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Release 3.1.0 Linux, Windows & Mac - Pegasus 3.1.0

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@CryptoForge CryptoForge released this 12 Mar 03:11
· 61 commits to master since this release

Target deprecation 886115 on about 6/27/2020

This release introduces new wallet options for more efficient transaction handling internally. Any options should be added to zero.conf

Creates a new method to compact the file when data is removed

Delete old transactions
a. Spent Note, Spent TXO's
b. Outgoing transactions after inputs no longer exist
c. sets minimum number of block to retain
d. sets the last N transactions to retain

Sapling Note witness rework.
a. Witnesses are not created until the blockchain has finished it;s initial sync
b. Initial Witnesses are created during the Delete Tx processes during initial sync or at the time of block processing after initial sync.
c. Witnesses are validated against the sapling root of the block corresponding to the witness height, witnesses are recalculated if the validation fails.

Automatic Note consolidation.
a. When enabled the note will automatically create consolidation transactions at between a random 5 - 10 block intervals with between a random minimum of 2 - 12 inputs and a random maximum 10 - 45 inputs.
b. Consolidation Tx fee can be set in the .conf file with a zatoshi value, default 0.

new options:

consolidation - Enable auto Sapling note consolidation (set to 1 to enable)
consolidationtxfee - Fee amount in Zatoshis used when sending consolidation transactions. (default 0)
consolidatesaplingaddress - when set with a sapling address, the node will only consolidate that specific address or addresses
deletetx - Enable Old Transaction Deletion (set to 1 to enable)
deleteinterval - Delete transaction every blocks during inital block download (default: 1000)
keeptxnum - Keep the last transactions (default: 200)
keeptxfornblocks - Keep transactions for at least blocks (default: 10000)