BananoNault ( working title ) is a community driven fork of BitDesert/Nault 💙
It's a fully client-side signing wallet for sending and receiving Banano either directly in your browser at or with the desktop app.
The main difference compared to the original NanoVault is the "server-less" hosting via vercel, seamless integration with any Nano compatible RPC backend/websocket and the aim to be more frequently maintained. Those features together will greatly increase the stability, performance and uptime.
- Install
- Bugs/Feedback
- Application Structure
- Development Prerequisites
- Development Guide
- Acknowledgements
BananoNault is available on your desktop (Windows/Mac/Linux) - just head over to the latest release and download the version for your OS.
You can also use BananoNault from any device on the web at
If you run into any issues, please use the GitHub Issue Tracker or head over to the Banano Discord Server!
We are continually improving and adding new features based on the feedback you provide, so please let your opinions be known!
~~#### To download BananoNault as a desktop app go to the releases section, or ~~use the web wallet at (Planned)
- BananoNault - The main wallet application (UI + Seed Generation/Block Signing/Etc).
- Communication with the network is done via Nano RPC and Websocket protocols, private or public on any banano network.
- Node Package Manager: Install NPM
- Angular CLI:
npm install -g @angular/cli
git clone
cd Nault
npm install
npm run wallet:dev
If you want to debug in VS code, first install debugger for chrome Then you can just go to the debug screen and choose "Launch Chrome http"
npm run wallet:dev-ssl
To debug in VS code: Go to debug screen and choose "Launch Chrome https"
Build a production version of the wallet for web:
npm run wallet:build
Build a production version of the wallet for desktop: (Required for all desktop builds)
npm run wallet:build-desktop
All desktop builds require that you have built a desktop version of the wallet before running!
Run the desktop wallet in dev mode:
npm run desktop:dev
If electron is not installed globally, you may have run this:
npm run desktop:dev-path
If you want to debug in VS code, first install debugger for chrome Then you can just go to the debug screen and choose "Electron: Main", "Electron: Renderer", or "Electron: All" for both Main and Renderer threads.
Build the desktop wallet for your local OS (Will be in desktop-app\build
npm run desktop:local
Build the desktop wallet for Windows+Mac+Linux (May require dependencies for your OS View them here):
npm run desktop:full
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
Special thanks to the following!
- NanoVault - The original one
- numtel/nano-webgl-pow - WebGL PoW Implementation
- jaimehgb/RaiBlocksWebAssemblyPoW - CPU PoW Implementation
- dcposch/blakejs - Blake2b Implementation
- dchest/tweetnacl-js - Cryptography Implementation
If you have found Banano(Nault) useful and are feeling generous, you can donate
- to the creators of Nault at
- to the team who has adapted Nault for banano at