yii-simplepie is a yii extension for parse rss feeds:
- simplepie:http://simplepie.org/
- simplepie document:http://simplepie.org/wiki/reference/start
Download all file and put it into yii extension folder, then add the follow code in config/main.php
'simplepie' => array(
'class' => 'ext.simplepie-library.bootstrap'
$feed = Yii::app()->simplepie->config(array(
'set_feed_url' => $rssFeed,
'enable_cache' => true,
'set_cache_location' => Yii::app()->runtimePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache'
// URL of the feed you want to parse
'set_feed_url' => '',
// Force SimplePie to parse the content, even if it doesn't believe it's a feed
'force_feed' => true,
// Enable/disable caching in SimplePie
'enable_cache' => false,
// Set the folder where the cache files should be written
'set_cache_location' => './cache',
// Set the minimum time for which a feed will be cached
'set_cache_duration' => 3600,
// Enable/disable the reordering of items into reverse chronological order
'enable_order_by_date' => true,
// Set a limit on how many items are returned per feed with Multifeeds
'set_item_limit' => 0,
// HTML attributes to strip
'strip_attributes' => array('alt', 'bgsound', 'onclick'),
// HTML tags to strip
'strip_htmltags' => array('base', 'blink', 'body', 'doctype', 'embed', 'font', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'html', 'iframe', 'input', 'marquee', 'meta', 'noscript', 'object', 'param', 'script', 'style'),
// Override the character set within the feed
'set_input_encoding' => false,
// Set the output character set
'set_output_encoding' => 'UTF-8',
// Timeout for fetching remote files
'set_timeout' => 30,
$feed->author // Get a single author for the feed.
$feed->copyright // Get the feed copyright information.
$feed->description // Get the feed description.
$feed->encoding // Get the character set for the returned values.
$feed->favicon // Get the URL for the favicon of the feed's website.
$feed->item // Get a single item.
$feed->items // Get all the items.
$feed->item_quantity // Get the number of items in the feed.
$feed->language // Get the feed language.
$feed->link // Get a single link.
$feed->links // Get all the links of a specific relation.
$feed->permalink // Get the first feed link (i.e. the permalink).
$feed->title // Get the feed title.
$feed->type // Get the type of feed.