Ambari service for installing and managing ELK stack on HDP clusters.
- Ambari Version=2.2.2
- Elasticsearch Version=2.3.5
- Logstash Version=2.3.4
- Kibana Version=4.5.4
Edit /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/repos/repoinfo.xml to add additional entries for ELK.
<os family="redhat6">
- On the Ambari Server, browse to the /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services directory. In this case, we will browse to the HDP 2.4 Stack definition.
cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services
- Create a directory named /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/ELK that will contain the service definition for ELK.
mkdir /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/ELK
cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/ELK
- Download and copy this project to service definition directory.
cp -r ambari-elk-service/* /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/ELK
- Restart Ambari Server for this new service definition to be distributed to all the Agents in the cluster.
ambari-server restart
- In Ambari Web, browse to Services and click the Actions button in the Service navigation area on the left.
- The "Add Services" wizard launches. You will see an option to include ELK.
- Select ELK and click Next.
- Assign master components to hosts you want to run them on and click Next.
- Select more than one hosts for Elastic DataNode to set up a production Elasticsearch cluster.
- Select one host for Kibana Server.
- Assign slave and client components to hosts you want to run them on and click Next.
- Select all hosts for Logstash Agents.
- If Kibana Server host is not an Elasticsearch DataNode, select Elastic ClientNode for Kibana Server host. Otherwise, don't select Elastic ClientNode.
- Customize services and click Next.
If you have installed all following services and their comopnents, you don't have to change any ELK service configuration.
Otherwise, you need remove uninstalled services/componnets in logstash-data-source.
- HDFS: NameNode, DataNode, JournalNode
- YARN: ResourceManager, NodeManager, App Timeline Server
- Hive: Hive Metastore, HiveServer2, WebHCat Server
- HBase: Master, RegionServer, Phoenix Query Server
- Zookeeper: Zookeeper Server
- Review the configuration and click Deploy.
- Once complete, the ELK service will be available in the Service navigation area.
A link of Kibana UI is added as Quick Links of service ELK.
- In Ambari Web, browse to Services and click the ELK service in the Service navigation area on the left.
- The summary of ELK service is displayed on the right. Click Quick Links and select Kibana UI in the dropdown box.
- Logon the host where kibana is installed; run following script to create Kibana index patterns:
- In Kibana UI, browse to Settings on the top and click Indices in the Settings navigation area on the left. You will see following index patterns.
- Browse to Discover on the top; now you can interactively explore your data from the Discover page.
- logstash-mapred-running is an index of running mapred jobs.
- logstash-mapred-finished is an index of finished mapred jobs.
- logstash-mapred-aggregated-queue is an index of aggregated memory usage per queue.
- logstash-mapred-aggregated-user is an index of aggregated memory usage per user.
- logstash-yarn-allocation is an index of allocated memory/vcores per queue among yarn cluster.
- logstash-hdfs-namenode-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hdfs namodenode log.
- logstash-hdfs-secondarynamenode-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hdfs secondarynamenode log.
- logstash-hdfs-datanode-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hdfs datanode log.
- logstash-hdfs-journalnode-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hdfs journalnode log.
- logstash-yarn-nodemanager-log is an index of warning, error or fatal yarn nodemanager log.
- logstash-yarn-resourcemanager-log is an index of warning, error or fatal yarn resourcemanager log.
- logstash-yarn-timelineserver-log is an index of warning, error or fatal yarn timelineserver log.
- logstash-hbase-master-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hbase master log.
- logstash-hbase-regionserver-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hbase regionserver log.
- logstash-hbase-phoenix-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hbase phoenix query server log.
- logstash-zookeeper-server-log is an index of warning, error or fatal zookeeper server log.
- logstash-hive-metastore-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hive metastore log.
- logstash-hive-server2-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hive server2 log.
- logstash-hive-webhcat-log is an index of warning, error or fatal hive webhcat log.
As an example, load JSON visualization and dashboard to view the MapReduce Jobs.
- In Ambari Web, browse to Settings and click Objects.
- Click Import in the Objects area at top right corner. Select JSON file ambari-elk-service/package/templates/kibana-import.json.
- Browse to Dashboard and click the Load Saved Dashboard button. Select the imported dashboard dashboard-demo in the dropdown box.
- Now you will see following graphs/tables:
- Allocated memory/vcores per queue in yarn cluster.
- The top-10 long finished mapred jobs.
- The top-10 long running mapred jobs.
- The average running time per queue of mapred jobs.
- The average running time per user of mapred jobs.
- The memory usage per queue of mapred cluster.
- The memory usage per user of mapred cluster.
- Select the imported dashboard logs in the dropdown box.
- Now you will see warning, error or fatal logs of different service components.
- At the upper right corner you can change the time range to view at different time.
- In Ambari Web, browse to Alerts and select "ELK Default" in Groups dropdown box.
- Click "MapReduce Job Execution Time".
- This alert is triggered if the execution time of finished MapReduce Jobs is greater than 100 seconds.