A beautiful and sweet Lorem Ipsum generator for Swift and SwiftUI.
The sole purpose of SweetLorem is to enhance the efficiency of text preview in #Preview
The most important principle is that SweetLorem
always return an empty string or an empty array unless it's in DEBUG
/// The main interfaces of SweetLorem.
public enum SweetLorem {
/// It's only availble in debug.
private static let enabled = true
/// It's exactly disabled in production.
private static let enabled = false
extension SweetLorem {
public static func words(_ count: Int, start: Bool = true) -> String {
guard enabled else {
return ""
// return SweetLoremGenerator.generateParagraph...
public static func paragraphs(_ count: Int,
min: Int = 10,
max: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true) -> [String]
guard enabled else {
return []
// return SweetLoremGenerator.generateParagraphs...
// ...
You can review examples for detail in GENERATOR.md and DESCRIPTOR.md before running them in Xcode.
Inspired by lipsum.com.
- Copy the URL of the repository provided above.
- Paste it into the text field located at the top-right corner of the window by navigating to "File" -> "Add Package Dependencies...".
- Click on "Add Package".
/// The title of Lorem ipsum.
static var title: String
/// The introduction of Lorem ipsum.
static var introduction: String
/// The common form of Lorem ipsum reads.
static var common: String
For examples:
✨ The title of Lorem ipsum :
Lorem ipsum
✨ The introduction of Lorem ipsum :
Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
✨ The common form of Lorem ipsum reads:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
/// Generate a single paragraph.
/// - Parameters:
/// - count: The count of words in the paragraph.
/// - start: If it's true, the paragraph will start with
/// "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet".
/// - Returns: The paragraph.
static func words(_ count: Int, start: Bool = true) -> String
For examples:
✨ Generate 1 paragraph in 10 words, with starter:
SweetLorem.words(10, start: true)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisi elit consectetur enim nulla.
✨ Generate 1 paragraph in 10 words, without starter:
SweetLorem.words(10, start: false)
In exercitation cupidatat ut, mollit magna magna dolor ex qui.
✨ Generate 1 paragraph in 20 words, with starter:
SweetLorem.words(20, start: true)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in ad ut ex nulla eu quis eiusmod, eu nulla voluptate laboris non quis excepteur.
✨ Generate 1 paragraph in 30 words, without starter:
SweetLorem.words(30, start: false)
In tempor, in duis ut adipiscing elit, nostrud ullamco culpa ut commodo est duis, aute ea in fugiat aute dolore laboris incididunt, aute voluptate laboris quis ut pariatur exercitation excepteur.
/// Generate multiple paragraphs.
/// - Parameters:
/// - count: The count of paragraphs.
/// - min: The minimum count of words in each paragraph.
/// - max: The maximum count of words in each paragraph.
/// - start: If it's true, the paragraph will start with
/// "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet".
/// - Returns: The paragraphs.
static func paragraphs(_ count: Int,
min: Int = 10,
max: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true) -> [String]
For examples:
✨ Generate 2 paragraphs that each in 10...30 words:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nostrud in culpa sint excepteur sunt, dolore dolore fugiat commodo dolore.Id nulla nisi, quis ut dolor dolore nulla, adipiscing adipiscing excepteur cupidatat aliquip in commodo consectetur, aute dolore nulla ut sunt reprehenderit do in non, est nisi.
✨ Generate 3 paragraphs that each in 20...50 words:
SweetLorem.paragraphs(3, min: 20, max: 50)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu nulla commodo sunt veniam ad in sint cupidatat, consequat sunt adipiscing duis laboris sed ut do occaecat ad magna, id anim commodo enim in ex.In, et minim ut proident, minim pariatur eiusmod ut laborum pariatur, sunt aliquip in reprehenderit culpa consectetur fugiat, laborum eu ex ut magna ad commodo veniam.
Do et consequat, sint in ut excepteur consequat in voluptate occaecat velit, non reprehenderit aliquip aliquip exercitation reprehenderit magna aliquip et cupidatat, nisi sunt sint aliqua elit aute eiusmod laborum.
/// Generate multiple list of paragraphs.
/// - Parameters:
/// - count: The count of list.
/// - minParagraphs:The minimum count of paragraph in each list.
/// - maxParagraphs: The maximum count of paragraph in each list.
/// - minWords: The minimum count of words in each paragraph.
/// - maxWords: The maximum count of words in each paragraph.
/// - start: If it's true, the paragraph will start with
/// "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet".
/// - Returns: The lists of paragraphs.
static func lists(_ count: Int,
minParagraphs: Int = 2,
maxParagraphs: Int = 3,
minWords: Int = 10,
maxWords: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true) -> [[String]]
For examples:
✨ Generate 2 list that each in 2...3 paragraphs that each in 10...30 words:
😵 Too long to paste here ...
✨ Generate 3 list that each in 3...4 paragraphs that each in 20...50 words:
minParagraphs: 3,
maxParagraphs: 4,
minWords: 20,
maxWords: 50)
🤩 Too long to paste here too ...
Now that you known how to generate dummy text within "Lorem Ipsum" in Generator. There may be sometimes when you need to preview real-language text which is not in the 26-letter alphabet. Such as:
- What does the preview look like in Chinese?
- What does the preview look like in Japanese?
- What does the preview look like in Arabic, which requires right-to-left layout direction?
Don't worry, SweetLorem provides this feature in box for you. For example:
// Get a SweetLoremDescriptor instance by current language and preview its title
// Get the instance by specified language directly and preview its title
The structure of SweetLoremDescriptor
struct SweetLoremDescriptor {
let title: String
let description: String
let head1: String
let content1: String
let head2: String
let content2: String
let head3: String
let content3: String
let head4: String
let content4: String
More details is in DESCRIPTOR.md.
It is good practice to wrap a third-party library instead of using it directly in case it becomes difficult to drop it in the future. Additionally, after wrapping the library, you do not need to import it before using. Here is an example of a wrapper:
import SweetLorem
enum Lorem {}
// MARK: Constant
extension Lorem {
static var title: String {
static var introduction: String {
static var common: String {
// MARK: Generator
extension Lorem {
static func words(_ count: Int, start: Bool = true) -> String {
SweetLorem.words(count, start: start)
static func paragraphs(_ count: Int,
min: Int = 10,
max: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true) -> [String]
min: min,
max: max,
start: start)
static func paragraphsJoined(_ count: Int,
min: Int = 10,
max: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true,
separator: String = "\n\n") -> String
min: min,
max: max,
start: start,
separator: separator)
static func lists(_ count: Int,
minParagraphs: Int = 2,
maxParagraphs: Int = 3,
minWords: Int = 10,
maxWords: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true) -> [[String]]
minParagraphs: minParagraphs,
maxParagraphs: maxParagraphs,
minWords: minWords,
maxWords: maxWords,
start: start)
static func listsJoined(_ count: Int,
minParagraphs: Int = 2,
maxParagraphs: Int = 3,
minWords: Int = 10,
maxWords: Int = 30,
start: Bool = true,
wordsSeparator: String = "\n\n",
paragraphsSeparator: String = "\n\n") -> String
minParagraphs: minParagraphs,
maxParagraphs: maxParagraphs,
minWords: minWords,
maxWords: maxWords,
start: start,
wordsSeparator: wordsSeparator,
paragraphsSeparator: paragraphsSeparator)
// MARK: Descriptor
extension Lorem {
static var `default`: SweetLoremDescriptor {
static var english: SweetLoremDescriptor {
static var chinese: SweetLoremDescriptor {
static var japanese: SweetLoremDescriptor {
static var arabic: SweetLoremDescriptor {
SweetLorem is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.