IMC'23 Artifacts
This repo contains the setup details, source code for starting different pluggable transports (PTs), measurement scripts, and statistical analysis scripts. For more details, please refer to our IMC 23 paper "PTPerf: On the performance evaluation of Tor Pluggable Transports."
There are three major directories
As the name suggests, it contains individual folders containing deployment details for a PT client and server.
It contains all the scripts to start a measurement campaign once you have deployed your PT clients and servers. These measurements include website access using curl utility, selenium-based browser automation, and fixing the complete Tor circuits (for nuanced analysis). Overall, each measurement directory contains two sub-directories as follows -
First, Raw_Data_Collection contains automation scripts to start the measurement and storing of the data.
Second, Raw_Data_Processing contains analysis scripts over the raw data.
We applied a paired t-test to the measurement results, e.g., the download times of a pair of PTs. This repository contains scripts first to arrange the raw data such that a t-test can be applied. Next, there are scripts to apply the t-test and store results.