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6. Appendix

jack edited this page Jan 3, 2017 · 1 revision

6.1 ZCL Foundation Command Reference Table

  • ZCL foundation commands are used for manipulating attributes and other general tasks that are not specific to an individual cluster.

  • Foundation commands are usually used to read/write attributes, attribute record objects should be given within zclPayload for .frame() to build a ZCL command packet. Format of an attribute record depends on the foundation command.

  • Description of each foundation command is documented in Section 2.4 General Command Frames.

Foundation Command Description Table

The following table describes what kind of payload format should a foundation command have. Each column in the table tells:

  • Cmd-API: Command name.
  • CmdId: Command id in number.
  • Description: Purpose of the command.
  • Payload: Payload should be an array of attribute records if the command is used to manipulate many attributes.
  • Parameter Types: Indicates the data type of each property in the payload object.
Cmd-API CmdId Description Payload Parameter Types
read 0 Read attributes [ readRec, ... ] none
readRsp 1 Read attributes response [ readStatusRec, ... ] none
write 2 Write attributes [ writeRec, ... ] none
writeUndiv 3 Write attributes undivided [ writeRec, ... ] none
writeRsp 4 Write attributes response [ writeStatusRec, ... ] none
writeNoRsp 5 Write attributes no response [ writeRec, ... ] none
configReport 6 Configure reporting [ cfgRptRec, ... ] none
configReportRsp 7 Configure reporting response [ cfgRptStatusRec, ... ] none
readReportConfig 8 Read reporting configuration [ readRptRec, ... ] none
readReportConfigRsp 9 Read reporting configuration response [ readRptStatusRec, ... ] none
report 10 Report attributes [ reportRec, ... ] none
defaultRsp 11 Default response { cmdId, statusCode } uint8, uint8
discover 12 Discover attributes { startAttrId, maxAttrIds } uint16, uint8
discoverRsp 13 Discover attributes response { discComplete, attrInfos } uint16, array(attrInfo)
readStruct 14 Read attributes structured [ readStructRec, ... ] none
writeStruct 15 Write attributes structured [ writeStructRec, ... ] none
writeStructRsp 16 Write attributes structured response [ writeStructStstusRec, ... ] none

Attribute Record Table

The following table lists each kind of the attribute records.

Note: Field types of multi and selector are given in Data Unit Table.

Cmd-API Field Names Field Types Judge Field Additional Field Names Additional Field Types
readRec { attrId } uint16 none none none
readStatusRec { attrId, status } uint16, uint8 status(0) { dataType, attrData } uint8, multi
status(1) none none
writeRec { attrId, dataType, attrData } uint16, uin8, multi none none none
writeStatusRec { status, attrId } uint8, uint16 none none none
cfgRptRec { direction, attrId } uint8, uint16 direction(0) { dataType, minRepIntval, maxRepIntval, [repChange] } uint8, uint16, uint16, depends(dataType)
direction(1) { timeout } uint16
cfgRptStatusRec { status, direction, attrId } uint8, uint8, uint16 none none none
readRptRec { direction, attrId } uint8, uint16 none none none
readRptStatusRec { status, direction, attrId } uint8, uint8, uint16 status(0) { dataType, minRepIntval, maxRepIntval, [repChange] } uint8, uint16, uint16, depends(dataType)
status(1) { timeout } uint16
reportRec { attrId, dataType, attrData } uint16, uin8, multi none none none
attrInfo { attrId, dataType } uint16, uint8 none none none
readStructRec { attrId, selector } uint16, selector none none none
writeStructRec { attrId, selector, dataType, attrData } uint16, selector, uint8, multi none none none
writeStructStstusRec { status, attrId, selector } uint8, attrId, selector none none none

Data Unit Table

Data Unit Judge Field Field Names Field Types
multi dataType(array, set, bag) { elmType, numElms, elmVals } uint8, uint16, array(depends(elmType))
dataType(struct) { numElms, structElms } uint16, array(struct)
selector none { indicator, indexes } uint8, array(depends(indicator))
struct none { elmType, elmVal } uint8, depends(elmType)

6.2 ZCL Functional Command Reference Table

The following table describes the payload format of functional commands. Each column in the table is:

  • Cluster: Cluster name.
  • Cmd-API: Command name.
  • CmdId: Command id in number.
  • Direction: Tells whether a command is sent from client-to-server (c2s) or from server-to-client (s2c).
  • Arguments: Required parameters of a Cmd-API.

Functional domains:

6.2.1 General

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
genBasic resetFactDefault 0 c2s { }
genIdentify identify 0 c2s { identifytime }
identifyQuery 1 c2s { }
ezmodeInvoke 2 c2s { action }
updateCommissionState 3 c2s { action, commstatemask }
triggerEffect 64 c2s { effectid, effectvariant }
identifyQueryRsp 0 s2c { timeout }
genGroups add 0 c2s { groupid, groupname }
view 1 c2s { groupid }
getMembership 2 c2s { groupcount, grouplist }
remove 3 c2s { groupid }
removeAll 4 c2s { }
addIfIdentifying 5 c2s { groupid, groupname }
addRsp 0 s2c { status, groupid }
viewRsp 1 s2c { status, groupid, groupname }
getMembershipRsp 2 s2c { capacity, groupcount, grouplist }
removeRsp 3 s2c { status, groupid }
genScenes add 0 c2s { groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets }
view 1 c2s { groupid, sceneid }
remove 2 c2s { groupid, sceneid }
removeAll 3 c2s { groupid }
store 4 c2s { groupid, sceneid }
recall 5 c2s { groupid, sceneid }
getSceneMembership 6 c2s { groupid }
enhancedAdd 64 c2s { groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets }
enhancedView 65 c2s { groupid, sceneid }
copy 66 c2s { mode, groupidfrom, sceneidfrom, groupidto, sceneidto }
addRsp 0 s2c { status, groupId, sceneId }
viewRsp 1 s2c { status, groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets }
removeRsp 2 s2c { status, groupid, sceneid }
removeAllRsp 3 s2c { status, groupid }
storeRsp 4 s2c { status, groupid, sceneid }
getSceneMembershipRsp 6 s2c { status, capacity, groupid, scenecount, scenelist }
enhancedAddRsp 64 s2c { }
enhancedViewRsp 65 s2c { status, groupid, sceneid, transtime, scenename, extensionfieldsets }
copyRsp 66 s2c { status, groupidfrom, sceneidfrom }
genOnOff off 0 c2s { }
on 1 c2s { }
toggle 2 c2s { }
offWithEffect 64 c2s { effectid, effectvariant }
onWithRecallGlobalScene 65 c2s { }
onWithTimedOff 66 c2s { ctrlbits, ctrlbyte, ontime, offwaittime }
genLevelCtrl moveToLevel 0 c2s { level, transtime }
move 1 c2s { movemode, rate }
step 2 c2s { stepmode, stepsize, transtime }
stop 3 c2s { }
moveToLevelWithOnOff 4 c2s { level, transtime }
moveWithOnOff 5 c2s { movemode, rate }
stepWithOnOff 6 c2s { stepmode, stepsize, transtime }
stopWithOnOff 7 c2s { }
genAlarms reset 0 c2s { alarmcode, clusterid }
resetAll 1 c2s { }
get 2 c2s { }
resetLog 3 c2s { }
publishEventLog 4 c2s { }
alarm 0 s2c { alarmcode, clusterid }
getRsp 1 s2c { status, alarmcode, clusterid, timestamp }
getEventLog 2 s2c { }
genRssiLocation setAbsolute 0 c2s { coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexponent }
setDevCfg 1 c2s { power, pathlossexponent, calperiod, numrssimeasurements, reportingperiod }
getDevCfg 2 c2s { targetaddr }
getData 3 c2s { getdatainfo, numrsp, targetaddr }
devCfgRsp 0 s2c { status, power, pathlossexp, calperiod, numrssimeasurements, reportingperiod }
dataRsp 1 s2c { status, locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexp, locationmethod, qualitymeasure, locationage }
dataNotif 2 s2c { locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, power, pathlossexp, locationmethod, qualitymeasure, locationage }
compactDataNotif 3 s2c { locationtype, coord1, coord2, coord3, qualitymeasure, locationage }
rssiPing 4 s2c { locationtype }
genCommissioning restartDevice 0 c2s { options, delay, jitter }
saveStartupParams 1 c2s { options, index }
restoreStartupParams 2 c2s { options, index }
resetStartupParams 3 c2s { options, index }
restartDeviceRsp 0 s2c { status }
saveStartupParamsRsp 1 s2c { status }
restoreStartupParamsRsp 2 s2c { status }
resetStartupParamsRsp 3 s2c { status }

6.2.2 Closures

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
closuresDoorLock lockDoor 0 c2s { pincodevalue }
unlockDoor 1 c2s { pincodevalue }
toggleDoor 2 c2s { pincodevalue }
unlockWithTimeout 3 c2s { timeout, pincodevalue }
getLogRecord 4 c2s { logindex }
setPinCode 5 c2s { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue }
getPinCode 6 c2s { userid }
clearPinCode 7 c2s { userid }
clearAllPinCodes 8 c2s { }
setUserStatus 9 c2s { userid, userstatus }
getUserStatus 10 c2s { userid }
setWeekDaySchedule 11 c2s { scheduleid, userid, daysmask, starthour, startminute, endhour, endminute }
getWeekDaySchedule 12 c2s { scheduleid, userid }
clearWeekDaySchedule 13 c2s { scheduleid, userid }
setYearDaySchedule 14 c2s { scheduleid, userid, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime }
getYearDaySchedule 15 c2s { scheduleid, userid }
clearYearDaySchedule 16 c2s { scheduleid, userid }
setHolidaySchedule 17 c2s { holidayscheduleid, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime, opermodelduringholiday }
getHolidaySchedule 18 c2s { holidayscheduleid }
clearHolidaySchedule 19 c2s { holidayscheduleid }
setUserType 20 c2s { userid, usertype }
getUserType 21 c2s { userid }
setRfidCode 22 c2s { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue }
getRfidCode 23 c2s { userid }
clearRfidCode 24 c2s { userid }
clearAllRfidCodes 25 c2s { }
lockDoorRsp 0 s2c { status }
unlockDoorRsp 1 s2c { status }
toggleDoorRsp 2 s2c { status }
unlockWithTimeoutRsp 3 s2c { status }
getLogRecordRsp 4 s2c { logentryid, timestamp, eventtype, source, eventidalarmcode, userid, pincodevalue }
setPinCodeRsp 5 s2c { status }
getPinCodeRsp 6 s2c { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue }
clearPinCodeRsp 7 s2c { status }
clearAllPinCodesRsp 8 s2c { status }
setUserStatusRsp 9 s2c { status }
getUserStatusRsp 10 s2c { userid, userstatus }
setWeekDayScheduleRsp 11 s2c { status }
getWeekDayScheduleRsp 12 s2c { scheduleid, userid, status, daysmask, starthour, startminute, endhour, endminute }
clearWeekDayScheduleRsp 13 s2c { status }
setYearDayScheduleRsp 14 s2c { status }
getYearDayScheduleRsp 15 s2c { scheduleid, userid, status, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime }
clearYearDayScheduleRsp 16 s2c { status }
setHolidayScheduleRsp 17 s2c { status }
getHolidayScheduleRsp 18 s2c { holidayscheduleid, status, zigbeelocalstarttime, zigbeelocalendtime, opermodelduringholiday }
clearHolidayScheduleRsp 19 s2c { status }
setUserTypeRsp 20 s2c { status }
getUserTypeRsp 21 s2c { userid, usertype }
setRfidCodeRsp 22 s2c { status }
getRfidCodeRsp 23 s2c { userid, userstatus, usertype, pincodevalue }
clearRfidCodeRsp 24 s2c { status }
clearAllRfidCodesRsp 25 s2c { status }
operationEventNotification 32 s2c { opereventsrc, opereventcode, userid, pin, zigbeelocaltime, data }
programmingEventNotification 33 s2c { programeventsrc, programeventcode, userid, pin, usertype, userstatus, zigbeelocaltime, data }
closuresWindowCovering upOpen 0 c2s { }
downClose 1 c2s { }
stop 2 c2s { }
goToLiftValue 4 c2s { liftvalue }
goToLiftPercentage 5 c2s { percentageliftvalue }
goToTiltValue 7 c2s { tiltvalue }
goToTiltPercentage 8 c2s { percentagetiltvalue }

6.2.3 HVAC

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
hvacThermostat setpointRaiseLower 0 c2s { mode, amount }
setWeeklySchedule 1 c2s { numoftrans, dayofweek, mode, thermoseqmode }
getWeeklySchedule 2 c2s { daystoreturn, modetoreturn }
clearWeeklySchedule 3 c2s { }
getRelayStatusLog 4 c2s { }
getWeeklyScheduleRsp 0 s2c { numoftrans, dayofweek, mode, thermoseqmode }
getRelayStatusLogRsp 1 s2c { timeofday, relaystatus, localtemp, humidity, setpoint, unreadentries }

6.2.4 Lighting

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
lightingColorCtrl moveToHue 0 c2s { hue, direction, transtime }
moveHue 1 c2s { movemode, rate }
stepHue 2 c2s { stepmode, stepsize, transtime }
moveToSaturation 3 c2s { saturation, transtime }
moveSaturation 4 c2s { movemode, rate }
stepSaturation 5 c2s { stepmode, stepsize, transtime }
moveToHueAndSaturation 6 c2s { hue, saturation, transtime }
moveToColor 7 c2s { colorx, colory, transtime }
moveColor 8 c2s { ratex, ratey }
stepColor 9 c2s { stepx, stepy, transtime }
moveToColorTemp 10 c2s { colortemp, transtime }
enhancedMoveToHue 64 c2s { enhancehue, direction, transtime }
enhancedMoveHue 65 c2s { movemode, rate }
enhancedStepHue 66 c2s { stepmode, stepsize, transtime }
enhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation 67 c2s { enhancehue, saturation, transtime }
colorLoopSet 68 c2s { bits, bytee, action, direction, time, starthue }
stopMoveStep 71 c2s { bits, bytee, action, direction, time, starthue }

6.2.5 Security and Safety

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
ssIasZone enrollRsp 0 c2s { enrollrspcode, zoneid }
statusChangeNotification 0 s2c { zonestatus, extendedstatus }
enrollReq 1 s2c { zonetype, manucode }
ssIasAce arm 0 c2s { armmode }
bypass 1 c2s { numofzones, zoneidlist }
emergency 2 c2s { }
fire 3 c2s { }
panic 4 c2s { }
getZoneIDMap 5 c2s { }
getZoneInfo 6 c2s { zoneid }
getPanelStatus 7 c2s { }
getBypassedZoneList 8 c2s { }
getZoneStatus 9 c2s { startzoneid, maxnumzoneid, zonestatusmaskflag, zonestatusmask }
armRsp 0 s2c { armnotification }
getZoneIDMapRsp 1 s2c { zoneidmapsection0, zoneidmapsection1, zoneidmapsection2, zoneidmapsection3, zoneidmapsection4, zoneidmapsection5, zoneidmapsection6, zoneidmapsection7, zoneidmapsection8, zoneidmapsection9, zoneidmapsection10, zoneidmapsection11, zoneidmapsection12, zoneidmapsection13, zoneidmapsection14, zoneidmapsection15 }
getZoneInfoRsp 2 s2c { zoneid, zonetype, ieeeaddr }
zoneStatusChanged 3 s2c { zoneid, zonestatus, audiblenotif, strlen, string }
panelStatusChanged 4 s2c { panelstatus, secondsremain, audiblenotif, alarmstatus }
getPanelStatusRsp 5 s2c { panelstatus, secondsremain, audiblenotif, alarmstatus }
setBypassedZoneList 6 s2c { numofzones, zoneid }
bypassRsp 7 s2c { numofzones, bypassresult }
getZoneStatusRsp 8 s2c { zonestatuscomplete, numofzones, zoneinfo }
ssIasWd startWarning 0 c2s { startwarninginfo, warningduration }
squawk 1 c2s { squawkinfo }

6.2.6 Protocol Interfaces

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
piGenericTunnel matchProtocolAddr 0 c2s { protocoladdr }
matchProtocolAddrRsp 0 s2c { devieeeaddr, protocoladdr }
advertiseProtocolAddr 1 s2c { protocoladdr }
piBacnetProtocolTunnel transferNPDU 0 c2s { npdu }

6.2.7 Home Automation

Cluster Cmd-API CmdId Direction Arguments
haApplianceEventsAlerts getAlerts 0 c2s { }
getAlertsRsp 0 s2c { alertscount, aalert }
alertsNotification 1 s2c { alertscount, aalert }
eventNotification 2 s2c { eventheader, eventid }
haApplianceStatistics log 0 c2s { logid }
logQueue 1 c2s { }
logNotification 0 s2c { timestamp, logid, loglength, logpayload }
logRsp 1 s2c { timestamp, logid, loglength, logpayload }
logQueueRsp 2 s2c { logqueuesize, logid }
statisticsAvailable 3 s2c { logqueuesize, logid }
haElectricalMeasurement getProfileInfo 0 c2s { }
getMeasurementProfile 1 c2s { attrId, starttime, numofuntervals }
getProfileInfoRsp 0 s2c { profilecount, profileintervalperiod, maxnumofintervals, numofattrs, listofattr }
getMeasurementProfileRsp 1 s2c { starttime, status, profileintervalperiod, numofintervalsdeliv, attrId, intervals }