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CustomHotkey is a library for AutoHotkey that can define complex hotkeys (or simulate remap) with extensible Action and Condition.

Before using this library, you need to learn about hotkey.

About AutoHotkey v2

Currently, only AutoHotkey v1 is supported. I will start working on v2 when the library specification is finalized.

Attention: Use in Games

Since anti-cheat systems may recognize AutoHotkey as a cheat (even if you are not abusing it), I strongly recommended that you always exit it before playing games with online elements.

If you want to exit all running AutoHotkey scripts, use ExitAllAction.

About the version under development

This library is under development. The specifications are not yet finalized and may be subject to destructive changes in the future.

The version under development takes the form 0.x.y, where x represents a destructive change and y a non-destructive change.

If you want to see the changes, please see CHANGELOG.


Some of the Actions in this library use tricky processing to implement their features.

For example, the ExtraPressCombiAction, which defines a hotkey with three or more keys, temporarily blocks user input and changes the priority of other hotkeys to the lowest.

While these tricky processes are necessary to implement the feature, they have the disadvantage that they will not be undone if the Action is not completed successfully.

Although the system is designed to prevent such problems from occurring, these problems cannot be completely solved because there are some bugs that I cannot control, such as misjudgment of key input.

Therefore, please keep in mind the following workarounds. If you remember these solutions, you will not be stuck in an inoperable state.

Basically, all you need to do is to register a hotkey for forced termination as described next.

1. Register hotkey for force termination

Register a hotkey for forced termination as follows to recover from an inoperable state.

You are free to assign any key, however, be sure to specify the F option of Trigger.

; RShift(>+), RCtrl(>^)
new CustomHotkey(">+>^Esc|F", "{Exit|R}Exit {A_ScriptName}")
; It would be useful to be able to restart the script
new CustomHotkey(">+>^F5|F", "{Reload|R}Reload {A_ScriptName}

2. Use the Ctrl & Alt & Delete shortcut keys

Execute this shortcut and the Winlogon screen will appear.

During this time, the AutoHotkey process is disabled, so you can recover from the inoperable state by restarting the PC or using the Task Manager or other means from the menu.

It also has the effect of forcibly unblocking user input by this library. If not unblocked, it may be unblicked by executing this shortcut key multiple times.

3. Use the Ctrl & Shift & Esc shortcut

Executing this shortcut will launch the Task Manager.

AutoHotkey is disabled when the Task Manager is active, so it may be possible to recover from the inoperable state. If you are able to recover, you can use the task manager to force AutoHotkey to terminate.

If the script is running in elevated status, it may not be possible to recover because auto-input is not disabled.

Support for developer

If you like this library, I would appreciate it if you would support it with donation/sponsorship.

The development is created as a personal hobby, and I do not accept pull requests. Instead, I accept feature requests and bug reports at Issues.


  1. Download the installer of AutoHotkey. Even if you have already installed it, recommend reinstalling it to make sure the following option is set

  2. Run the installer and a window will appear. At this time, MUST check the Default to UTF-8 in the options tab to install installation1

  3. Download the this library at here

  4. Then place the library in a folder of your choice and include it in your scripts using the #Include directive



CustomHotkey has features, but the first one you need to learn is the CustomHotkey Interface described next.

Next you will learn about Trigger and Action.

For Actions, enough to know how to use SendAction first. Not necessary to understand everything.

Then learn about define hotkeys for each window (application) using Condition.

After you understand the above basics, learn how to define more complex and flexible hotkeys by learning the remaining Actions, Combination Actions, Template, etc.

If you don't know how to use it, you can ask questions in Discussion (GitHub account required).

Explanatory syntax


When describing function and method signatures in this document, TypeScript-like syntax is used to express argument and return types.

funcOrMethodName(arg1: type1, arg2: type2 | type3) => resultType

The non-object types that appear in this document are as follows.

  • string : A string
  • number : A number
  • boolean : A boolean. i.e. true or false
  • time : A number or string representing time

The following is the syntax for object types.

; Object
{ [key: keyType]: valueType }

; Array
[ valueType1, valueType2, valueTypeN... ]

If { [key: string]: string }, it represents an object with a string key and a string value. And if [ string, number, boolean ] then array[1] represents a string, array[2] a number, and array[3] a boolean.

If multiple types are accepted, they are separated by |, such as string | number.

Option String

Trigger and some Actions can specify option string such as "T1s R". Options are expressed in the following syntax: R is used by itself and T1s is used to specify a value.

Options are expressed in the following syntax.

; <TYPE> is optional

For example, if described as T<time>, it can be specified as "T1s", "T1000", and so on.

Customhotkey Interface

CustomHotkey is provided as a class. The constructor takes Trigger as its first argument, Action as its second argument, and Condition as the optional third argument, and returns an instance.

In the following example, press b if notepad is active, otherwise enter the a key.

hotkeyInstance := new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "a")
hotkeyInstance2 := new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "b", "ahk_exe notepad.exe"))


This instance has the following methods.

  • register() => this : Register a hotkey
  • on() => this : Enable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register
  • off() => this : Disable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register
  • toggle() => this : Toggle enable/disable a hotkey. If not yet registered, call register
  • setState(state: boolean | -1 | "On" | "Off" | "Toggle") : Set enable/disable state of a hotkey. Set the following values for state. If not yet registered, call register
    • true, 1, "On" : Enable the hotkey
    • false, 0, "Off" : Disable the hotkey
    • -1, "Toggle" : Toggle enable/disable the hotkey
  • setEnableBuffer(enabled: boolean) => this : Set a Action to be taken when the limit on the number of threads set in #MaxThreadsPerHotkey is exceeded. If true, execution will wait until the number of threads is below the limit, and if false, execution will be canceled
  • setMaxThreads(max: number) => this : Set number of threads that can run simultaneously (pseudo-multithreading)
  • setPriority(priority: number) => this : Hotkey Thread Priority
  • setInputLevel(level: number) => this : Set a priority of #InputLevel
  • setFreeze() => this : It will no longer change the state of this hotkey from the library. Also, use the setPriority method to set the highest priority. Some Actions disable hotkeys during execution, so use them for important hotkeys that should not be disabled, such as Force Exit
  • setOptions(options: string) => this : Change options in the form of hotkey command such as "B1 T1"

The on method can be used in place of the register method. Also, since these methods return the instance itself, you can register a hotkey with a single line as follows.

hotkeyInstance := new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "^{a}").on()


If you simply want to register a Remap that replaces one key with another, use the CustomHotkey.Remap class. This class has the same interface as CustomHotkey.

The first argument is the key name you want to change, and the second argument is the key name after the change. The optional third argument is Condition.

See here for the key name.

The following special key names will not work.

  • AltTab
  • ShiftAltTab
  • AltTabMenu
  • AltTabAndMenu
  • AltTabMenuDismiss
new CustomHotkey.Remap("LCtrl", "Shift").on()
new CustomHotkey.Remap("LShift", "Ctrl").on()
new CustomHotkey.Remap("RShift", "MButton").on()
new CustomHotkey.Remap("RCtrl", "a", "ahk_exe notepad.exe").on()


The key/keys (a, ^+a) or combination (RCtrl & a) to execute a hotkey is called a Trigger here.

It must be a valid string in the KeyName argument of the Hotkey command. See here for details.

Hotkey Options

The following hotkey options can be additionally specified by appending "|" after the Trigger. To specify options, separate them with a space such as "B1 T1".

  • B<1 | 0> : Set setEnableBuffer method to a boolean value
  • F<1 | 0> : Set setFreeze method to a boolean value
  • T<number> : Set setMaxThreads method to a number
  • P<number> : Set setPriority method to a number
  • I<number> : Set setInputLevel method to a number

The following examples all have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1|B0 T5 I1", "{a}").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{a}")
  .setOptions("B0 T5 I1")
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{a}")


A process that is executed when a trigger is pressed is called an Action.

Also, an Action that switches the Action to be executed depending on the state of the key input, mouse, etc. is called a Combination Action.

Actions can also be defined by the user. See User-Defined Action for more information.

The Action defined depends on the data passed to the second argument of CustomHotkey's constructor. This data is called an Action Data.

In this section simple Actions will be covered.


This is the most basic Action that executes the specified keystroke. You can cancel at any time during key sending by pressing the Esc key. If the Trigger includes the Esc key, the key must be release once and then pressed again.

It can be defined by specifying a string or an object with the following fields. The send field is required.

  • send : A keys to send. Basically the same as the argument passed to the Send command, so see there for details
  • mode : Input mode. Specify the following string. Default is "Event"
    • "Event" : Send a key using SendEvent command
    • "Input" : Send a key using the SendInput command
    • "Play" : Send a key using the SendPlay command
    • "InputThenPlay" : Same as "Input", but if SendInput is not available, SendPlay command is used to send keys
  • ime : Change the IME state when sending keys. This may not work correctly because it has been checked only with the Japanese Microsoft IME. Can be specified in the following ways
    • 1 (or true) to turn on IME, 0 (or false) to turn off IME and send key.
    • If you specify a time string or a number other than the numbers available above, the IME state is changed depending on whether the value is positive (on) or negative (off). After the specified time has elapsed, the IME state is restored to its previous state
  • sendLevel : A number from 1 to 100 representing the send level
  • delay : Delay time when each key is pressed. If omitted, the same as A_KeyDelay
  • pressDuration : Delay time after key pressed. If omitted, the same as A_KeyDuration
  • limitLength : A number representing the limit length of the keys to be sent. Counted by the actual key pressed. For example, if "{a}{b 3}" is set, the length is 4. If -1 is set, there is no limit. Default is 50
  • allowMultiline : If true, allows keystrokes to span lines. However, the Enter key is always allowed. Default is false

Passing a string is essentially the same as passing an object with a send field, with the following differences.

  • Set the mode field by prefixing it with a string enclosed in curly brackets, such as "{Input}{a}"

  • Set a value for each field of options by passing the following options suh as "{Input|R L10}". If you want to specify more than one value, you must separate them with a space

    • M : Set the true to allowMultiline
    • I<0|1> : Set a number specified for ime
    • S<number> : Set a number to sendLevel
    • D<number> : Set a number to delay
    • P<number> : Set a number to pressDuration
    • L<number> : Set a number to limitLength

In other words, the following examples have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Input}{a}").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { send: "{a}", mode: "Input" }).on()

In addition to the key names available in the Send command, the following special key names are available

  • {SuffixKey} : Replace with the non-modifier key of the Trigger. For example, RCtrl & 1 will be replaced by {1}
  • {Clipboard} : Replace with the clipboard content. Recommended to specify {Raw} or {Text} immediately before. Use with caution, since a large number of keys may be sent out depending on the clipboard contents. Remember that you can always interrupt a key send with the Esc key
  • {SelectedText} : Replace with the selected text. See also {Clipboard} and similar problems
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "+{SuffixKey}").on()

If you want to change the IME state and send a key, use the I option as follows. Please note that this feature has only been tested with the Japanese Microsoft IME and may not work properly in other environments.

The following is an example of sending a key with the IME state on or off and restoring the state after 1 second.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Input|I1}on").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{Input|I0}off").on()

If you want to restore the IME state after sending a key, specify a value other than 0 or 1 for the I option. The time when the key transmission finishes is different each time, so you need to adjust it by yourself.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Input|I1s}on").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{Input|I-1s}off").on()


This Action outputs the specified string using the clipboard.

It can output strings faster than SendAction, but note that in rare cases when the clipboard is used by an external application, a conflict may occur and a string different from the specified string may be output.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {Paste} or an object with the following fields. The paste field is required.

  • paste : A string to output using clipboard
  • replace : If true is specified, paste is treated as Template String
  • restoreClipboard : A boolean value representing whether or not to restore the clipboard after the Action is done, or a delay time before restoring it. If a negative time is specified, such as -150ms, the clipboard is restored using pseudo asynchronous processing. Note, that in this case non-string content will not be restored correctly. Note also that if the time specified is too short, this Action may not work correctly. Default is "150ms"

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {Paste|R}.

  • R : set true to replace
  • C<boolean | time> : Set a boolean or time to restoreClipboard
; Output the `"abc"`
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Paste}abc").on()

; Enclose the selected string in parentheses
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{Paste|R}({{SelectedText}})").on()

; Output today's date
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 3", "{Paste|R}{A_YYYY}/{A_MM}/{A_DD}").on()


This Action executes the specified file or URL.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {Run} or an object with the following fields. The run field is required.

  • run : A file path or URL to execute
  • args : An arguments passed to the file, or URL parameters specified by run. It specifies an array consisting of a string or a callable object
  • rawArgsMode : Disable processing of the arguments described below. However, processing by setting replace and limitArgLength is not disabled. Default is false
  • replace : If true is specified, string specified by run and args are treated as Template String.
  • workingDir : A base directory (folder) when relative path is specified for run. Default is A_WorkingDir
  • wait : A boolean indicating whether to wait for the executed program to finish
  • verb : System verb that controls how the program is executed or not. Specify the following string. Default is "open"
    • "open" : Open a file
    • "properties" : Open the properties window
    • "find" : Find in explorer
    • "explore" : Open in explorer
    • "edit" : Open in the associated text editor. If no action is assigned to edit, nothing will be done
    • "print" : Open in the print application
    • "*RunAs" : Start with administrative privileges
  • launchMode : Specify the following string. Not effective for some applications. It is case-insensitive
    • "Max" : Maximize the window on launch
    • "Min" : Minimize the window on launch
    • "Hide" : Hidden the window on launch

If run begins with http:// or https://, treated as URL mode. This mode converts args using percent encoding if they are recognizable as query values. Specifically, if the preceding argument begins with & or ?and ends with = or /, such as "&search="

Otherwise, in file call mode, and each string of args is enclosed in double quotes. However, if it can be recognized as a flag, such as starting with / or -, not enclosed.

If you want to disable this process, set true to rawArgsMode.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { run: "notepad", args: [ A_LineFile ] }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { run: "", replace: true, args: [ "?q=", "{{SelectedText}}" ] }).on()

If you want the values of run and args to be set when the Action is executed, specify a callable object. This object will be called when the Action is executed and its return value will be the value.

The following is an example of using a callable object.

; Change the URL to open depending on the extension included in the window title
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { run: Func("GetDocumentUrl") }).on()
GetDocumentUrl() {
  WinGetTitle, title, A
  if (title ~= "\.ahk") {
    return ""
  if (title ~= "\.(ahk2|ah2)") {
    return ""
  return ""

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {Run|R Mmin}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • W : Set the true to wait
  • M<"min" | "max" | "hide"> : Set a string to launchMode
  • L<number> : Set a number to limitArgLength
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Run|R Mmax}notepad {'" . A_LineFile . "':Q}").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{Run|R}{{SelectedText}}").on()


This Action displays a tooltip.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {ToolTip} or an object with the following fields. The tooltip field is required.

  • tooltip : A string representing message to display in tooltip. If you want to hide existing tooltip, specify an empty string or false
  • replace : If true is specified, strings specified by tooltip are treated as Template String.
  • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
  • displayTime : Display time of tooltip. If a negative number is specified, the tooltip hiding process is asynchronous. Also, if 0 is specified, the hide process is disabled. Default is 1s
  • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the tooltip's display position. Default is 0
  • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the tooltip's display position. Default is 0
  • origin : An origin of the x and y
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { tooltip: "This message will be displayed for 3 seconds.", displayTime: "3s" }).on()

; Always show and hide tooltip
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { tooltip: "This message is always displayed", id: 19 }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 3", { tooltip: "", id: 19 }).on()

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {ToolTip|R T1s}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • I<number> : Set a number to id
  • T<time> : Set a time to displayTime
  • X<number> : Set a number to x
  • Y<number> : Set a number to y
  • O<string> : Set a string to origin
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip|T3s}This message is displayed for 3 seconds.").on()


This Action displays a traytip (Also known as balloon tip).

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {TrayTip} or an object with the following fields. The traytip field is required.

  • traytip : A string representing message to display in traytip
  • replace : If true is specified, traytip is treated as Template String
  • title : A string representing title to display in traytip
  • icon : Icon of the traytip. The following strings can be specified. If omitted, the icon is not displayed
    • "info" : Display the information icon
    • "warn" : Display for warning icon
    • "error" : Display for error icon
  • silent : If true is specified, no sound is emitted when displaying. Default is false

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {TrayTip|R Iwarn}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • S : Set the true to silent
  • I<string> : Set the string to icon
  • T<string> : Set the string to title
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{TrayTip|TInfo Iinfo}Display tray tip with information icon").on()


This Action restarts the currently script. Essentially the same as the Reload command, but with an restart message.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {Reload} or an object with the following fields. The reload field is required.

  • reload : A string representing message to display when before reloading script
  • replace : If true is specified, reload is treated as Template String
  • tip : Setting of tooltip to display the message. Specify an object with the following fields
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates
    • displayTime : Display time of the tooltip. Default is "1s"

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {Reload|T1s}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • X<number> : Set the number to tip.x
  • Y<number> : Set the number to tip.y
  • O<string> : Set the string to tip.origin
  • T<time> : Set the time to tip.displayTime

The following examples have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Reload|T0.5s}Restart the script").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { reload: "Restart the script", tip: { displayTime: "0.5s" } }).on()


This Action terminates the currently script. Essentially the same as the ExitApp command, but with an exit message.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {Exit} or an object with the following fields. The exit field is required.

  • exit : A string representing message to display when before exiting script
  • replace : If true is specified, exit is treated as Template String
  • tip : Setting of tooltip to display the message. Specify an object with the following fields
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates
    • displayTime : Display time of the tooltip. Default is 1s

If you pass a string, you can specify the following options such as {Exit|T1s}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • X<number> : Set a number to tip.x
  • Y<number> : Set a number to tip.y
  • O<string> : Set a string to tip.origin
  • T<time> : Set a time to tip.displayTime

The following examples have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Exit|T0.5s}Exit the script").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { exit: "Exit the script", tip: { displayTime: "0.5s" } }).on()


This Action terminates all AutoHotkey scripts.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {ExitAll} or an object with the following fields. The exitAll field is required.

  • exitAll : A string representing message to display when before exiting scripts
  • replace : If true is specified, reload is treated as Template String.
  • tip : Setting of tooltip to display the message. Specify an object with the following fields
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates
    • displayTime : Display time of the tooltip. If 0 is specified, it will always remain visible. Default is 1s
  • excludeSelf : Exclude itself from the termination target

If a string is passed, the following options can be specified as in {ExitAll|T1s}.

  • R : Set the true to replace
  • E : Set the true to excludeSelf
  • X<number> : Set a number to tip.x
  • Y<number> : Set a number to tip.y
  • O<string> : Set a string to tip.origin
  • T<time> : Set a time to tip.displayTime

The following examples have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ExitAll|T0.5s}Exit all the script").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { exitAll: "Exit all the script", tip: { displayTime: "0.5s" } }).on()


This Action delays processing. It has no meaning by itself and is used in CustomActions.

It can be defined by specifying a string beginning with {Delay}, a pure number or an object with the following fields. The delay field is required.

  • delay : Delay time

If you specify a string beginning with {Delay}, then time is specified after it. If you pass a pure number, the unit is milliseconds.

The following three examples delay processing for one second when the Trigger is pressed. But thease alone is meaningless.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { delay: "1s" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", 1000).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Delay}1s").on()

The following is an incorrect example. Treated as a string instead of a pure number, so defined as SendAction instead.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "1000").on()

The following is an example of CustomActions that sends keys at 250 millisecond intervals.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ "a", 250, "b", 250, "c"]).on()


This Action executes the specified Action in a pseudo asynchronous process using SetTimer. Like DelayAction, is not useful on its own, but is used in CustomActions.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The async field is required.

  • async : An Action to execute asynchronously
  • delay : Delay time

The following is an example of executing three Actions with a delay. In this example, keys are sent in the order b, c, a.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { async: "a", delay: 250 }
                              , { async: "b" }
                              , { async: "c", delay: 150 } ]).on()


This Action moves the mouse to the specified position.

It can be defined by specifying an object with one of the following fields.

  • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
  • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
  • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates
  • speed : A 0 (fast) - 100 (slow) representing the speed of cursor movement. If omitted, the same as if A_DefaultMouseSpeed were specified
; Move mouse to center of screen
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { origin: "screen-center" }).on()

; Move 50 pixels to the right from the current position
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { x: 50 }).on()


This Action clicks on the specified position.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. Either the button or count field is required.

  • button : A name of the mouse button to use for clicking. The following string can be specified. case-insensitive. Default is LButton
    • "LButton", "Left", "L" : Left button
    • "RButton", "Right", "R" : Right button
    • "MButton", "Middle", "M" : Middle button
    • "XButton1", "X1" : Extension 1 button. Usually placed at the front side
    • "XButton2", "X2" : Extension 2 button. Usually located at the back
    • In addition to the above, the following suffix can be additionally specified with a space between them, such as "LButton Up". It is case-insensitive
      • "Up", "U" : Release the mouse button
      • "Down", "D" : Leave the mouse button pressed
  • mode : Send mode of the click. Specify the following string. Default is "Event"
    • "Event" : Send a button using the SendEvent command
    • "Input" : Send a button using the SendInput command
    • "Play" : Send a button using the SendPlay command
    • "InputThenPlay" : Same as "Input", but if SendInput is not available, SendPlay command is used to send button
  • count : A number of clickcs. Default is 1
  • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the click position. Default is 0
  • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the click position. Default is 0
  • origin : The origin of the x and y coordinates. Default is "mouse"
  • speed : A 0 (fast) - 100 (slow) representing the speed of cursor movement. If omitted, it is the same as if A_DefaultMouseSpeed were specified
  • restore : If true is specified, the mouse position will be restored with speed set to 0 after the Action is done. If you want to specify the speed of the mouse when restoring, specify a number from -1 to -100

The following is an example of double-clicking on the center of the screen.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { button: "LButton", count: 2, origin: "screen-center" }).on()


This Action drags from a specified position to a position.

It can be defined by specifying an object with following fields. The to field is required.

  • button : A name of the mouse button to use for dragging. The following string can be specified. It is case-insensitive. Default is LButton
    • "LButton", "Left", "L" : Left button
    • "RButton", "Right", "R" : Right button
    • "MButton", "Middle", "M" : Middle button
    • "XButton1", "X1" : Extension 1 button. Usually placed at the front side
    • "XButton2", "X2" : Extension 2 button. Usually located at the back
  • mode : Send mode of the click. Specify the following string. Default is "Event"
    • "Event" : Send a button using the SendEvent command
    • "Input" : Send a button using the SendInput command
    • "Play" : Send a button using the SendPlay command
    • "InputThenPlay" : Same as "Input", but if SendInput is not available, SendPlay command is used to send button
  • from : An object with the following fields representing the starting position of the drag. If omitted, the current mouse position
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the start position of the drag. If omitted, the x coordinate of the current position if omitted
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the start position of the drag. If omitted, the x coordinate of the current position if omitted
    • origin : An origin of the from.x and from.y coordinates. Default is "mouse"
  • to : An object with the following fields representing the end position of the drag
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the end position of the drag. If omitted, the x coordinate of the current position if omitted
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the end position of the drag. If omitted, the x coordinate of the current position if omitted
    • origin : An origin of the to.x and to.y coordinates. Default is "mouse"
  • speed : A 0 (fast) - 100 (slow) representing the speed of cursor movement. If omitted, the same as if A_DefaultMouseSpeed were specified
  • restore : If true is specified, the mouse position will be restored with speed set to 0 after the Action is finished. If you want to specify the speed of the mouse when restoring, specify a number from -1 to -100

The following is an example of dragging from the current position toward the center of the screen.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { to: { origin: "screen-center" } }).on()


The Action is to click on a location that matches the specified image. If no match is found, nothing is done.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The image field is required.

  • image : A path and flag of the image to click. In case of relative path, based on A_WorkingDir. The specification method is the same as ImageFile argument in ImageSearch. Alternatively, you can specify an object with the following fields
    • path : A path of the image. In case of relative path, based on A_WorkingDir
    • pathType : Change the treatment of path. Specify the following string. It is case-insensitive. If omitted, treated as a file path
    • imageNumber : A image number, if the file specified by path (e.g. dll) contains images
    • variation : A number from 0-255 representing the amount of tolerance when comparing colors; if 0 is specified, only exact matches will be matched. Conversely, a value of 255 will match all colors. This is used to match a degraded image
    • trans, transparent : A color to be transparent
    • resize : A boolean representing whether to resize or not, or an object with the following fields. Default is true
      • width : Width of the image to be loaded. If -0 is specified, the image is not resized. If -1 is specified, the image will be resized keeping the ratio
      • heigth : Height of the image when loading. If -0 is specified, the image is not resized. If -1 is specified, the image is resized keeping the ratio
  • targetRect : A rectangle to use as the search range. Default is "window"
  • button : A name of the mouse button to use for clicking. The following string can be specified. It is case-insensitive. Default is LButton
    • "LButton", "Left", "L" : Left button
    • "RButton", "Right", "R" : Right button
    • "MButton", "Middle", "M" : Middle button
    • "XButton1", "X1" : Extension 1 button. Usually placed at the front side
    • "XButton2", "X2" : Extension 2 button. Usually located at the back
    • In addition to the above, the following suffix can be additionally specified with a space between them, such as "LButton Up". It is case-insensitive
      • "Up", "U" : Release the mouse button
      • "Down", "D" : Leave the mouse button pressed
  • mode : Send mode of the click. Specify the following string. Default is "Event"
    • "Event" : Send a button using the SendEvent command
    • "Input" : Send a button using the SendInput command
    • "Play" : Send a button using the SendPlay command
    • "InputThenPlay" : Same as "Input", but if SendInput is not available, SendPlay command is used to send button
  • count : Number of clickcs. Default is 1
  • offset : Offset from the found image. Used to correct the click position. Specify an object with the following fields
    • x : Offset in x-coordinate from the found image
    • y : Offset in y-coordinate from the found image
  • speed : A 0 (fast) - 100 (slow) representing the speed of cursor movement. If omitted, the same as if A_DefaultMouseSpeed were specified
  • restore : If true is specified, the mouse position will be restored with speed set to 0 after the action is finished. If you want to specify the speed of the mouse when restoring, specify a number from -1 to -100

The following is an example of clicking on an image and restoring the mouse position.

; Note: If you want to run the following example, you will need to set up your own path
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { image: "path/to/image", speed: 0, restore: true }).on()

If this Action is used in CustomActions as in the following example, subsequent Actions will be aborted if the image is not found.

; Note: If you want to run the following example, you will need to set up your own path
; Drag the image 100 pixels to the right
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { button: "LButton Down", image: { path: "path/to/image" }, speed: 0 }
                              , { x: 100 }
                              , { button: "LButton Up"} ] ).on()


This Action displays information (color, coordinates, etc.) under the mouse in a tooltip while the non-modifier key in trigger (e.g. 1 of RCtrl & 1) is pressed, and copies that information to the clipboard when the non-modifier key is released.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The dropper field is required.

  • dropper : A method to retrieve information. Specify the following string or callable object
    • "color" : Get a color code under the mouse
    • "coord", "coordinate" : Get a coordinates under the mouse
    • "window" : Get a window information (title, class, etc.) under the mouse
  • tip : Setting for a tooltip that displays a hint. Specify an object with the following fields. Normally, you do not need to specify this
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the destination. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the tip.x and tip.y coordinates
    • delay : Delay time to display the tooltip. Default is 100ms
  • options : Options to pass to the dropper

If called from a KeyStrokeCombiAction, the Action will be executed as long as the key at the time of the call (q, w, or e in the example below) is pressed, not the non-modifier key.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { key: "q", desc: "color", action: { dropper: "color" } }
                              , { key: "w", desc: "coordinates", action: { dropper: "coordinates" } }
                              , { key: "e", desc: "window", action: { dropper: "window" } } ]).on()


If "color" is specified for dropper, the color information under the mouse will be retrieved.

options is a string or an object with the following fields. If you pass a string, the same as specifying template.

  • template : Template String to display the retrieved information. The following variables can be specified. Default is "#{R:X}{G:X}{B:X}"
    • R : A number representing red color
    • G : A number representing green color
    • B : A number representing blue color
  • method : A method to get the color. The following strings can be specified. Default is "Default". It is case insensitive
    • "Default" : Get a color in the normal way
    • "Alt" : Get in a different way from the usual way. The speed is a little slower, but you may be able to get a color even if you cannot get it with "Default"
    • "Slow" : Get a color in a more complicated way. However, slower than "Alt"
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { dropper: "color" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { dropper: "color", options: { template: "R: {R}, G: {G}, B: {B}", method: "Slow" } }).on()


If "coordinates" or "coord" is specified for dropper, the information of coordinates under the mouse will be retrieved.

options is a string or an object with the following fields. If you pass a string, the same as specifying template.

  • template : Template String to display the retrieved information. The following variables can be specified. Default is "{x}, {y}"
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the mouse
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the mouse
  • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates. Default is "mouse"
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { dropper: "coordinates" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { dropper: "coordinates", options: "x: {x}`ny: {y}" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 3", { dropper: "coordinates", options: { origin: "window" } }).on()


If "window" is specified for dropper, the information of the window under the mouse is targeted for retrieval.

options is an object with the following fields. If you pass a string, the same as specifying template.

  • template : Template String to display the retrieved information. The following variables can be specified.
    • title : A title under the mouse
    • class : A window class under the mouse
    • ahk_class : Same as above but with prefix "ahk_class"
    • exe : A process name of the window under the mouse
    • ahk_exe : Same as above but with prefix "ahk_exe"
    • path : A process path of the window under the mouse
    • id, hwnd : A window handle of the window under the mouse
    • ahk_id : Same as above but with prefix "ahk_id"
    • pid : A process name of the window under the mouse
    • ahk_pid : Same as above but with prefix "ahk_pid"
    • controlName : A name of the control under the mouse
    • controlId, controlHwnd : A control handle under the mouse
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { dropper: "window" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { dropper: "window", options: "{ahk_id}" }).on()


If you specify a callable object for the dropper, you can customize what information is retrieved.

The first argument is passed an object with an x or y field, the coordinates of the mouse with the origin in the upper left corner of the screen.

The second argument is the data passed in the options.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { dropper: Func("CustomTarget"), options: { template: "{}, {}" } }).on()
CustomTarget(position, options) {
  return Format(options.template, position.x, position.y)


This Action changes the state of the IME. Note, that this has not been tested with anything other than the Japanese Microsoft IME, so it may not work correctly in other environments.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields.

  • ime : IME status to set. If true, turn on; if false, turn off
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { ime: false }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { ime: true }).on()


This is a function-style user-defined Action. If you want to define them in class style, see User-Defined Action.

It can be defined by specifying a callable object (function, method, BoundFunc, etc.).

The following is an example of defining an Action to maximize the active window.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", Func("MoveActiveWindow").bind(0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)).on()
MoveActiveWindow(x := "", y := "", width := "", height := "") {
  WinMove, A, , %x%, %y%, %width%, %height%

Since all Actions are callable objects, they can be specified directly as follows.

; The following defines the same action
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "^{a}").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", new CustomHotkey.SendAction("^{a}")).on()


This Action executes the specified Actions subsequently.

It can be defined by specifying an array consisting of the Action Data.

; Send keys with delay
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ "a", 250, "b", 250, "c" ]).on()

; Reproduce MouseDragAction by combining Actions
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", [ { button: "LButton down" }
                              , { x: 200, y: 200 }
                              , { button: "LButton up" } ]).on()

If a callable object is specified, the first argument is the return value of the last Action that returned a non-empty value, and the second argument is an ActionDone object. Passing it as return value will abort Actions.

Combination Action

With the Actions described above, only one Action could be assigned to a hotkey.

The Combination Actions described next allow more Actions to be assigned.

Also, possible to define Combination Actions for Combination Actions, allowing for more complex Action assignments.


This Combination Action that switches an Action depending on how the non-modifier key (1 in the case of RCtrl & 1) of the Trigger is pressed.

It can be defined by passing an object with one of the following fields.

  • single : An Action to be executed when the Trigger is pressed
  • long : An Action to be executed when a Trigger is pressed and an non-modifier key is pressed for a long time. The following option string can be specified: long|T150ms
    • T<time>. Set time to timeout_long described next
  • double : An Action to be executed when an additional non-modifier key is pressed (i.e. double press) following the Trigger. The following option string can be specified: double|T150ms
    • T<time>. Set time to timeout_double described next
    • N : Set true to nodelay described next

The following fields can also be added.

  • targetKey : Override the target key for the event. Default is the non-modifier key of the trigger. Usually does not need to be specified
  • timeout_long: A time to be recognized as a long press
  • timeout_double: A time to be recognized as a double press
  • nodelay : If true is specified, it disables the delay processing until the second press is determined. That is, the action assigned to single will be executed regardless of whether pressed double or not
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { single: "{ToolTip}single press"
                              , long: "{ToolTip}long press"
                              , double: "{ToolTip}double press" }).on()

nodelay is useful in cases where a double overrides a single Action, as in the following example. In this example, nodelay is set by using the N option for the double field.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { single: [ "{ToolTip}IME OFF", { ime: false } ]
                              , "double|T1s N": [ "{ToolTip}IME ON", { ime: true } ] }).on()

Complex definitions such as pressing five times and long pressing are also possible by combining this Action as follows.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { single: "{ToolTip}single"
                              , long: "{ToolTip}long"
                              , double: { single: "{ToolTip}double"
                                        , long: "{ToolTip}double+long"
                                        , double: { single: "{ToolTip}triple"
                                                  , long: "{ToolTip}triple+long"
                                                  , double: { single: "{ToolTip}quadruple"
                                                            , long: "{ToolTip}quadruple+long"
                                                            , double: { single: "{ToolTip}quintuple"
                                                                      , long: "{ToolTip}quintuple+long" } } } } }).on()

In practice, such complex definitions are not very easy to visualize, so the following fields are provided for simplified settings.

  • triple : An Action when triple press
  • quadruple : An Action when quadruple press
  • quintuple : An Action when quintuple press
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { single: "{ToolTip}single"
                              , long: "{ToolTip}long"
                              , double: "{ToolTip}double"
                              , triple: "{ToolTip}triple"
                              , quadruple: "{ToolTip}quadruple"
                              , quintuple: "{ToolTip}quintuple"}).on()

Note that key that is virtual modifier key (Up in the example below) cannot be detected as long presses, so the Action will not be executed. Also, single and double presses will cause the Action to be executed when the key is released, not when pressed.

new CustomHotkey("Up & Down", "").on()
new CustomHotkey("Up", { single: "{ToolTip}single"
                       , long: "{ToolTip}long" ; This action cannot be executed
                       , double: "{ToolTip}double" }).on()


This Combination Action, like PressEventCombiAction, switches the Action according to the pressing of the non-modifier key (1 of RCtrl & 1) of the Trigger.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The hold field is required.

  • tap : An Action to be executed when a Trigger is pressed and an non-modifier key is released within the specified time. You can use the following option string as tap|T80ms.
    • T<time> : Set time to timeout_tap described next
    • N : Set true to nodelay described next
  • hold : An Action to be executed while an non-modifier key is pressed. You can use the following option string as hold|R10ms
    • R<time> : An Action repeat interval. If not specified, the action will be executed only once
  • release : An Action to be executed when an non-modifier key is released. Only executed if the Action of hold has been executed at least once

The following fields can also be added.

  • targetKey : Override the target key for the event. Default is the non-modifier key of the Trigger. Usually does not need to be specified
  • timeout_tap: A time to be recognized as a tap input
  • nodelay : If true is specified, the tap Action will always be executed before the Action assigned to hold is executed, regardless of the timeout_tap setting
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { hold: { button: "LButton down" }
                              , release: { button: "LButton up" } }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { tap: "{ToolTip}tap"
                              , "hold|R50ms": "{ToolTip}hold"
                              , release: "{ToolTip}release" }).on()


This Combination Action that switches the Action depending on the specified modifier key is pressed at the time of Trigger pressing.

It is useful when using keyboard that are rarely used but have very easy-to-press non-modifier key, such as henkan-key of Japanese keyboard, but may not be very useful otherwise.

It can be defined by specifying an object with one of the following fields.

  • trigger : An Action when only a Trigger is pressed
  • A modifier key name or its array : An Action to be executed if the modifier key is pressed in addition to the trigger. If the modifier key is specified as an array, it will be executed if all of its keys are pressed
new CustomHotkey("z & 1", { trigger: "{ToolTip}trigger"
                          , shift: "{ToolTip}trigger+shift"
                          , [ "shift", "ctrl" ]: "{ToolTip}trigger+shift+ctrl" }).on()


This Combination Action that switches the Action based on the specified additional key is pressed while pressing the Trigger. You can define hotkey for combinations of three or more keys, such as a & b & c, which are not allowed in the normal syntax.

Like ModifierPressCombiAction, it may not be very useful depending on the keyboard layout used.

It can be defined by specifying an object whose key is one of the following fields.

  • Key name : An Action to be executed when the specified key is pressed in addition to the Trigger. You can also specify the following option string as a|R10ms
    • R<time> : Set time to keyRepeat individually
  • release : An Action when the non-modifier key of the Trigger is released. Use when you want to assign an Action to the Trigger itself as well
  • keyRepeat : Default time for pseudo-key repeat interval, 0 or false to disable key repeat. Default is 15ms

The following is an example of a 3-key hotkey definition.

new CustomHotkey("PgUp & PgDn", { q: "^{c}" , w: "^{v}", "e|R10ms": "^{z}" }).on()

This Action can be combined to define four or more hotkeys. In the following example, you need to type PgUp -> PgDn -> q -> w -> e in that order.

new CustomHotkey("PgUp & PgDn", { q: { w: { "e|R10ms": "{ToolTip}PgUp & PgDn & q & w & e" } } }).on()


This Combination Action that accepts key input when the Trigger is pressed and switches Actions in response to the input.

It will continue until the specified key is pressed or one of the following Cancel keys is pressed: Escape, Backspace, or Delete.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The items field is required.

  • tip : Setting for a tooltip that displays a hint. Specify an object with the following fields
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the tip.x and tip.y coordinates
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • limitDescriptionLength : Limit length of the action description. Default is 100
  • items : Specify an object with the following fields
    • key : A string representing either a key name, a virtual key, or a scan code. If "$" or "F$" is specified, the key is automatically assigned as described below
    • description, desc : A description of action
    • action : An Action to be executed when a key is pressed

You can directly specify an array to be passed to items. In other words, the following two hotkeys have the same meaning.

items := [ { key: "a", description: "Show A in tooltip", action: "{ToolTip}A" } ]

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", items).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { items: items }).on()

If you specify "$" for key, keys are set in the order 1-0, q-p, a-l, and z-m.

Also, by specifying "F$", keys from F1-F24 will be set in this order.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { key: "$", desc: "1", action: "{ToolTip}1" }
                              , { key: "$", desc: "2", action: "{ToolTip}2" }
                              , { key: "$", desc: "3", action: "{ToolTip}3" }
                              , { key: "F$", desc: "F1", action: "{ToolTip}F1" }
                              , { key: "F$", desc: "F2", action: "{ToolTip}F2" }
                              , { key: "F$", desc: "F3", action: "{ToolTip}F3" } ]).on()

This auto-assigned key can be changed by specifying the following additional fields.

  • autokeys : An array of keys to be replaced if "$" is specified
  • autoFunctionkeys : An array of keys to be replaced if "F$" is specified
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { autoKeys: [ "a", "b", "c"]
                              , autoFunctionKeys: [ "F1", "F5", "F9" ]
                              , items: [ { key: "$", action: "{ToolTip}a" }
                                       , { key: "$", action: "{ToolTip}b" }
                                       , { key: "$", action: "{ToolTip}c" }
                                       , { key: "F$", action: "{ToolTip}F1" }
                                       , { key: "F$", action: "{ToolTip}F5" }
                                       , { key: "F$", action: "{ToolTip}F9" } ] }).on()

This Action can be combined to define a hot-string-like action.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { key: "b"
                                , desc: "by"
                                , action: [ { key: "t"
                                            , desc: "the"
                                            , action: [ { key: "w"
                                                        , desc: "way"
                                                        , action: "{ToolTip}by the way" } ] } ] } ]).on()

As in the example above, if this Action is combined, pressing the Cancel key will re-execute the previous Action.

In other words, after pressing the b key, pressing Escape will accept the b key input again.

If you want to exit completely, hold down Ctrl and press the Cancel key.


This Combination Action searches and executes registered commands, like Command Palette in VSCode.

The following limitations exist because the UI is created with tooltip.

  • Flickering occurs when refreshing contents
  • IME cannot be used, so search strings are limited to characters that can be entered directly with the keyboard

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The items field is required.

  • tip : Setting up tooltip to be used in the UI. Specify an object with the following fields
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the tooltip. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the tip.x and tip.y coordinates
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
    • maxRows : Maximum number of commands to be displayed at one time. Default is 20
    • limitDescriptionLength : Maximum length of the description. Default is 100
  • input : Initial value of user input
  • limitInputLength : Limit number of user input. Default is 100
  • caretPosition : Initial position of the input (1-base). If omitted, the length of input plus 1
  • caretChar : Specify the character that represents the caret. Default is "|"
  • fontType : Change the alphanumeric font if the command matches or not. Can be a number or a string
    • 1, "serif", "default" : e.g. aA0, 𝐚𝐀𝟎
    • 2, "serif-italic" : e.g. 𝑎𝐴0, 𝒂𝑨𝟎
    • 3, "sans-serif" : e.g. aA𝟢, 𝐚𝐀𝟬
    • 4, "sans-serif-italic" : e.g. 𝘢𝘈𝟢, 𝙖𝘼𝟬
  • cursorPosition : Initial cursor position (1-base). Default is 1
  • matcher : Algorithm used for matching commands. If omitted, fuzzy search is used for matching. See fuzzy search and custom search for more information
  • items : An array or call object consisting of objects with the following fields. There is no limit, but recommended to limit the length of the array to about 1000 for processing speed
    • command : A command name. Must be a string that can be typed directly on the keyboard
    • icon : A string that appear before command. By using emoji, you can express the kind of command, etc.
    • description, desc : An action description
    • action : An Action when the command is executed

The following hotkeys are available while in input mode (Tip: ^ indicates Ctrl, ! indicates Alt).

  • Up : Move the cursor to the item above. If the current cursor is on the first item, move it to the last item
  • ^Up : Move the cursor to the first item
  • Down : Move the cursor to the item below. If the current cursor is on the last item, move it to the first item
  • ^Down : Move the cursor to the last item
  • PgUp : Move the cursor up one page
  • PgDn : Move the cursor down one page
  • Left : Move caret to the left and update the listing
  • Home, ^Left : Move caret to the first position and update the listing
  • Right : Move caret to the right and update the listing
  • End, ^Right : Move caret to the last position and update the listing
  • Enter, Tab : Execute tha Action
  • Escape : Delete all input. If there is no input, the Action is terminated. Also, if there is a chain of Actions and a corresponding Action exists, the state is restored and the Action is reexecuted
  • ^Escape : Terminate the Action completely
  • Bacspace : Delete the character before the caret
  • ^Bacspace : Delete all characters before caret
  • Delete : Delete the character after the caret
  • Alt : Display full description
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { items: [ { command: "copy"
                                         , description: "Copy selected text"
                                         , action: "^c" }
                                       , { command: "cut"
                                         , description: "Cut selected text"
                                         , action: "^x" }
                                       , { command: "paste"
                                         , description: "Paste clipboard contents"
                                         , action: "^v" } ] }).on()

You can directly specify an array to be passed to items. In other words, the following two hotkeys have the same meaning.

items := [ { command: "a", action: "a" } ]

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { items: items }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", items).on()

Passing a callable object in the items field can be used to delay the creation of a command.

Also, using the ModifierPressCombiAction, you can switch the Action to be executed depending on the state of the modifier key when the Enter or Tab key is pressed.

Using these mechanisms, possible to define a file explorer-like Action as follows.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { tip: { limitDescriptionLength: 0 }, items: Func("Explorer").bind("C:") }).on()
Explorer(root) {
  list := []
  Loop Files, %root%\*, FD
    try {
      FileGetAttrib, attribute, %A_LoopFileLongPath%
      if (InStr(attribute, "H") || InStr(attribute, "S")) {
      if (InStr(attribute, "D")) {
        list.push({ command: A_LoopFileName
                  , icon: "📂"
                  , desc: A_LoopFileLongPath
                  , action: { trigger: { tip: { limitDescriptionLength: 0 }
                                       , items: Func("Explorer").bind(A_LoopFileLongPath) }
                            , ctrl: "{ToolTip}" . A_LoopFileLongPath } })
      else {
        list.push({ command: A_LoopFileName
                  , icon: "📄"
                  , desc: A_LoopFileLongPath
                  , action: "{ToolTip}" . A_LoopFileLongPath })
  return list

The following is an example of expressing the kind of command as in VSCode.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { input: ">", items: Func("Commands") }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { input: "@", items: Func("Commands") }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 3", { input: "?", items: Func("Commands") }).on()
Commands() {
  return [ { command: ">group-a", action: "{ToolTip}a" }
         , { command: "@group-b", action: "{ToolTip}b" }
         , { command: "?group-c", action: "{ToolTip}c" } ]

Fuzzy search

The default is to search for commands by fuzzy search. This search algorithm has the following features.

Matching algorithm

In fuzzy search, a score is given based on the number of characters matched, and the higher the given score, the higher the command is displayed.

Matching is usually done from the beginning, but if a match is found at the beginning of each word, that is given priority. As will be explained below, this match is given a bonus, so that the desired command can be retrieved with less input. The beginning of a word means the following.

  • The first letter of the command and the character is an alphabet
  • The immediately preceding character is lowercase and the matching character is uppercase
  • The immediately preceding character is space or Any of the symbols in !"#$%&'()*+,-. /:;<=>? @[]^_`{, and the matching character is the alphabet

This word first match is disabled if matched consecutively. For example, if the command is FoobarBar and the input is foob, the B in Bar will not match. If you want to force a match to the beginning of a word, use capital letters. In the previous example, if the input is fooB, it will match the B in Bar.

Matching bonus

If the following conditions are met when a match is made, a bonus will be given to the score.

  • Matched the beginning of a command
  • Matched the beginning of a word
  • Matched consecutive words
  • Exact case match
  • User input and command matched exactly. The case is not sensitive. An additional bonus will be given after the above bonuses are added

Matching highlight

If the matched characters are alphanumeric characters and any of the . -_//\, it will be highlighted as follows.

  • ABC123.-_/\
  • 𝐀𝐁𝐂𝟏𝟐𝟑۔⁃‗⌿⍀

Custom search

You can change the search algorithm by specifying an object with the following callable objects in matcher.

  • score(a: any, b: any, options: any) => number : A callable object that computes the similarity between a and b. The higher the number returned, the higher the similarity. The options is passed matcherOptions
  • parse(a: any, b: any, options: any) => Array<[ string, boolean ]> : A callable object that computes information to highlight matches. Returns an array of arrays containing pairs of the compared substrings and a boolean indicating whether or not there was a match. The options is passed matcherOptions

The following is an example implementation of a forward match search.

items := []
items.push({ command: "foo", action: "{ToolTip}foo"})
items.push({ command: "foobar", action: "{ToolTip}foobar"})
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { matcher: ForwardMatcher, items: items }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", { matcher: ForwardMatcher, matcherOptions: { caseSensitive: true }, items: items }).on()

class ForwardMatcher {
  score(a, b, options) {
    if (b == "") {
      return 1
    if (this._startsWith(a, b, options.caseSensitive)) {
      return StrLen(b)
    return 0
  parse(a, b, options) {
    segments := []

    if (b == "") {
      segments.push([ a, false ])
      return segments
    if (this._startsWith(a, b, options.caseSensitive)) {
      segments.push([ SubStr(a, 1, StrLen(b)), true ])
      segments.push([ SubStr(a, StrLen(b) + 1), false ])
      return segments
    return segments
   * Determine if `str` starts with `prefix` or not.
  _startsWith(str, prefix, caseSensitive := false) {
    str_prefix := SubStr(str, 1, StrLen(prefix))
    return InStr(str_prefix, prefix, caseSensitive)


This Combination Action switches an Action by mouse operation.

The mouse operation is accepted while the non-modifier key of the Trigger (e.g. 1 of RCtrl & 1) is held down, and the Action is terminated when the key is released.

While the Action is running, a transparent window is displayed to fill the screen, blocking mouse clicks. If for some reason the Action does not terminate, please quit AutoHotkey by pressing Alt & Tab to switch to another window, or by pressing ^+Esc to start the task manager.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The items field is required.

  • tip : Setting for a tooltip that displays a hint. Specify an object with the following fields
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the position where the tooltip will be displayed. Default is 0
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the position where the tooltip will be displayed. Default is 0
    • origin : An origin of the tip.x and tip.y coordinates. Default is "caret-bottom-right"
    • id : A number from 1 to 20 representing the ID of the tooltip. If a tooltip with the same ID already exists, the content will be overwritten. If omitted, an unused ID is set
  • style : Change a style of the mouse trail, such as its color. Specify an object with the following fields
    • color : A color of the mouse trail. Default is "lime".
    • width : Width of the mouse path. Default value is 6
  • threshold : A threshold (in pixels) to judge mouse movement. Default is 50
  • items : Specify an object with the following fields
    • gestures : An array of string representing mouse Actions. The following string is specified
      • "LButton", "Left", "L" : Left button
      • "RButton", "Right", "R" : Right button
      • "MButton", "Middle", "M" : Middle button
      • "XButton1", "X1" : Extension 1 button. Usually placed at the front side
      • "XButton2", "X2" : Extension 2 button. Usually located at the back
        • "MoveUp", "MU", "↑", "🡡", "🡩", "🡱", "🡹", "🢁" : Move mouse up
        • "MoveDown", "MD", "↓", "🡣", "🡫", "🡳", "🡻", "🢃" : Move mouse down
        • "MoveLeft", "ML", "←", "🡠", "🡨", "🡰", "🡸", "🢀" : Move mouse to the left
        • "MoveRight", "MR", "→", "🡢", "🡪", "🡲", "🡺", "🢂" : Move mouse to the right
        • "MoveUpLeft", "MUL", "↖", "🡤", "🡬", "🡴", "🡼", "🢄" : Move mouse to the upper left
        • "MoveUpRight", "MUR", "↗", "🡥", "🡭", "🡵", "🡽", "🢅" : Move mouse to the upper right
        • "MoveDownLeft", "MDL", "↙", "🡧", "🡯", "🡷", "🡿", "🢇" : Move the mouse to the lower left
        • "MoveDownRight", "MDR", "↘", "🡦", "🡮", "🡶", "🡾", "🢆" : Move the mouse to the lower right
    • description, desc : An action description
    • action : An Action to be executed when the specified mouse operation is done

The following is an example of assigning Actions by mouse cursor movement or button press.

new CustomHotkey("RButton", { items: [ { gestures: [ "MoveUp", "MoveRight", "MoveDown", "MoveLeft" ]
                                       , description: "↑→↓←"
                                       , action: "{ToolTip}↑→↓←" }
                                     , { gestures: [ "MoveUp", "MoveDown" ]
                                       , description: "↑↓"
                                       , action: "{ToolTip}↑↓" } ] }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & Up", { items: [ { gestures: [ "LButton", "RButton", "MButton", "XButton1", "XButton2" ]
                                          , description: "LButton"
                                          , action: "{ToolTip}Pressed all mouse buttons" } ] }).on()

You can directly specify an array to be passed to items. In other words, the following two hotkeys have the same meaning.

items := [ { gestures: [ "MoveUp" ], action: "{ToolTip}MoveUp" }]

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & Up", { items: items }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & Down", items).on()


This Combination Action displays custom context menu.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The items field is required.

  • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the display position of the context menu. Default is 0
  • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the display position of the context menu. Default is 0
  • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates
  • items : An array consisting of object with the following fields or a string containing "-" or "=". If the string is specified, a delimiter will be added
    • label : An item label
    • condition : A Condition under which an item is displayed
    • action : An Action to take when the item is clicked. If you pass ContextMenuCombiAction or its Action Data, a submenu is created

The following is an example of creating a context menu with two items.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { items: [ { label: "a", action: "{ToolTip|T1s}a" }
                                       , { label: "b", action: "{ToolTip|T1s}b" } ] }).on()

You can directly specify an array to be passed to items. In other words, the following two hotkeys have the same meaning.

items := [ { label: "a", action: "{ToolTip}a" } ]

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { items: items }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", items).on()

If you want to create a submenu, pass the ContextMenuCombiAction or its Action Data to action.

submenu := [ { label: "sub item", action: "{ToolTip}sub item" } ]
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { label: "top item"
                                , action: submenu } ]).on()

Also, if you want to add a delimiter, add a string containing "-" or "=" to the items element. All other characters are ignored and can be used as comment.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { label: "a", action: [ { label: "b", action: "{ToolTip}b" } ] }
                              , "---Comment---"
                              , { label: "c", action: "{ToolTip}c" }
                              , "===Comment==="
                              , { label: "d", action: "{ToolTip}d" } ]).on()

If you pass a callable object for action, the following arguments will be passed.

  1. itemName: string : A name of the item
  2. itemPos: number : Number of the item
  3. menuName: string : A menu name. a string of the form CustomHotkey.ContextMenuCombiAction:<action-address>.
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { label: "custom", action: Func("CustomMenuItem") } ]).on()
CustomMenuItem(itemName, itemPos, menuName) {
  MsgBox, Clicked on "%itemName%", the %itemPos% item in "%menuName%"

If you want to display item only when they match specific Condition, use condition.

The following is an example of displaying a dedicated item when viewing a specific site in a browser.

items := []
items.push({ label: "This item is always displayed"
           , action: "{ToolTip}This item is always displayed" })
items.push({ condition: "{Active|Mbackward}AutoHotkey - Google Chrome"
           , label: "AutoHotkey Official Document"
           , action: "{ToolTip}AutoHotkey Official Document" })
items.push({ condition: "{Active|Mbackward}YouTube - Google Chrome"
           , label: "Youtube"
           , action: "{ToolTip}Youtube" })
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", items).on()


This Combination Action switches Actions according to Condition result.

It has almost the same meaning as defining a context-sensitive hotkey by passing a Condition as the third argument to the CustomHotkey constructor, but with the following advantages.

  • A highly loaded Condition such as ImageCondition can be set with a minimum load. In the case of context-sensitive hotkey, all assigned Conditions are evaluated until they match when a Trigger is pressed, so registering a Condition with a high load may slow down the execution of the Action due to the time required for evaluation
  • Additional Conditions can be defined for context-sensitive hotkeys
  • Readability may be higher than context-sensitive hotkey definitions due to different writing style

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The items field is a required.

  • defaultAction : An Action to execute if the Conditions is not matched
  • items : An array of objects with the following fields. The order of precedence is given to the element with the youngest index
    • condition : Determines whether the action should be executed or not Condition. If false is specified, it will be treated as defaultAction
    • action : An Action to execute

The following two examples have the same meaning, although implementation differences may cause differences in performance.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}default").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}notepad", "ahk_exe notepad.exe").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}chrome", "ahk_exe chrome.exe").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { condition: false, action: "{ToolTip}default" }
                              , { condition: "ahk_exe notepad.exe", action: "{ToolTip}notepad" }
                              , { condition: "ahk_exe chrome.exe", action: "{ToolTip}chrome" } ]).on()

You can directly specify an array to be passed to items. In other words, the following two hotkeys have the same meaning.

items := [ { condition: "ahk_exe notepad.exe", action: "{ToolTip}notepad" } ]

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { items: items }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", items).on()

The following is an example of a web search for the selected text. In this example, the search site is changed according to the extension of the file being edited. This example is only valid for editors that display the path of the file being edited in the window title.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", [ { condition: false, action: "{Run|R}{{SelectedText}:P}" }
                              , { condition: { matchMode: "regex", active: { title: "\.(js|ts)" } }, action: "{Run|R}{{SelectedText}:P}" }
                              , { condition: { matchMode: "regex", active: { title: "\.(ahk|ahk2|ah2)" } }, action: "{Run|R}{{SelectedText}:P}" } ]).on()


This Combination Action similar to ConditionCombiAction that switches between two Actions when a Condition is matched or not matched.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The condition field is required.

  • condition : A Condition
  • action : An Action to be executed if condition returns true
  • altAction : An Action to be executed if condition returns false

The following is an example of sending the symbol for the assignment operator according on the file extension of the file being edited. This example is only valid for editors that display the path of the file being edited in the window title.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { condition: { matchMode: "regex", active: { title: "\.(ahk|ahk2|ah2)\b" } }
                              , action: "{Paste} := "
                              , altAction: "{Paste} = " }).on()


The condition under which a Action is executed is called to here as a Condition.

Using Condition, you can define a context-sensitive hotkey that is valid only under certain condition.

The following Conditions are defined by the data passed to the third argument of the CustomHotkey constructor.

This data is called here Condition Data.


This Condition enables/disables hotkeys depending on whether the target window is active or existent.

The matching process changes as follows depending on the Condition Data passed.

Matching by WinActive

If an object is specified with a string beginning with {Active} or the following fields, it will be matched using WinActive. active field is required.

  • active : A window information to match. The following data can be specified
    • number : A pure number to be treated as a window handle. This is the same as passing the first argument of WinActive with the prefix ahk_id
    • string : A string beginning with {Active}. The string is treated as the window title. This is the same as passing it as the first argument of WinActive. You can also specify the following options such as "{Active|Mregex D}". If no options are specified, {Active} can be omitted
      • I : Set the true to ignoreCase to be described below
      • M<string> : Set a string to matchMode to be described below
      • D<string> : Set the true or a string to detectHidden to be described below
    • An object with the following fields
      • title : A window title to match
      • id, hwnd : A window handle to match
      • class : A window class to match
      • pid : A process ID to match
      • exe : A process name/path to match
      • group : A window group to match
      • text : A window text to match. Passed to the second argument of WinActive
      • excludeTitle : A window title that should be excluded from the match. Passed to the third argument of WinActive
      • excludeText : A window text that should be excluded from the match. Passed to the fourth argument of WinActive
  • matchMode : The following number, string or object can be specified. If omitted, the same as A_TitleMatchMode
    • 1, "forward" : Change to match forward matching
    • 2, "partial" : Change to match partial matching
    • 3, "exact" : Change to match exact matching
    • 4, "backward" : Change to match backward matching
    • 5, "regex" : Change to match regex matching
    • An object with the following fields
      • title : A title match mode. Specify a number or string as described above
      • text : A method of detecting text and excludeText. Specify the following string
        • "fast" : Detect a text in the control in the normal way
        • "slow" : Detect more text in the control than "fast" at the cost of reduced speed

The following five examples all have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is active", { active: "ahk_exe notepad.exe" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is active", { active: { exe: "notepad.exe" } }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is active", "ahk_exe notepad.exe").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is active", "{Active}ahk_exe notepad.exe").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is active", [ "ahk_exe notepad.exe" ]).on()

If a pure number is specified, treated as a window handle. The following is an example of assigning a hotkey to Gui.

Gui, +LastFound
Gui Add, Edit, , Example
Gui Show
guiHwnd := (WinExist() + 0) ; Convert to pure number

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "a", guiHwnd).on()
; The following has the same meaning as above
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "a", "ahk_id " guiHwnd).on()

Matching by WinExist

If an object is specified with a string beginning with {Exist} or the following fields, it will be matched using WinExist. exist field is required.

  • exist : A window information to match. The following data can be specified
    • number : A pure number to be treated as a window handle. This is the same as passing the first argument of WinExist with the prefix ahk_id
    • string : A string beginning with {Exist}. The string is treated as the window title. This is the same as passing it as the first argument of WinExist. You can also specify the following options such as "{Exist|Mregex D}"
      • I : Set the true to ignoreCase to be described below
      • M<string> : Set a string to matchMode to be described below
      • D<string> : Set the true or a string to detectHidden to be described below
    • An object with the following fields
      • title : A window title to match
      • id, hwnd : A window handle to match
      • class : A window class to match
      • pid : A process ID to match
      • exe : A process name/path to match
      • group : A window group to match
      • text : A window text to match. Passed to the second argument of WinExist
      • excludeTitle : A window title that should be excluded from the match. Passed to the third argument of WinExist
      • excludeText : A window text that should be excluded from the match. Passed to the fourth argument of WinExist
  • matchMode : The following number, string or object can be specified. If omitted, the same as A_TitleMatchMode
    • 1, "forward" : Change to match forward matching
    • 2, "partial" : Change to match partial matching
    • 3, "exact" : Change to match exact matching
    • 4, "backward" : Change to match backward matching
    • 5, "regex" : Change to match regex matching
    • An object with the following fields
      • title : A title match mode. Specify a number or string as described above
      • text : A method of detecting text and excludeText. Specify the following string
        • "fast" : Detect a text in the control in the normal way
        • "slow" : Detect more text in the control than "fast" at the cost of reduced speed

The following four examples have the same meaning.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", { exist: "ahk_exe notepad.exe" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", { exist: [ "ahk_exe notepad.exe" ] }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", { exist: { exe: "notepad.exe" } }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", "{Exist}ahk_exe notepad.exe").on()

If a pure number is specified, it is treated as a window handle. The following is an example of assigning a hotkey to Gui.

Gui, +LastFound
Gui Add, Edit, , Example
Gui Show
guiHwnd := (WinExist() + 0) ; Convert to pure number

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "a", { exist: guiHwnd }).on()
; The following has the same meaning as above
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "a", { exist: "ahk_id " guiHwnd }).on()


This Condition enables/disables hotkeys depending on the IME status. Note, that this has not been tested with anything other than the Japanese Microsoft IME, so it may not work correctly in other environments.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The ime field is required.

  • ime : If true, enables hotkeys when IME is on, if false, enables hotkeys when IME is off
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "a", { ime: true }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "b", { ime: false }).on()


This Condition enables the hotkey when the specified image is found.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. Many are common to ImageClickAction. The image field is required.

  • image : A path and flag of the image to click. In case of relative path, based on A_WorkingDir. The specification method is the same as ImageFile argument in ImageSearch. Alternatively, you can specify an object with the following fields
    • path : A path of the image. In case of relative path, based on A_WorkingDir
    • pathType : Change the treatment of path. Specify the following string. It is case-insensitive. If omitted, treated as a file path
    • imageNumber : A image number, if the file specified by path (e.g. dll) contains multiple images
    • variation : A number from 0-255 representing the amount of tolerance when comparing colors; if 0 is specified, only exact matches will be matched. Conversely, a value of 255 will match all colors. This is used to match a degraded image
    • trans, transparent : A color to be transparent
    • resize : A boolean representing whether to resize or not, or an object with the following fields. Default is true
      • width : Width of the image to be loaded. If -0 is specified, the image is not resized. If -1 is specified, the image will be resized keeping the ratio
      • heigth : Height of the image when loading. If -0 is specified, the image is not resized. If -1 is specified, the image is resized keeping the ratio
  • targetRect : A rectangle to use as the search range. Default is "window"

The following is an example of switching between Actions when an image is found and when not found.

; To execute the following example, specify the image path in the `image` field
condition := { image: "path/to/image.png", targetRect: "window" }
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Image found", condition).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Image not found").on()


This Condition enables hotkey when the mouse is in the specified position when a Trigger is pressed. It is generally used to implement hot-edge and hot-corner that are executed when a edge/corner of the monitor is clicked.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. mousepos field is required.

  • mousepos : A rectangle or a string containing a combination of the following prefix and suffix, such as "window-top-left-corner"
    1. Specify the following prefix. If omitted, it is the same as specifying "monitor"
      • "monitor", "screen" : Target the active monitor. You can additionally specify the following strings to change the target monitor
        • -<number> : Target the monitor with the specified number. e.g. "screen-1"
        • -primary : Target the primary monitor. e.g. "screen-primary"
      • "monitors", "screens" : Target the virtual monitor. It treats all connected monitors as one.
      • "window" : Target the active window
    2. Specify the following suffix
      • "-top-left-corner", "-top-left" : The rectangle representing the top left corner of the target is set
      • "-top-right-corner", "-top-right" : The rectangle representing the top right corner of the target is set
      • "-bottom-left-corner", "-bottom-left" : The rectangle representing the bottom left corner of the target is set
      • "-bottom-right-corner", "-bottom-right" : The rectangle representing the bottom right corner of the target is set
      • "-top-edge", "-top" : The rectangle representing the top edge of the target is set
      • "-bottom-edge", "-bottom" : The rectangle representing the bottom edge of the target is set
      • "-left-edge", "-left" : The rectangle representing the left edge of the target is set
      • "-right-edge", "-right" : The rectangle representing the right edge of the target is set

The following illustration is a rectangle that sets when a string is specified in mousepos. If you want to change the size of the rectangle representing a edge/corner, specify a number (in pixels) to CustomHotkey.MousePositionCondition.edgeSize. The default value is 5.

        `top-left`         `top`         `top-right`
     `top-left-corner`   `top-edge`   `top-right-corner`
            │ │                               │ │
   `left`   │ │            `screen`           │ │   `right`
`left-edge` → │            `monitor`          │ ← `right-edge`
            │ │            `window`           │ │
            │ │                               │ │
       `bottom-left`       `bottom`      `bottom-right`
   `bottom-left-corner` `bottom-edge` `bottom-right-corner`

monitors (alias screens) treat all connected monitors as a virtual one monitor. The following is an example of three monitors placed in a non-rectangular form.

        `top-left`         `top`         `top-right`
     `top-left-corner`   `top-edge`   `top-right-corner`
            │ │               |               │ │
            │ │      [1]      |      [3]      │ │
   `left`   │ │               |               │ │   `right`
`left-edge` → ├───────────────┼───────────────┤ ← `right-edge`
            │ │               |               . .
            │ │      [2]      |               . .
            │ │               |               . .
            ├─┼───────────────┴ - - - - - - - . .
            └↑┴───────────────↑ - - - - - - - -↑-
       `bottom-left`       `bottom`      `bottom-right`
   `bottom-left-corner` `bottom-edge` `bottom-right-corner`

The following example opens the start menu by clicking in the right corner of the primary monitor.

new CustomHotkey("LButton", "{LWin}", { mousepos: "screen-primary-right-edge" }).on()


This Condition enables a hotkey only within a specified time after mouse operation.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. mouseTimeIdle field is required.

  • mouseTimeIdle : A time to enable the hotkey after mouse operation

The following is an example of executing the Windows default shortcut key without pressing Ctrl for one second after mouse operation.

new CustomHotkey("c", "^{c}", { mouseTimeIdle: "1s" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("v", "^{v}", { mouseTimeIdle: "1s" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("a", "^{a}", { mouseTimeIdle: "1s" }).on()


This User-Defined Condition in function style. If you want to define it in class style, please see here.

It can be defined by specifying a callable object (function, method, BoundFunc, etc.).

The following is an example of switching Actions depending on whether the mouse cursor is positioned on the left or right half of the screen.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip|T3s}The mouse cursor is on the right side of the screen").on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip|T3s}The mouse cursor is on the left side of the screen", Func("CustomCondition")).on()
CustomCondition() {
  MouseGetPos, x
  return x < (A_ScreenWidth / 2)

The first argument of the specified callable object is passed an object with the following dynamic properties.

  • title : Get a window title
  • class : Get a window class
  • ahk_class : Same as above, but prefixed with "ahk_class"
  • id : Get a window handle
  • ahk_id : Same as above, but prefixed with "ahk_id"
  • pid : Get a process ID
  • ahk_pid : Same as above, but prefixed with "ahk_pid"
  • exe : Get a process name
  • ahk_exe : Same as above, but prefixed with "ahk_exe"
  • path : Get a full path of the process
  • text : Get a text in the window
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", Func("CustomCondition")).on()
CustomCondition(info) {
  return info.exe == "notepad.exe"

Since all Conditions are callable objects, they can be specified directly as follows.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated", new CustomHotkey.WindowCondition("ahk_exe notepad.exe")).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}VSCode is activated", new CustomHotkey.WindowCondition("ahk_exe Code.exe")).on()


This Condition enables the hotkey when Conditions all match.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The and field is required.

  • and : An array of Conditions to match

The following example enables the hotkey only when YouTube is open in Google Chrome.

conditions := [ "ahk_exe chrome.exe"
              , "{Active|Mbackward}YouTube - Google Chrome" ]
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}YouTube", { and: conditions }).on()


This Condition enables a hotkey when one of Conditions is matched.

It can be defined by specifying an object with the following fields. The or field is required.

  • or : An array of Conditions to match

The following example enables the hotkey in some browsers.

conditions := [ "ahk_exe chrome.exe"
              , "ahk_exe msedge.exe"
              , "ahk_exe firefox.exe" ]
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Browser", { or: conditions }).on()


The CustomHotkey.Group class is a class for managing hotkeys. It can group hotkeys and change their state at once.

It has a CustomHotkey interface plus an add method for adding hotkeys to a group.

The add method has the following signature.

  • add(hotkey: CustomHotkey) => this : Add a CustomHotkey instance to the group
  • add(trigger: string | string[], action: CustomHotkey.ActionBase, condition?: CustomHotkey.ConditionBase) => this : Create a CustomHotkey instance then add it to the group
  • add({ [key: string | string[]]: CustomHotkey.ActionBase }, condition?: CustomHotkey.ConditionBase) => this : Add hotkeys at once. The first argument specifies an object with the Trigger as the key and the Action as the value. The second argument can optionally be a Condition
  • add(group: CustomHotkey.Group) => this : Add an instance of the CustomHotkey.Group class or a class that extends that class to the group

The following example adds a hotkey to the group and enables it.

defaultHotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
defaultHotkeys.add(new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "a"))
defaultHotkeys.add("RCtrl & 2", "c")

notepadHotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
notepadHotkeys.add(new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "b", "ahk_exe notepad.exe"))
notepadHotkeys.add("RCtrl & 2", "d", "ahk_exe notepad.exe")

hotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()

You can assign the same Action to them by passing an array of Triggers as the first argument of the add method.

The following two examples mean the same thing.

hotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
hotkeys.add([ "RCtrl & 1", "RCtrl & 2" ], "^{v}")
hotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
hotkeys.add("RCtrl & 1", "^{v}")
hotkeys.add("RCtrl & 2", "^{v}")

You can also define hotkeys at once by passing objects.

hotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
hotkeys.add({ "RCtrl & 1": "a"
            , [ "RCtrl & 2", "RCtrl & 3" ]: "b" })

; The second argument can be a condition
notepadHotkeys := new CustomHotkey.Group()
notepadHotkeys.add({ "RCtrl & 1": "c"
                   , [ "RCtrl & 2", "RCtrl & 3" ]: "d" }, "ahk_exe notepad.exe")


CustomHotkey.Template is a class to assist in defining hotkeys in a class style.

This class inherits from CustomHotkey.Group class and has the same interface. However, the add method cannot specify a Condition.

To specify a Condition, define a condition instance field or method.

new DefaultHotkeys().on()
class DefaultHotkeys extends CustomHotkey.Template {
  __NEW() {
    this.add("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}1")
    this.add({ "RCtrl & 2": "{ToolTip}2", "RCtrl & 3": "{ToolTip}3" })
    this.add([ "RCtrl & 4", "RCtrl & 5" ], this.fullscreen)
  fullscreen() {
    WinMove, A, , 0, 0, %A_ScreenWidth%, %A_ScreenHeight%

new NotepadHotkeys().on()
class NotepadHotkeys extends CustomHotkey.Template {
  static condition := "ahk_exe notepad.exe"
  __NEW() {
    this.add("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated")

If condition is defined as a method, treated as a CustomCondition.

new NotepadHotkeys().on()
class NotepadHotkeys extends CustomHotkey.Template {
  condition(winInfo) {
    return winInfo.exe == "notepad.exe"
  __NEW() {
    this.add("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Notepad is activated")

In addition, the following events are provided, each of which can be used by defining a method.

  • onExecuting() => any : Call before the Action starts. The return value is passed as the first argument of the onExecuted event
  • onExecuted(dataFromExecuting) : Call after the Action is done. The first argument is passed the return value of the onExecuting event
  • onWindowActivate(winInfo) => any : Call if the Condition matches when the window changes. This arguments passed are the same as for CustomCondition. The return value is passed as the second argument of the onWindowInactivate event
  • onWindowInactivate(winInfo, dataFromActivate) : Call if the Condition not matches when the window changes. The first argument is the same as onWindowActivate. The second argument is passed the return value of the onWindowActivate event
new NotepadHotkeys().on()
class NotepadHotkeys extends CustomHotkey.Template {
  condition := "ahk_exe notepad.exe"
  __NEW() {
    this.add("RCtrl & 1", [ 150, "{ToolTip}1" ])
  onExecuting() {
    OutputDebug Execute Action`n
    return A_TickCount
  onExecuted(startTime_ms) {
    elapsedTime_ms := A_TickCount - startTime_ms
    OutputDebug Action took %elapsedTime_ms% ms to execute`n
  onWindowActivate() {
    ToolTip Notepad is activated
    return A_TickCount
  onWindowInactivate(activeWindowInfo, startTime_ms) {
    elapsedTime_ms := A_TickCount - startTime_ms
    OutputDebug, Window was active for %elapsedTime_ms% ms`n

This class is also available on an instance basis. The first argument of the constructor can optionally be a Condition. The following has the same meaning as in the example above.

notepad := new CustomHotkey.Template("ahk_exe notepad.exe")
notepad.add("RCtrl & 1", [ 150, "{ToolTip}1" ])
notepad.onExecuting := Func("onExecuting")
notepad.onExecuted := Func("onExecuted")
notepad.onWindowActivate := Func("OnWindowActivate")
notepad.onWindowInactivate := Func("OnWindowInactivate")

OnExecuting() {
  OutputDebug Execute Action`n
  return A_TickCount
OnExecuted(startTime_ms) {
  elapsedTime_ms := A_TickCount - startTime_ms
  OutputDebug, Action took %elapsedTime_ms% milliseconds to execute`n
OnWindowActivate() {
  ToolTip Notepad is activated
  return A_TickCount
OnWindowInactivate(activeWindowInfo, startTime_ms) {
  elapsedTime_ms := A_TickCount - startTime_ms
  OutputDebug, Window was active for %elapsedTime_ms% ms`n

When defining an application with common features, such as a text editor, you may want to make the Trigger common and change only the Action. In that case, use constructor arguments as follows.

; Class-based Actions definition
class NotepadActions {
  static condition := "ahk_exe notepad.exe"
  static clearLine := "{End}+{Home}{Delete}"
  onWindowActivate() {
    ToolTip Notepad is activated
  onWindowInactivate() {
; Object-based Actions definition
VsCodeActions := { condition: "ahk_exe Code.exe"
                 , clearLine: "^+k"
                 , onWindowActivate: Func("OnWindowActivate")
                 , onWindowInactivate: Func("OnWindowInactivate") }
OnWindowActivate() {
  ToolTip VSCode is activated
OnWindowInactivate() {

; Register hotkeys
new EditorHotkeys(NotepadActions).on()
new EditorHotkeys(VsCodeActions).on()
class EditorHotkeys extends CustomHotkey.Template {
  __NEW(actions) {
    this.condition := actions.condition

    this.add("RCtrl & 1", actions.clearLine)

    this.onWindowActivate := actions.onWindowActivate
    this.onWindowInactivate := actions.onWindowInactivate

Common settings

Default option value

Each Action class has a static field named defaultOptions that contains default values for Action Data. By changing the value of this field, you can change the default value of each data.

The following is an example of changing the default value of SendAction.

CustomHotkey.SendAction.defaultOptions.mode := "Input"
CustomHotkey.SendAction.defaultOptions.limitLength := 1

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{a}{b}{c}").on()

Origin of coordinates

Set the following string to set the specified point as the origin of coordinates.

  • "monitor", "screen" : Set the origin to the top left corner of the active monitor. You can change the target monitor by specifying the following suffix such as "monitor-primary"
    • -<number> : Set the origin to the upper left corner of the monitor of the specified number. e.g. "monitor-1"
    • -primary : Set the origin at the upper left corner of the primary monitor. e.g. "monitor-primary"
  • "monitors", "screens" : Set the origin to the upper left corner of the virtual monitor, which treats all connected monitors as one. If you want to specify absolute coordinates, it is recommended to specify this instead of "monitor"
  • "window" : Set the origin to the top left corner of the active window
  • "mouse" : Set the origin to the top left of the mouse cursor
  • "caret" : Set the origin to the top left of the caret (input position)

The position of the origin can be adjusted by adding the following suffix such as "window-top-center". If omitted, the same as when -top-left is specified.

  • -top-left
  • -top-center, -top
  • -top-right
  • -middle-left, -left
  • -middle-center, -center
  • -middle-right, -right
  • -bottom-left
  • -bottom-center, -bottom
  • -bottom-right

The adjustment position of the origin is as follows respectively.

            `top-left`     `top-center`     `top-right`
                ↓               ↓               ↓
                |            `center`           |
                |        `middle-center`        |
    `left`      │               ↓               │      `right`
`middle-left` → □               □               □ ← `middle-right`
                │                               │
                │                               │
                │                               │
                ↑               ↑               ↑
           `bottom-left`  `bottom-center`  `bottom-right`

The "monitors" (alias "screens") treats all connected monitors as a virtual one monitor. The following illustration is an example of the suffix adjustment when three monitors are placed in a non-rectangular configuration.

            `top-left`     `top-center`     `top-right`
                ↓               ↓               ↓
                |               |               │
                |      [1]      |      [3]      │
    `left`      │               |               │      `right`
`middle-left` → □───────────────□───────────────□ ← `middle-right`
                │               │ ↖             .
                │      [2]      │  `center`     .
                │               │`middle-center`.
                □───────────────□ - - - - - - - □
                ↑               ↑               ↑
           `bottom-left`  `bottom-center`  `bottom-right`


Some Actions can specify the following data representing a rectangle

  • the following string
    • "screen", "monitor" : It is converted to the rectangle data of the active monitor. The target monitor can be changed by specifying the following suffix
      • -<number> : Target the monitor with the specified number. e.g. "monitor-1"
      • -primary : Target the primary monitor. e.g. "monitor-primary"
  • An object with the following fields. e.g. { x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 30 }
    • x : A x-coordinate of the rectangle
    • y : A y-coordinate of the rectangle
    • width : A width of the rectangle
    • height : A height of the rectangle
    • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates. Default is "monitors"
  • An array consisting of objects with the following fields. e.g. [ { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 30, y: 30 } ]
    • x : A number representing the x-coordinate of the start or end point
    • y : A number representing the y-coordinate of the start or end point
    • origin : An origin of the x and y coordinates. Default is "monitors"
  • An array of arrays with the following two or three elements. e.g. [ [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 30, 30 ]
    1. A number representing the x-coordinate of the start or end point
    2. A number representing the y-coordinate of the start or end point
    3. An origin of the coordinates. If omitted, "monitors" is used


In some Actions there is an opportunity to specify a time.

In addition to specifying the time as a number, the unit of time can be changed by adding the following suffix. If no suffix is added, the unit is milliseconds.

  • ms : Change the unit to milliseconds. Can be omitted, but used if you want to make the units clear
  • s : Change the unit to seconds
  • m : Change the unit to minutes
  • h : Change the unit to hours


This library supports data representing the following RGB.

  • CSS color keywords from Lv1 to Lv4 such as "red"
  • Hexadecimal color codes such as 0xFF0000
  • HTML format color codes such as #FF0000

Template string

Some Actions use a template string to embed the value of a variable in a string.

The format extends that of the Format function, with the following additional formats available.

  • Embed the value of a variable by specifying its name, such as "{variable}". But some variables, such as A_ThisFunc, do not work correctly. It also has the following features
    • If the variable is an object, you can also specify the field as "{variable.field}"
    • If the value of the variable is a callable object such as a function, its return value is embedded
  • The following dedicated variables are available
    • {SelectedText} : Embed the currently selected text
    • {Monitor} : Embed the primary monitor's bounding coordinates in the form "top,left,right,bottom". It has the following features
      • Specifying MonitorWorkArea instead of Monitor will get the bounding coordinates of the work area excluding the taskbar, etc.
      • Specifying the following string after Monitor or MonitorWorkArea, such as MonitorTop, will embed only a part of the bounding coordinates. It is case-insensitive
        • Top : Embed the upper bounding coordinates
        • Left : Embed the left bounding coordinate
        • Right : Embed right bounding coordinates
        • Bottom: Embed the bottom bounding coordinates
      • You can target a specific monitor by specifying a numeric value representing the monitor number at the end. If omitted, the primary monitor is targeted
    • If you specify a number such as {80}, the information is retrieved using SysGet and embedded in the template
  • If you want to convert a part of a string without using variables, enclose the string in single quotation marks, such as "A{'B':L}C". In this example, "AbC" is output
  • In addition to the format specifier of the Format function, the following additional specifiers are case-sensitive
    • W : Convert the value to a whitespace delimiter, such as "abc abc". Combined with the U or T specifier, it can be converted to word capitalization ("Abc Abc") or a sentence case ("Abc abc"), respectively
    • S : Convert the value to a snake case, such as "abc_abc"
    • K : Convert the value to a kebab case, such as "abc-abc"
    • C : Convert the value to a camel case, such as "AbcAbc". Combined with the U or L specifier, it can be converted to upper camel case ("AbcAbc") or lower camel case ("abcAbc"), respectively
    • P : Convert by percent encoding
    • B : Escape some characters with backslash using percent encoding. Valid only if the P option is specified
    • Q : Enclose the value in double quotes
    • q : Enclose the value in single quotes

The following is an example of using PasteAction to replace a selection string with an upper snake case.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{Paste|R}{{SelectedText}:US}").on()

Advanced Docs

User-Defined Action

Although this library provides many Actions, it will not satisfy all users requirements.

In that case, you can define your own Actions and register them with CustomHotkey. Registered Actions can be handled in the same way as existing Actions.

If you want to define an Action in function style, see CustomAction.

How to define a Combination Action is the same. In this library, an Action that switches between two or more Actions is called a Combination Action.

You are free to name your Action, however, recommend that classes treated as Action end with Action and classes treated as Combination Action with CombiAction.

Action Definition

To define an Action, you need to extend CustomHotkey.ActionBase and define the following methods.

  • isActionData(data: any) => boolean : Determine if the passed data is used by this Action. CustomHotkey uses this method to automatically select an Action
  • call(params*: any[]) => any : Define an Action to be executed. Arguments and return value are optional

If you want to normalize a data, define the following additional method.

  • normalizeActionData(data: any) => any : Normalize the data passed as the first argument and must be returns the normalized data. If omitted, the setDefaultOptions method described below will set default values for the data

Utility methods are also provided for data normalization.

  • setDefaultOptions(data: object, defaultOptions := "defaultOptions") => any : Set default values for the given data. Normally not required, defaultOptions argument is the name of an object with default values for the data or a static field containing those values

If you want to execute another Action from within an Action, use the executeAction method. This method will execute the corresponding Action by passing the Action Data as its first argument.

The following is an example of executing the specified string at the command prompt. The CustomHotkey.Action.add is described in the following section.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", { command: "echo example", wait: false, pause: true }).on()

class CommandPromptAction extends CustomHotkey.ActionBase {
  static defaultOptions := { command: "", wait: true, pause: false }
  isActionData(data) {
    return IsObject(data) && ObjHasKey(data, "command")
  call() {
    data :=

    command := data.command
    if (data.pause) {
      command .= " & pause"
    this.executeAction({ run: A_ComSpec
                       , args: [ "/c", command ]
                       , wait: data.wait })

Register Action

The defined Action can be registers by passing it as the first argument of the CustomHotkey.Action.add method.


User-Defined Condition

Like Action, Condition can also be defined freely by the user.

If you define a Condition in function style, see CustomCondition.

Recommended that class names treated as Condition be suffixed with Condition.

Condition Definition.

To define an Condition, you need to extend CustomHotkey.ConditionBase and define the following methods.

  • isConditionData(data: any) => boolean : Determine if the passed data is used by this Condition. CustomHotkey uses this method to automatically select a Condition
  • call(params*: any[]) => boolean : Defines a Condition matching process. Arguments is optional. It should return true if the condition is matched and false otherwise

If you want to normalize the data, define the following additional methods. These methods are common to User-Defined Action.

  • normalizeActionData(data: any) => any : Normalize the data passed as the first argument and must be returns the normalized data. If omitted, the setDefaultOptions method described below will set default values for the data

Utility methods are also provided for data normalization.

  • setDefaultOptions(data: any, defaultOptions := "defaultOptions") => any : Set default values for the given data. Normally not required, defaultOptions is the name of an object with default values for the data or a static field containing those values

The following is an example of a user-defined condition that assigns a different action to each user. The CustomHotkey.Condition.add is described in the next section.

new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", "{ToolTip}Logon " . A_UserName, { user: A_UserName }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{ToolTip}Logon user_b", { user: "user_b" }).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", "{ToolTip}user_b is not login").on()

class UserCondition extends CustomHotkey.ConditionBase {
  isConditionData(data) {
    return IsObject(data) && ObjHasKey(data, "user")
  call() {
    return == A_UserName

Register Condition

The defined Condition can be registers by passing it as the first argument of the CustomHotkey.Condition.add method.


Parsing Trigger

If you want to change the Action, Condition or etc. processing depending on the Trigger status, CustomHotkey.Trigger class is useful.

This constructor's first argument is a Trigger string. Normally, specify A_ThisHotkey.

This instances have the following members.

  • raw: string : Return the string passed to the constructor
  • isCombination: boolean : Get a boolean value representing whether the Trigger is a combination key such as a & b. Returns false if +^!b
  • isReleaseMode: boolean : Get a boolean value representing whether the Action is executed on release, such as a up
  • modifiers: string[] : Get an array of modifier keys for the Trigger. If +^!a you get [ "Shift", "Ctrl", "Alt"], if a & b you get [ "a" ].
  • key: string, suffixKey : Get a non-modifier key of the Trigger. For +^!a you get a, for a & b you get b
  • pressing: boolean : Get a boolean value representing whether the key retrieved by key is being pressed or not
  • pressingModifiers: boolean : Get a boolean value representing whether all keys retrieved by modifiers are being pressed
  • pressingAll: boolean : Get a boolean value representing whether all keys of the Trigger are being pressed
  • equals(trigger: string | CustomHotkey.Trigger) => boolean : Determines if the same as the specified Trigger
  • includes(key: string) => boolean : Determines if the specified key is included in the Trigger
  • release() => this : Virtually release of the key retrieved with key
  • releaseModifiers() => this : Virtually release all keys retrieved with modifiers.
  • releaseAll() => this : Virtually release all keys of the Trigger
  • waitRelease() => void : Wait until the key retrieved with key is released
  • waitReleaseModifiers() => void : Wait until all keys retrieved with modifiers is released
  • waitReleaseAll() => void : Wait until all keys of the Trigger is released

The following are aliases for handling combination key such as a & b.

  • prefixKey: string : Same as modifiers[1], but returns an empty string if not a combination key, such as +^!b
  • secodnKey: string, suffixKey: string : Same as key
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 1", Func("SendKeyWithShift")).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 2", Func("SendKeyWithShift")).on()
new CustomHotkey("RCtrl & 3", Func("DisplayTooltipWhilePressedTrigger")).on()
SendKeyWithShift() {
  trigger := new CustomHotkey.Trigger(A_ThisHotkey)

  key := trigger.key
  SendInput, +{%key%}
DisplayTooltipWhilePressedTrigger() {
  trigger := new CustomHotkey.Trigger(A_ThisHotkey)
  ToolTip, Pressing trigger
  while (trigger.pressingAll) {
    Sleep, 50


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