You can read "React18 新特性" courses first. The way is in the first line of image below.
90% interview problems of React is about state management.
In the lower picture, the time zone is very small, it may be 5ms. The system would check the task queue again each 5ms. Another task would be implemented if its priority is higher.
Which JS data structure should be used for taskQueue? What properties should be contained by a Task? And real data structure? #Q
interface Task {
id: number
callback: () => void
priorityLevel: PriorityLevel
startTime: number
expireTime: number
sortIndex: number
StartTime is the time when the task is created. expirationTime is the time when the task should be executed.
Put task into taskQueue. Users use scheduler through schedulerCallback. This function is not a callback function, it's used for scheduling callbacks.
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would throw an error if there is an undefined value.
Higher priority would be executed first. Task which has higher sortIndex would be executed first if there are other same priorityLevel tasks behind it.
Tasks in taskQueue would be executed immediately. Tasks in timerQueue would be move into taskQueue when their delay is over.