF becomes the default branch, such as when commenting on pull requests or adding labels.


To see more information on inputs, see the Vercel Documentation.

Name Requirement Type Description
vercel_team_id optional string Team id
vercel_app optional string Name of the deployment
vercel_from optional timestamp Deployment after this date
vercel_project_id optional string Vercel project id
vercel_since optional timestamp Deployment since this date
vercel_state optional string Filter on state
vercel_target optional string Deployment environment
vercel_to optional timestamp Deployment before this date
vercel_until optional timestamp Deployment before this date
vercel_users optional string Filter on created by user(s)


Name Description
preview_url A string with the unique URL of the deployment. If it hasn't finished uploading (is incomplete), the value will be null
deployment_state A string with the current deployment state, it could be one of the following QUEUED, BUILDING, READY, or ERROR.
branch_alias A string with the branch alias, that is a custom domain that Vercel creates for that branch.


