SSL disabled
Origintrail V6 Beta 1 node installed
sudo git clone && cd odn-publisher && sudo npm i
Next, API keys are required and they need to be put in the .env file
cp .env-example .env
nano .env
Google API Key
- Log in to your Google account
- Click on + Create Credentials and select API Key
- Copy the API KEY to the .env file
- If Google KG search requests fails with 403 even after API key is created and specified, then it's possible Google KG search is disabled. If this is the case, enable Google KG API search here -
Europeana API Key
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
Replace <put_your_email_here> by your email address
curl -v -XPOST<put_your_email_here>
You can run the following command to start publishing datasets right away, but if you want to run it as a background process, skip the following command
npm start
To run the odn-publisher as a background service,
cp odnpublisher.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start odnpublisher
To view the status of the service,
systemctl status odnpublisher
To enable the service at reboot,
systemctl enable odnpublisher
To view the logs of the publisher,
journalctl -f -u odnpublisher
You can enable searching of the the dataset after publishing in .env