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# PHP To-Do Application

## Installation Instructions

### Prerequisites
- Web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx)
- PHP (version 7.0 or higher)
- MySQL or MariaDB

### Installation Steps

1. **Download and Extract Files**:
    - Download the application files.
    - Extract the files to your desired installation directory. Ensure that this directory is accessible by your web server.

2. **Populate Configuration File**:
    - Navigate to the installation directory and locate the `config.php` file.
    - Open `config.php` in a text editor.
    - Populate the file with the necessary information such as database credentials, base URL, and other configurations required for the application to function properly.
    - Save and close the `config.php` file after making the necessary changes.

3. **Run Installation Script**:
    - Open your web browser and navigate to ``.
    - Fill out the required information in the installation form.
    - Click on the "Install" button to start the installation process.

4. **Follow Post-Installation Steps**:
    - After successful installation, follow the post-installation steps provided on the installation page.
    - These steps may include:
        - Verifying your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your email.
        - Deleting the `install.php` file from your server for security purposes.
        - Setting up a cron job to run `send_reminders.php` at regular intervals (if required).

## Additional Information

- **Permissions**:
    - Ensure that the files and directories have the appropriate permissions to be accessed by the web server. Typically, files should be set to `-rw-r--r--` and directories to

- **Official Website**:

- **Download**:

- **Feedback**:
    - For any questions or feedback please contact the developer at cgee [at] cgee [dot] net.

- **License**:
    - This application is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE), which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the software as per the terms of the license.