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[BETA] Release version v0.2.1 evolved to!

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@zhenrong-wang zhenrong-wang released this 30 Nov 07:26
· 69 commits to dev-0.2.2 since this release

This is a major evolution of Version

Main changes:

1. Added 2 important command keywords to control the running of tf.

--dbg-devel DEBUG_INFO_LEVEL.

With this option, you can specify the verbosity of tf debug log.

Options (from most verbose to least verbose): trace, debug, info, warn, err, off


With this option, you can define the maximum wait time for tf execution. You can specify a number in the range 600 ~ 1200

2. Now you can view the tf debug log with the hpcopr viewlog command.

Command reference: hpcopr viewlog -b --log dbg

3. Updated the now-server module with the recently-introduced batch mode.

Please run the server by ./my-server.ext --client-io PORT_NUMBER. Then the server will be standby to accept requests on the specified port number. If no port number specified, the server will use default port #19885.

4. Fixed known bugs.

Please check the source codes and the packages attached.

5. Command update/deprecation

The command hpcopr viewlog got updated. Previously, there are only 2 streams of log: std (standard output), err (standard err output). Because we introduced the debug log (dbg), now you need to specify a stream by the --log STREAM_TYPE command keyword. Example:

Previous command (Deprecated): hpcopr viewlog -b --err
New command: hpcopr viewlog -b --log err

We also added a to this project, looking forward to your feedback and contributions!

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