Zig build package and bindings for OpenVR v2.2.3
Work in progress
Interface | Status |
Applications | ✅ |
BlockQueue | |
Chaperone | ✅ |
ChaperoneSetup | |
Compositor | ✅ (d3d12 only) |
Debug | |
DriverManager | |
ExtendedDisplay | |
HeadsetView | |
Input | ✅ |
IOBuffer | |
Notifications | |
Overlay | |
OverlayView | |
Paths | |
Properties | |
RenderModels | ✅ |
Resources | |
Screenshots | |
Settings | |
SpatialAnchors | |
System | ✅ |
TrackedCamera |
Example build.zig
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ ... });
const zopenvr = b.dependency("zopenvr", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("zopenvr", zopenvr.module("zopenvr"));
try @import("zopenvr").addLibraryPathsTo(zopenvr, exe);
try @import("zopenvr").installOpenVR(zopenvr, &exe.step, target.result, .bin);
Now in your code you may import and use zopenvr
const std = @import("std");
const OpenVR = @import("zopenvr");
pub fn main() !void {
const openvr = try OpenVR.init(.scene);
defer openvr.deinit();
const system = try openvr.system();
const name = try app.system.allocTrackedDevicePropertyString(allocator, OpenVR.hmd, .tracking_system_name);
defer allocator.free(name);