is a lightweight and compact tree component, including @lite-tree/react
and @lite-tree/vue
two packages. It is designed to display trees more conveniently in static websites such as vitepress/dumi
We know that there are many tree components. In general, they use JSON
to describe trees. Because the JSON
format is not very friendly in Markdown, LiteTree
uses an indentation format similar to YAML
, which is very suitable for use in Markdown
- Small size, does not depend on any third-party libraries
- Includes React/Vue two versions
- Supports
format, very suitable for use in Markdown - Pass tree data through
by default, very convenient - Supports custom node styles, labels, notes, icons, etc.
- Supports non-standard
data, with good fault tolerance
- React
npm install @lite-tree/react
// or
yarn add @lite-tree/react
// or
pnpm add @lite-tree/react
- Vue
npm install @lite-tree/vue
// or
yarn add @lite-tree/vue
// or
pnpm add @lite-tree/vue
Take the use in vitepress
as an example.
- Step 1: Configuration
Configure Vue
parameters in .vitepress/config.mts
as follows:
// .vitepress/config.mts
export default defineConfig({
// ...
template: {
compilerOptions: {
whitespace: 'preserve' // [!code ++]
- Step 2: Register the component
Register LiteTree
as a global component so that it can be used anywhere.
// .vitepress/theme/index.js
import DefaultTheme from 'vitepress/theme'
import { LiteTree } from '@lite-tree/vue'
/** @type {import('vitepress').Theme} */
export default {
extends: DefaultTheme,
enhanceApp({ app }) {
// Register custom global components
- Step 3: Usage
In .md
#error=color:red;border: 1px solid red;background:#ffd2d2;padding:2px;
#blue=color:red;border: 1px solid blue;background:#e6e6ff;padding:2px;
- [airplane]Company A({color:red;}Key,{#blue}Urgent) // Company Name
Administrative Center
{color:red;font-weight:bold;background:#ffeaea}President's Office
[checked]Human Resources Department
[unchecked]{.blue}Finance Department
Administrative Department //+ Responsible for administrative management
Legal Department //+ Litigation, etc.
[airplane]Audit Department //+ Audit finance[Save:tag](sss) [Link](sss)
Information Center // Key[Save]([tag][Link:tag](
[star]Sec[star]ur[star]ity[star] and [star]Pro[star]tection[star] Department[star] //{color:red} Confidentiality work
+ Market Center
Marketing Department({#error}Error,"{#warning}Warning")
Sales Department //-
Customer Service Department //-
{#blue}Brand Department // this is cool
Market Planning Department //! Key
Market Marketing Department // {.blue}this is cool
R&D Center
Mobile R&D Department //!
Platform R&D Department({success}Java,{error}Go)
{.success}Testing Department
Operations Department
Product Department //*
Design Department //*
Project Management Department //*
Rendered effect:
- Internationalization Solution for React/Vue/Nodejs/Solidjs - VoerkaI18n
- React Form Development Library - speedform
- Terminal Interface Development Enhancement Library - Logsets
- Log Output Library - VoerkaLogger
- Decorator Development - FlexDecorators
- Finite State Machine Library - FlexState
- Universal Function Tool Library - FlexTools
- CSS-IN-JS Library - Styledfc
- VSCode Plugin for Adding Comments to JSON Files - json_comments_extension
- Library for Developing Interactive Command Line Programs - mixed-cli
- Powerful String Interpolation Variable Processing Tool Library - flexvars
- Frontend Link Debugging Assistant Tool - yald
- Asynchronous Signal - asyncsignal
- bundle Vue styles into JavaScript - vite-plugin-vue-style-bundler
- Tree Component- LiteTree