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昆仑数据库0.8.3发布了! kunlun database 0.8.3 is released!

kunlundb edited this page Oct 12, 2021 · 1 revision

2021年7月28日,昆仑数据库0.8.3 发布了.

这是一个非常重要的大版本更新,包含了0.8 版本中的一多半工作量。

该版本完成了对高级分布式查询处理功能的全部实现,包括聚集查询,多表连接,子查询,CTE,window function,存储过程等,并且修复了50多个bug,涉及分布式查询处理,sequence,以及分布式DDL 语句处理及其replication等功能。

昆仑数据库0.8.3因此具备了十分稳定可靠的分布式查询处理能力,可以处理多表连接,子查询,存储过程,window function,聚集查询等高级SQL查询。





昆仑数据库测试集(kunlun test suite, KTS)

所有发现和修复的bug由 昆仑数据库测试集(KTS)的测例捕获 ---- 我们利用PostgreSQL自带的强大而完备的测试集,从中去除昆仑数据库不支持的功能对应的测例,包括表继承和基于类型建表,触发器,外键,check constraint等,然后加上我们的测试团队新增的测试集,形成了昆仑数据库的测试集(kunlun test suite, KTS)。

昆仑数据库0.8.3 通过了所有KTS测试集中的绝大部分测试。剩余还未修复的bug共50多个,详见以下列表。这些未修复的bug 或者其优先级较低,或者属于未来要开发的功能大类,或者属于边缘功能或者危害性很小。



昆仑数据库0.8.3 的二进制程序和docker镜像可以在 downloads.zettadb.com下载,代码开源在和



docker pull

docker pull

docker pull

docker pull




cluster 工具包可以用昆仑二进制程序安装昆仑数据库集群,用户就不再需要直接使用,, add_comp_nodes.py等脚本在每个服务器上面依次安装集群节点,而是只要在配置文件中统一填写好每个计算节点和存储节点的安装位置和参数,然后用 cluster 工具包就可以自动完成集群所有节点在对应目标及其上的安装。

请参考 了解使用方法。



请参考 了解使用方法。


10    pg_dump: 0 is outside the valid range for parameter
13    drop schema cascade fails when the schema has tables
14    Alter a cloumn type fails when the column has an index on it
16    Can not create index on text column
17    The command does not return the number of affected records in psql
21    Crashcase: select attrelid::regclass, attname, attnum from pg_attribute where attname = 'a' and (attrelid = 'mlparted'::regclass or attrelid =     'mlparted1'::regclass);
25    Create table with 'CONCURRENTLY' fails
28    Explain update on view fails
29    No target columns found in update statement UPDATE
30    Parser Bug: syntax error in select from view
31    ERROR: attribute number 2 exceeds number of columns 1
32    Bad output for table join results
33    Crash when releasing a savepoint
34    Primary index for partitioned table is not found
36    Warnings for relcache reference leak
39    Problem in alloc set ExecutorState: detected write past chunk end
41    Bad results for aggregates with subquery
42    rollback a readonly transaction make the progress crash
43    Lateral expression crash in table join queries
48    Bugs for processing the query using current_user
51    Errors for insert into select from
53    Unable to serialize where clause expression in statement UPDATE
54    The features should not be supported, but there is no error when creating/using it.
55    Misleading info when select postgres system column from a table
56    Record is not forbidden to insert into the wrong partitioned subtable
57    Fail to create temp table inside an explicit transaction
60    errors when explain select from a view
61    alter table change schema errors when it is current schema
64    Crash when alter table with 'SET GENERATED BY DEFAULT'
65    Bad results for column with 'GENERATED'
66    error in partition join query
67    Crash in partition join when SET enable_partitionwise_join to true
71    Add timestamp column fails when using now() as the default value
72    ERROR: can't specify non default null ordering for a column of a remote relation's index
74    Copy command is not supported yet
78    Better message when the type is not supported
81    Bad processing for join query
83    Crash when insert into using values of a function call
84    INTERSECT query result error
85    cluster_mgr mysql header dependence
90    Unexpected statements exist in ddl log
92    An implicit sequence may not be stored where its owner table is stored
110    Select from a complex view fails
111    Misleading info when executing 'create table of type'
112    create view with local check option does not produce error/warning output, but it does not really work
114    Update crash when involving CURRENT_USER and SESSION_USER
116    Using numeric without precision/scale will drop the digits after point
121    A constraint can not be added again after it is deleted
126    Update/delete statements sent to storage node is not correct when using returning clause
127    Some DDL statements are not logged into ddl_ops_log_clust1
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