Source code of the Iteration-Fusing Conjugate Gradient (IFCG)
How to run:
./dcg [bm] [it] [precision] [correction] [iter_fuse] [rep] [orth_fac] [HB_MAT] [FULL?] [CG_VER] [cglog] [B]
bm: block size
it: number of iterations
precision: target convergence (e.g. 1E-8)
correction: frequency of residual correction (e.g. every 50 iterations)
iter_fuse: FUSE parameter
rep: execution repetition
orth_fac: 0, no effect
HB_PATH: path to the matrix file (.rb)
CG_VER: the version of CG (specified in cg_main.c)
cglog (optional): 0/1 toggle for logfile output
B (optional): path to a right hand side file. If not specified, randomly generates a B vector and writes to a file RHS.dat
Sicong Zhuang and Marc Casas. 2017. Iteration-fusing conjugate gradient. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 21, 10 pages. DOI: