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LeetCode Solutions by illuz


My stupid How to LeetCode.

This is my leetcode solution folder. :)
Language: C++/Java/Python/Sql/Shell Script

If there was something wrong, can contact me at iilluzen in google's email.


Leetcode Algorithms Problems
Leetcode Database Problems
Leetcode Shell Problems


There are 333 problems (54 problems for a fee).

I have solved 229 / 279 problems.=w=

# Problems Solutions Note
001 001.Two_Sum Java Python C++       Notes
002 002.Add_Two_Numbers C++ Python Java       Notes
003 003.Longest_Substring_Without_Repeat... Java Python C++       Notes
004 004.Median_of_Two_Sorted_Arrays Java Python C++       Notes
005 005.Longest_Palindromic_Substring Java Python C++       Notes
006 006.ZigZag_Conversion C++ Python Java       Notes
007 007.Reverse_Integer C++ Python Java       Notes
008 008.String_to_Integer C++ Python Java       Notes
009 009.Palindrome_Number Java Python C++       Notes
010 010.Regular_Expression_Matching C++ Python Java       Notes
011 011.Container_With_Most_Water Java Python C++       Notes
012 012.Integer_to_Roman Java Python C++       Notes
013 013.Roman_to_Integer Java Python C++       Notes
014 014.Longest_Common_Prefix C++ Python Java       Notes
015 015.3Sum C++ Python Java       Notes
016 016.3Sum_Closest C++ Python Java       Notes
017 017.Letter_Combinations_of_a_Phone_Number C++ Python Java       Notes
018 018.4Sum C++ Python Java       Notes
019 019.Remove_Nth_Node_From_End_of_List    Python C++       Notes
020 020.Valid_Parentheses C++ Python Java       Notes
021 021.Merge_Two_Sorted_Lists    Python C++       Notes
022 022.Generate_Parentheses C++ Python Java       Notes
023 023.Merge_k_Sorted_Lists Java Python C++       Notes
024 024.Swap_Nodes_in_Pairs    Python C++       Notes
025 025.Reverse_Nodes_in_k-Group      Java C++       Notes
026 026.Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array           C++       Notes
027 027.Remove_Element           C++       Notes
028 028.Implement_strStr()    Python C++       Notes
029 029.Divide_Two_Integers    Python C++       Notes
030 030.Substring_with_Concatenation_of_...      C++ Java       Notes
031 031.Next_Permutation    Python C++       Notes
032 032.Longest_Valid_Parentheses           C++       Notes
033 033.Search_in_Rotated_Sorted_Array           C++       Notes
034 034.Search_for_a_Range      Java C++       Notes
035 035.Search_Insert_Position           C++       Notes
036 036.Valid_Sudoku           C++       Notes
037 037.Sudoku_Solver           C++       Notes
038 038.Count_and_Say    Python C++       Notes
039 039.Combination_Sum           C++       Notes
040 040.Combination_Sum_II           C++       Notes
041 041.First_Missing_Positive           C++ Coming soon
042 042.Trapping_Rain_Water           C++ Coming soon
043 043.Multiply_Strings           C++ Coming soon
044 044.Wildcard_Matching           C++ Coming soon
045 045.Jump_Game_II           C++ Coming soon
046 046.Permutations           C++ Coming soon
047 047.Permutations_II           C++ Coming soon
048 048.Rotate_Image           C++ Coming soon
049 049.Anagrams           C++ Coming soon
050 050.Pow(x,_n)           C++ Coming soon
051 051.N-Queens C++ Python Java Coming soon
052 052.N-Queens_II C++ Python Java Coming soon
053 053.Maximum_Subarray           C++ Coming soon
054 054.Spiral_Matrix           C++ Coming soon
055 055.Jump_Game           C++ Coming soon
056 056.Merge_Intervals           C++ Coming soon
057 057.Insert_Interval           C++ Coming soon
058 058.Length_of_Last_Word           C++ Coming soon
059 059.Spiral_Matrix_II           C++ Coming soon
060 060.Permutation_Sequence           C++ Coming soon
061 061.Rotate_List           C++ Coming soon
062 062.Unique_Paths           C++ Coming soon
063 063.Unique_Paths_II           C++ Coming soon
064 064.Minimum_Path_Sum           C++ Coming soon
065 065.Valid_Number Java Python C++ Coming soon
066 066.Plus_One           C++ Coming soon
067 067.Add_Binary           C++ Coming soon
068 068.Text_Justification C++ Python Java       Notes
069 069.Sqrt(x) C++ Python Java Coming soon
070 070.Climbing_Stairs           C++ Coming soon
071 071.Simplify_Path C++ Python Java Coming soon
072 072.Edit_Distance           C++ Coming soon
073 073.Set_Matrix_Zeroes           C++ Coming soon
074 074.Search_a_2D_Matrix           C++ Coming soon
075 075.Sort_Colors           C++ Coming soon
076 076.Minimum_Window_Substring           C++       Notes
077 077.Combinations           C++ Coming soon
078 078.Subsets Java Python C++ Coming soon
079 079.Word_Search           C++ Coming soon
080 080.Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array_II           C++ Coming soon
081 081.Search_in_Rotated_Sorted_Array_II           C++ Coming soon
082 082.Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_List_II           C++ Coming soon
083 083.Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_List           C++ Coming soon
084 084.Largest_Rectangle_in_Histogram      Java C++       Notes
085 085.Maximal_Rectangle      Java C++       Notes
086 086.Partition_List C++ Python Java Coming soon
087 087.Scramble_String C++ Python Java       Notes
088 088.Merge_Sorted_Array           C++ Coming soon
089 089.Gray_Code C++ Python Java Coming soon
090 090.Subsets_II C++ Python Java Coming soon
091 091.Decode_Ways Java Python C++ Coming soon
092 092.Reverse_Linked_List_II           C++ Coming soon
093 093.Restore_IP_Addresses C++ Python Java       Notes
094 094.Binary_Tree_Inorder_Traversal           C++ Coming soon
095 095.Unique_Binary_Search_Trees           C++       Notes
096 096.Unique_Binary_Search_Trees_II           C++       Notes
097 097.Interleaving_String      Java C++       Notes
098 098.Validate_Binary_Search_Tree Java Python C++       Notes
099 099.Recover_Binary_Search_Tree    Python C++       Notes
100 100.Same_Tree           C++ Coming soon
101 101.Symmetric_Tree           C++ Coming soon
102 102.Binary_Tree_Level_Order_Traversal    Python C++       Notes
103 103.Binary_Tree_Zigzag_Level_Order_Traversal    Python C++       Notes
104 104.Maximum_Depth_of_Binary_Tree           C++ Coming soon
105 105.Construct_Binary_Tree_from_Preor...           C++       Notes
106 106.Construct_Binary_Tree_from_Inord...           C++       Notes
107 107.Binary_Tree_Level_Order_Traversal_II    Python C++       Notes
108 108.Convert_Sorted_Array_to_Binary_S...           C++       Notes
109 109.Convert_Sorted_List_to_Binary_Se...    Python C++       Notes
110 110.Balanced_Binary_Tree           C++ Coming soon
111 111.Minimum_Depth_of_Binary_Tree           C++ Coming soon
112 112.Path_Sum           C++ Coming soon
113 113.Path_Sum_II Java Python C++ Coming soon
114 114.Flatten_Binary_Tree_to_Linked_List      Java C++       Notes
115 115.Distinct_Subsequences    Python C++       Notes
116 116.Populating_Next_Right_Pointers_i... C++ Python Java Coming soon
117 117.Populating_Next_Right_Pointers_i... C++ Python Java Coming soon
118 118.Pascal's_Triangle           C++ Coming soon
119 119.Pascal's_Triangle_II           C++ Coming soon
120 120.Triangle Java Python C++ Coming soon
121 121.Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock    Python C++       Notes
122 122.Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock_II    Python C++       Notes
123 123.Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock_III    Python C++       Notes
124 124.Binary_Tree_Maximum_Path_Sum    Python C++       Notes
125 125.Valid_Palindrome           C++ Coming soon
126 126.Word_Ladder    Python C++       Notes
126 126.Word_Ladder_II               Coming soon
127 127.Word_Ladder               Coming soon
128 128.Longest_Consecutive_Sequence               Coming soon
129 129.Sum_Root_to_Leaf_Numbers           C++ Coming soon
130 130.Surrounded_Regions           C++       Notes
131 131.Palindrome_Partitioning    Python C++       Notes
132 132.Palindrome_Partitioning_II      C++ Java       Notes
133 133.Clone_Graph           C++ Coming soon
134 134.Gas_Station           C++       Notes
135 135.Candy               Coming soon
136 136.Single_Number           C++       Notes
137 137.Single_Number_II           C++ Coming soon
138 138.Copy_List_with_Random_Pointer Java Python C++       Notes
139 139.Word_Break    Python C++       Notes
140 140.Word_Break_II               Coming soon
141 141.Linked_List_Cycle           C++ Coming soon
142 142.Linked_List_Cycle_II               Coming soon
143 143.Reorder_List           C++ Coming soon
144 144.Binary_Tree_Preorder_Traversal           C++ Coming soon
145 145.Binary_Tree_Postorder_Traversal           C++ Coming soon
146 146.LRU_Cache    Python C++       Notes
147 147.Insertion_Sort_List           C++ Coming soon
148 148.Sort_List           C++       Notes
149 149.Max_Points_on_a_Line               Coming soon
150 150.Evaluate_Reverse_Polish_Notation Java Python C++       Notes
151 151.Reverse_Words_in_a_String C++ Python Java       Notes
152 152.Maximum_Product_Subarray           C++ Coming soon
153 153.Find_Minimum_in_Rotated_Sorted_Array           C++       Notes
154 154.Find_Minimum_in_Rotated_Sorted_Array_II    Python C++       Notes
155 155.Min_Stack           C++       Notes
156 156.Binary_Tree_Upside_Down $        Not Buy     Not Buy
157 157.Read_N_Characters_Given_Read4 $        Not Buy     Not Buy
158 158.Read_N_Characters_Given_Read4_II... $        Not Buy     Not Buy
159 159.Longest_Substring_with_At_Most_T... $        Not Buy     Not Buy
160 160.Intersection_of_Two_Linked_Lists           C++ Coming soon
161 161.One_Edit_Distance $        Not Buy     Not Buy
162 162.Find_Peak_Element C++ Python Java Coming soon
163 163.Missing_Ranges $        Not Buy     Not Buy
164 164.Maximum_Gap           C++       Notes
165 165.Compare_Version_Numbers           C++ Coming soon
166 166.Fraction_to_Recurring_Decimal           C++       Notes
167 167.Two_Sum_II_-_Input_array_is_sorted $        Not Buy     Not Buy
168 168.Excel_Sheet_Column_Title Java Python C++ Coming soon
169 169.Majority_Element Java Python C++ Coming soon
170 170.Two_Sum_III_-_Data_structure_design $        Not Buy     Not Buy
171 171.Excel_Sheet_Column_Number Java Python C++ Coming soon
172 172.Factorial_Trailing_Zeroes Java Python C++ Coming soon
173 173.Binary_Search_Tree_Iterator    Python C++       Notes
174 174.Dungeon_Game               Coming soon
175 175.Combine_Two_Tables           Sql Coming soon
176 176.Second_Highest_Salary           Sql Coming soon
177 177.Nth_Highest_Salary           Sql       Notes
178 178.Rank_Scores           Sql       Notes
179 179.Largest_Number Java Python C++ Coming soon
180 180.Consecutive_Numbers           Sql       Notes
181 181.Employees_Earning_More_Than_Thei...           Sql Coming soon
182 182.Duplicate_Emails           Sql Coming soon
183 183.Customers_Who_Never_Order           Sql       Notes
184 184.Department_Highest_Salary           Sql       Notes
186 186.Reverse_Words_in_a_String_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
187 187.Repeated_DNA_Sequences C++ Python Java Coming soon
188 188.Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock_IV           C++       Notes
189 189.Rotate_Array           C++       Notes
190 190.Reverse_Bits C++ Python Java       Notes
191 191.Number_of_1_Bits      C++ Java       Notes
192 192.Word_Frequency         Shell       Notes
193 193.Valid_Phone_Numbers         Shell       Notes
194 194.Transpose_File         Shell       Notes
195 195.Tenth_Line         Shell       Notes
196 196.Delete_Duplicate_Emails           Sql Coming soon
197 197.Rising_Temperature           Sql       Notes
198 198.House_Robber           C++       Notes
199 199.Binary_Tree_Right_Side_View    Python C++       Notes
200 200.Number_of_Islands           C++       Notes
201 201.Bitwise_AND_of_Numbers_Range    Python C++       Notes
202 202.Happy_Number    Python C++       Notes
203 203.Remove_Linked_List_Elements C++ Python Java       Notes
204 204.Count_Primes           C++ Coming soon
205 205.Isomorphic_Strings    Python C++       Notes
206 206.Reverse_Linked_List           C++ Coming soon
207 207.Course_Schedule    Python C++       Notes
208 208.Implement_Trie_(Prefix_Tree)           C++       Notes
209 209.Minimum_Size_Subarray_Sum           C++ Coming soon
210 210.Course_Schedule_II    Python C++       Notes
211 211.Add_and_Search_Word_-_Data_struc...               Coming soon
212 212.Word_Search_II               Coming soon
213 213.House_Robber_II               Coming soon
214 214.Shortest_Palindrome               Coming soon
215 215.Kth_Largest_Element_in_an_Array C++ Python Java       Notes
216 216.Combination_Sum_III           C++       Notes
217 217.Contains_Duplicate    Python C++       Notes
218 218.The_Skyline_Problem               Coming soon
219 219.Contains_Duplicate_II           C++       Notes
220 220.Contains_Duplicate_III      C++ Java       Notes
221 221.Maximal_Square    Python C++       Notes
222 222.Count_Complete_Tree_Nodes    Python C++       Notes
223 223.Rectangle_Area           C++       Notes
224 224.Basic_Calculator      Java C++       Notes
225 225.Implement_Stack_using_Queues      Java C++       Notes
226 226.Invert_Binary_Tree    Python C++       Notes
227 227.Basic_Calculator_II               Coming soon
228 228.Summary_Ranges    Python C++       Notes
229 229.Majority_Element_II               Coming soon
230 230.Kth_Smallest_Element_in_a_BST           C++       Notes
231 231.Power_of_Two    Python C++       Notes
232 232.Implement_Queue_using_Stacks    Python C++       Notes
233 233.Number_of_Digit_One               Coming soon
234 234.Palindrome_Linked_List Java Python C++       Notes
235 235.Lowest_Common_Ancestor_of_a_Bina...    Python C++       Notes
236 236.Lowest_Common_Ancestor_of_a_Binary_Tree               Coming soon
237 237.Delete_Node_in_a_Linked_List    Python C++       Notes
238 238.Product_of_Array_Except_Self Java Python C++       Notes
239 239.Sliding_Window_Maximum    Python C++       Notes
240 240.Search_a_2D_Matrix_II               Coming soon
241 241.Different_Ways_to_Add_Parentheses    Python C++       Notes
242 242.Valid_Anagram    Python C++       Notes
243 243.Shortest_Word_Distance $        Not Buy     Not Buy
244 244.Shortest_Word_Distance_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
245 245.Shortest_Word_Distance_III $        Not Buy     Not Buy
246 246.Strobogrammatic_Number $        Not Buy     Not Buy
247 247.Strobogrammatic_Number_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
248 248.Strobogrammatic_Number_III $        Not Buy     Not Buy
249 249.Group_Shifted_Strings $        Not Buy     Not Buy
250 250.Count_Univalue_Subtrees $        Not Buy     Not Buy
251 251.Flatten_2D_Vector $        Not Buy     Not Buy
252 252.Meeting_Rooms $        Not Buy     Not Buy
253 253.Meeting_Rooms_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
254 254.Factor_Combinations $        Not Buy     Not Buy
255 255.Verify_Preorder_Sequence_in_Bina... $        Not Buy     Not Buy
256 256.Paint_House $        Not Buy     Not Buy
257 257.Binary_Tree_Paths    Python C++       Notes
258 258.Add_Digits    Python C++       Notes
259 259.3Sum_Smaller $        Not Buy     Not Buy
260 260.Single_Number_III               Coming soon
261 261.Graph_Valid_Tree $        Not Buy     Not Buy
263 263.Ugly_Number    Python C++       Notes
264 264.Ugly_Number_II               Coming soon
265 265.Paint_House_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
266 266.Palindrome_Permutation $        Not Buy     Not Buy
267 267.Palindrome_Permutation_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
268 268.Missing_Number C++ Python Java       Notes
269 269.Alien_Dictionary $        Not Buy     Not Buy
270 270.Closest_Binary_Search_Tree_Value $        Not Buy     Not Buy
271 271.Encode_and_Decode_Strings $        Not Buy     Not Buy
272 272.Closest_Binary_Search_Tree_Value_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
273 273.Integer_to_English_Words               Coming soon
274 274.H-Index               Coming soon
275 275.H-Index_II               Coming soon
276 276.Paint_Fence $        Not Buy     Not Buy
277 277.Find_the_Celebrity $        Not Buy     Not Buy
278 278.First_Bad_Version    Python C++       Notes
279 279.Perfect_Squares    Python C++       Notes
280 280.Wiggle_Sort $        Not Buy     Not Buy
281 281.Zigzag_Iterator $        Not Buy     Not Buy
282 282.Expression_Add_Operators               Coming soon
283 283.Move_Zeroes           C++       Notes
284 284.Peeking_Iterator               Coming soon
285 285.Inorder_Successor_in_BST $        Not Buy     Not Buy
286 286.Walls_and_Gates $        Not Buy     Not Buy
287 287.Find_the_Duplicate_Number               Coming soon
288 288.Unique_Word_Abbreviation $        Not Buy     Not Buy
289 289.Game_of_Life    Python C++       Notes
290 290.Word_Pattern    Python C++       Notes
291 291.Word_Pattern_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
292 292.Nim_Game           C++       Notes
293 293.Flip_Game $        Not Buy     Not Buy
294 294.Flip_Game_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
295 295.Find_Median_from_Data_Stream               Coming soon
296 296.Best_Meeting_Point $        Not Buy     Not Buy
297 297.Serialize_and_Deserialize_Binary_Tree               Coming soon
298 298.Binary_Tree_Longest_Consecutive_Sequence $        Not Buy     Not Buy
299 299.Bulls_and_Cows           C++ Coming soon
300 300.Longest_Increasing_Subsequence               Coming soon
301 301.Remove_Invalid_Parentheses               Coming soon
302 302.Smallest_Rectangle_Enclosing_Bla... $        Not Buy     Not Buy
303 303.Range_Sum_Query_-_Immutable               Coming soon
304 304.Range_Sum_Query_2D_-_Immutable               Coming soon
305 305.Number_of_Islands_II $        Not Buy     Not Buy
306 306.Additive_Number               Coming soon
307 307.Range_Sum_Query_-_Mutable               Coming soon
308 308.Range_Sum_Query_2D_-_Mutable $        Not Buy     Not Buy
309 309.Best_Time_to_Buy_and_Sell_Stock_...               Coming soon
310 310.Minimum_Height_Trees               Coming soon
311 311.Sparse_Matrix_Multiplication $        Not Buy     Not Buy
312 312.Burst_Balloons               Coming soon
313 313.Super_Ugly_Number               Coming soon
314 314.Binary_Tree_Vertical_Order_Traversal $        Not Buy     Not Buy
315 315.Count_of_Smaller_Numbers_After_Self               Coming soon
316 316.Remove_Duplicate_Letters               Coming soon
317 317.Shortest_Distance_from_All_Buildings $        Not Buy     Not Buy
318 318.Maximum_Product_of_Word_Lengths               Coming soon
319 319.Bulb_Switcher               Coming soon
320 320.Generalized_Abbreviation $        Not Buy     Not Buy
321 321.Create_Maximum_Number               Coming soon
322 322.Coin_Change               Coming soon
323 323.Number_of_Connected_Components_i... $        Not Buy     Not Buy
324 324.Wiggle_Sort_II               Coming soon
325 325.Maximum_Size_Subarray_Sum_Equals_k $        Not Buy     Not Buy
326 326.Power_of_Three C++ Python Java       Notes
327 327.Count_of_Range_Sum               Coming soon
328 328.Odd_Even_Linked_List    Python C++       Notes
329 329.Longest_Increasing_Path_in_a_Matrix               Coming soon
330 330.Patching_Array               Coming soon
331 331.Verify_Preorder_Serialization_of...               Coming soon
332 332.Reconstruct_Itinerary               Coming soon
333 333.Largest_BST_Subtree $        Not Buy     Not Buy
334 334.Increasing_Triplet_Subsequence           C++       Notes


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