Elementary is a scalable statistical inference and learning engine for factor graphs and Markov Logic Network. Elementary achieves scalability by using different storage backends, e.g., main memory, unix file, Accumulo, HBase, etc.
Elementary is developed by the Hazy group (http://hazy.cs.wisc.edu/hazy/) from University of Wisconsin-Madison under Professor Christopher Ré (http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~chrisre/).
- Installation
- Examples using Unix File as Storage Backend
- Set up Accumulo and HBase
After downloading and uncompressing Elementary, the folder mia has the following structure:
|-- bin
|-- dep
|-- src
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- README.md
To compile and install Elementary, the following prerequisites need to be satified.
Elementary is tested in the following operating systems:
- MacOSX (>10.6).
- Redhat Linux Enterprise (>5.0).
Elementary is written in C++ and has been tested using the following compilers:
- GCC 4.4.6 under Linux
- GCC 4.2.1 under MacOSX
To use the MLN component in Elementary, JDK (>1.6) and Python (>2.6) is required. JDK can be found at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk-6u25-download-346242.html.
Elementary needs CMake (>2.6) to build. (http://www.cmake.org/)
Elementary relies on the following C++ libraries:
Elementary uses Boost::program_options (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_50_0/doc/html/program_options.html).
We included an installation script for boost at elementary/dep/boost. To install boost, type in under folder elementary
$ cd dep/boost
$ sh install.sh
Elementary usese Thrift (http://thrift.apache.org/).
We include a copy of Thrift's source code at elementary/dep/thrift-0.3.0. To install Thrift, type in under folder elementary
$ cd dep/thrift-0.3.0
$ ./configure --with-py=no --with-ruby=no --with-perl=no --with-java=no --prefix=< PATH_TO_INSTALL_THRIFT >
$ make
$ make install
To install Elementary, first set the following environment variables:
- BOOST_ROOT: Path to Boost. (not necessary if you use install.sh provided by Elementary)
- JAVA_HOME: Path to JDK.
Go to the folder elementary, and type in
The following lines should prompt:
-- Use build optimizations: Release
-- Build example for Mia::Elementary
-- Found JNI: /scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/libjawt.so
-- JNI_INCLUDE_DIRS=/usr/lib/jvm/java/include;/usr/lib/jvm/java/include/linux;/usr/lib/jvm/java/include
-- JNI_LIBRARIES=/scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/libjawt.so;/scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
-- JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY=/scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/jdk1.6.0_25/jre/lib/amd64/server/libjvm.so
-- libevent is required for thrift broker support
-- Thrift compiler/libraries NOT found. Thrift support will be disabled (127, /scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/thrift/include, /scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/thrift/lib, Thrift_NB_LIB-NOTFOUND)
-- Thrift_INCLUDE_DIR=/scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/thrift/include
-- Thrift_LIB=/scratch.1/play/elementary/dep/thrift/lib
-- Boost version: 1.41.0
-- Found the following Boost libraries:
-- program_options
-- Boost Headers Path: /usr/include
-- Boost Library Path:optimized/usr/lib64/libboost_program_options-mt.sodebug/usr/lib64/libboost_program_options-mt.so
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /scratch.1/play/elementary
A file named ``Makefile'' should appear in the folder elementary now. To build Elementary, type in
$ make
A binary file named ``elementary'' should appear in the folder mia/bin.
Make sure to set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly, e.g.,
To test this binary, type in
$ ./bin/elementary
and the following lines should prompt asking for more command line options:
##### Elly 0.1 #####
>> Parsing command line options...
ERROR: std::exception
Allowed options:
--help Produce help message
--config arg Configuration file. command line options have higher
priority than config file.
--ui.verbose arg Verbose level for STDOUT and STDERR. {trace, debug,
info}. [DEFAULT=info]
--ui.logfile arg Path to log file if need one.
--ui.logverbose arg Verbose level for log file. {trace, debug, info}.
--rt.input arg Where does input factor graph located in.
--rt.output arg Where does output located in. {file://FILE_PATH}.
--rt.workdir arg Directory that contains temporary files.
--rt.mode arg Mode that Elly runs in. {map, marginal, sample, learn}.
--rt.thin arg Collect one sample every #rt.thin iterations.
--rt.burnin arg Ignore the first #rt.burnin collected samples.
--rt.nepoch arg Number of iterations (epochs) to run. [DEFAULT=10]
--rt.learn_initstep arg Initial step size for SGD learning. [DEFAULT=0.01]
--rt.learn_decay arg Decay factor for SGD learning step size after each
epoch. [DEFAULT=1.00]
--sys.threads arg Number of threads to use. [DEFAULT=1]
You can type in
$ ./bin/elementary --config=examples/elly/config_test_lda.cfg
to execute LDA. Because it only uses 1 thread, wait 2 minutes for it to finish.
The result file will be in examples/elly/RS/lda-sample.txt. To see the human understandable version, type in
$ python examples/elly/LDA/view.py examples/elly/RS/lda-sample.txt examples/elly/LDA/int_word.tsv
to see the result of each topic
new(327) today(168) san(168) york(165) texas(152) city(142) south(133)
news(123) network(121) california(118) high(118) summer(114) national(112)
states(112) southern(108) ohio(107) rain(105) fair(101) north(96)TOPIC #1
united(386) states(267) iraq(246) war(231) american(227) israel(213)
military(189) kuwait(182) iraqi(181) iran(157) nations(155) gulf(154)
troops(151) saudi(150) foreign(150) officials(150) two(147) israeli(145) official(136)
You can type in
$ ./bin/elementary --config=examples/elly/config_test_mln.cfg
to execute an example of MLN. You need to first install PostgreSQL as mentioned in Tuffy's documentation page (http://hazy.cs.wisc.edu/hazy/tuffy/) and configurate
The result will be in examples/elly/RS/mln.pred.txt and examples/elly/RS/mln.prog.txt
mln.prog.txt // the learned weight
8.15 !refers(v0, v1) v category(v1, v2) v !category(v0, v2)
-0.3 category(v0, "Networking")
0.12 category(v0, "InformationRetrieval")
0.16 category(v0, "HumanComputerInteraction")
3.44 category(v0, "ArtificialIntelligence")
2.76 category(v0, "Networking")
0.35 category(v0, "Databases")
2.69 category(v0, "Programming")
0.94 category(v0, "OperatingSystems")
2.06 category(v0, "DataStructuresAlgorithmsandTheory")
0.14 category(v0, "HardwareandArchitecture")
0.14 category(v0, "EncryptionandCompression")
-1.9 !wrote(v0, v1) v !wrote(v0, v2) v category(v1, v3) v !category(v2, v3)
9.8 !refers(v0, v1) v category(v0, v2) v !category(v1, v2)
mln.pred.txt // the inference result
0.965517 category("Paper868", "HardwareandArchitecture")
1 category("Paper611", "ArtificialIntelligence")
1 category("Paper899", "ArtificialIntelligence")
1 category("Paper658", "InformationRetrieval")
0.965517 category("Paper642", "OperatingSystems")
0.758621 category("Paper145", "HardwareandArchitecture")
0.931034 category("Paper610", "EncryptionandCompression")
1 category("Paper611", "HardwareandArchitecture")
1 category("Paper100", "OperatingSystems")
1 category("Paper404", "DataStructuresAlgorithmsandTheory")
1 category("Paper95", "Databases")
0.965517 category("Paper60", "Programming")
Apart from unix file, Elementary can use distributed key-value stores, e.g., Accumulo and HBase.
We describe how to set up Elementary to use HBase. First install HBase following http://hbase.apache.org/.
Then start thrift server:
$ [hbase-root]/bin/hbase thrift start -threadpool
Assume the Thrift server is localhost:9090, use in the .cfg file the following options:
hbase_thrift_server = localhost
hbase_thrift_port = 9090
We describe how to set up Elementary to use Accumulo. First install Accumulo following http://accumulo.apache.org/.
Assume that the ZooKeeper server is localhost:2181, and Accumulo user/password is root/password. To run Elementary in an Accumulo instance testinstance, use in the .cfg file the following options:
libpath=< PATH_TO_ELEMENTARY >/dep/sman_java