This code repository contains the tensorflow implementation of the paper “Learning Diverse Stochastic Human-Action Generators by Learning Smooth Latent Transitions”(AAAI 2020).
@inproceedings{zhenyi2020, title={Learning Diverse Stochastic Human-Action Generators by Learning Smooth Latent Transitions}, author={Zhenyi Wang, Ping Yu, Yang Zhao, Ruiyi Zhang, Yufan Zhou, Junsong Yuan, Changyou Chen}, booktitle={AAAI}, year={2020} }
Download human 3.6 2D skeleton data from this!. Rename the data folder "h36m" as "data" and put the "data" folder in the same directory as the code.
This is used for pretraining the global skeleton-decoder component (GSDC)
python --mode pose_wgan --batch_size 64 --epoch 200 --actions all --logdir ./logs/pose_wgan_mul --checkpoint_dir ckpt_pose_wgan --learning_rate 1e-3 --val_save --load False --loader saver --pose_dir pose_wgan
Loading one of the saved GSDC model in step 1 and put it in the checkpoint folder
This is used for training the latent frame sequence GANs.
python --mode gan --usemode train --batch_size 32 --epoch 25 --actions all --logdir ./logs/seq_gan --checkpoint_dir checkpoint --learning_rate 0.0001 --val_save --load --loader loader --global_counter 1 --tmp_dir tmp_seq_gan --video_dir video_seq_gan
- select one of saved checkpoints in step 2 and generate action samples for all action classes. python --mode gan --usemode test --testmode all_class --batch_size 300 --actions all --logdir ./logs/seq_gan --checkpoint_dir checkpoint --val_save --load --loader tester --global_counter 1 --tmp_dir tmp_seq_gan --video_dir video_seq_gan The folder number corresponds to the action classes of ["Directions","Discussion","Eating","Greeting", "Phoning", "Posing", "Sitting", "SittingDown", "Smoking", "Walking"] respectively Selected examples are shown in below.
Tested under Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 LTS with Tensorflow 1.8.0 or higher version
Thanks for the author of "Deep Video Generation, Prediction and Completion of Human Action Sequences" provide their code.