Simple Docker deployment tool
Exoframe is a self-hosted tool that allows simple one-command deployments using Docker.
- One-command project deployment
- SSH key based auth
- Rolling updates
- Deploy tokens (e.g. to deploy from CI)
- Deploy secrets (e.g. to hide sensitive env vars)
- Automated HTTPS setup via letsencrypt *
- Automated gzip compression *
- Rate-limit support *
- Basic HTTP Auth support *
- Simple access to the logs of deployments
- Docker-compose support
- Simple function deployments
- Multiple deployment endpoints and multi-user support
- Simple update procedure for client, server and Traefik
- Optional automatic subdomain assignment (i.e. every deployment gets its own subdomain)
- Swarm mode deployments
- Complex recipes support (i.e. deploy complex systems in one command)
* Feature provided by Traefik
To run Exoframe you will need two parts - Exoframe CLI and Exoframe server.
For server install instructions see server installation docs section.
To install Exoframe CLI you can either download one of the pre-packaged binaries from releases page or install it using npm (needs at least Node 8.x):
npm install exoframe -g
Make sure you have Exoframe server deployed, set it as your endpoint using:
exoframe endpoint http://you.server.url
Then login using:
exoframe login
Then you will be able to deploy your projects by simply running:
You can find a list of all commands and options in the docs.
- Basics
- Server Installation
- Server Configuration
- Advanced topics
- Function deployments
- Contribution Guidelines
- Templates guide
- Recipes guide
- Using nightly versions
- Using development and debug versions
- Tutorials, articles, video and related links
- Change Log
Thanks to:
- Ivan Semenov for making an awesome logo
Licensed under MIT.