Tool to convert text encoded in windows code page 949 to utf-8 (but not vice-versa).
The name is taken from the old tool "UnBollox" or "RO Unbolloxiser" by StelTechCor in the year 2004. Their tool converts filenames and directory trees whereas this tool just converts text.
Run dub build
to build the command line program.
Run dub build :gui
to build the GUI program.
./zunbollox -h
zunbollox 1.0.0
Usage: zunbollox [-h] [-f <filename>]
If no options are provided the program will
convert the file "unbollox_me.txt" to "clean.txt".
-h Print this help message.
-f <filename> Convert specific file. The file must be ascii/latin1 encoded.
On the release page you will find pre-compiled windows binaries for both the cli and the gui.