Lottie component for Taro, reference lottie-react-native add web and miniprogram support, base on lottie-web and lottie-miniprogram.
yarn add taro-lottie
Install lottie-react-native
(latest) and lottie-ios
yarn add lottie-react-native
yarn add lottie-ios@3.4.0
Go to your ios folder and run:
pod install
import LottieView, { LottieViewType } from 'taro-lottie'
import lottieData from './lottieData.json'
export default class Lottie extends Component {
animation: LottieViewType | null = null
// miniprogram needs to init after page onReady event
render() {
return (
ref={ animation => {
this.animation = animation;
width: 100,
height: 100
Based on lottie-react-native project, under the Apache License 2.0.
Prop | Description | Default | Platform |
source |
Mandatory - The source of animation. Can be referenced as a local asset by a string, or remotely with an object with a uri property, or it can be an actual JS object of an animation, obtained (for example) with something like require('../path/to/animation.json') |
None | All |
progress |
A number between 0 and 1, or an Animated number between 0 and 1. This number represents the normalized progress of the animation. If you update this prop, the animation will correspondingly update to the frame at that progress value. This prop is not required if you are using the imperative API. |
0 |
All |
speed |
The speed the animation will progress. Sending a negative value will reverse the animation | 1 |
All |
duration |
The duration of the animation in ms. Takes precedence over speed when set. This only works when source is an actual JS object of an animation. |
undefined |
RN |
loop |
A boolean flag indicating whether or not the animation should loop. | true |
All |
autoPlay |
A boolean flag indicating whether or not the animation should start automatically when mounted. This only affects the imperative API. | false |
All |
autoSize |
A boolean flag indicating whether or not the animation should size itself automatically according to the width in the animation's JSON. This only works when source is an actual JS object of an animation. |
false |
RN |
resizeMode |
Determines how to resize the animated view when the frame doesn't match the raw image dimensions. Supports cover , contain and center . |
contain |
RN |
style |
Style attributes for the view, as expected in a standard View , aside from border styling |
None | All |
imageAssetsFolder |
Needed for Android to work properly with assets, iOS will ignore it. | None | Android |
onAnimationFinish |
A callback function which will be called when animation is finished. This callback is called with a boolean isCancelled argument, indicating if the animation actually completed playing, or if it was cancelled, for instance by calling play() or reset() while is was still playing. Note that this callback will be called only when loop is set to false. |
None | All |
renderMode |
Only Android, a String flag to set whether or not to render with HARDWARE or SOFTWARE acceleration |
Android |
cacheComposition |
Only Android, a boolean flag indicating whether or not the animation should do caching. | true |
Android |
colorFilters |
An array of objects denoting layers by KeyPath and a new color filter value (as hex string). | [] |
RN |
textFiltersAndroid |
Only Android, an array of objects denoting text values to find and replace. | [] |
Android |
textFiltersIOS |
Only iOS, an array of objects denoting text layers by KeyPath and a new string value. | [] |
iOS |
Based on lottie-react-native project, under the Apache License 2.0.
Method | Description |
play |
Play the animation all the way through, at the speed specified as a prop. It can also play a section of the animation when called as play(startFrame, endFrame) . |
reset |
Reset the animation back to 0 progress. |
pause |
Pauses the animation. |
resume |
Resumes the paused animation. |
init |
Init the animation. Required for miniprogram |
View more documentation, FAQ, help, examples, and more at airbnb.io/lottie
MIT License