Translate statements in C++ that don’t exist in Python (e.g. do-while statements and switch case statements)
Detect syntax errors in source code
Detect relations between complex statements (e.g. for statement inside while statement inside if statement,.etc )
can remove single line and multiple line comments
Detect relations between compound conditions (e.g. A&&B || C)
Responsive and user-friendly UI
The translator can’t detect semantic errors in the source code
Translate for-statement with a single step and single increment variable
main_stmt -> int main ( ) { stmts }
stmts-> stmt stmts | e
Stmt -> asgmt_stmt| if_stmt | while_stmt |switch_case | do_while | for_stmt
Asgmt_stmt -> id = expr ;
if_stmt -> if (cond) { stmts } elifs els
elifs -> elif elifs | e
elif -> elif {stmts}
els -> else {stmts}
while_stmt -> while(conds){stmts}
do_while -> do{stmts}while(conds)
For_stmt -> for(asmgt conds ;id ++){stmts}
Switch_case -> switch(id){ switch_body}
Switch_body -> switch_line Switch_body | default_line | e
switch_line -> case digit : stmts break ;
Conds -> cond logicOpr conds | e
logicOpr -> && | || | e
Cond -> id relop digit
expr → term rest rest → + term rest | - term rest | ɛ term → factor rest1 rest1 → * factor rest1 | / factor rest1 | ɛ factor → digit | (expr) id -> a|..|z|A|..|Z digit → 0 | 1 | ... | 9