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Merge pull request #15905 from jacobly0/x86_64-hotfix
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x86_64: hotfix for crash during in-memory coercion of large type
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kubkon authored May 30, 2023
2 parents 1ab008d + 28df1d0 commit 76aa1ff
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Showing 6 changed files with 455 additions and 97 deletions.
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions lib/std/child_process.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -957,15 +957,12 @@ fn windowsCreateProcessPathExt(
// NtQueryDirectoryFile calls.

var dir = dir: {
if (fs.path.isAbsoluteWindowsWTF16(dir_buf.items[0..dir_path_len])) {
const prefixed_path = try windows.wToPrefixedFileW(dir_buf.items[0..dir_path_len]);
break :dir fs.cwd().openDirW(prefixed_path.span().ptr, .{}, true) catch return error.FileNotFound;
// needs to be null-terminated
try dir_buf.append(allocator, 0);
defer dir_buf.shrinkRetainingCapacity(dir_buf.items[0..dir_path_len].len);
defer dir_buf.shrinkRetainingCapacity(dir_path_len);
const dir_path_z = dir_buf.items[0 .. dir_buf.items.len - 1 :0];
break :dir std.fs.cwd().openDirW(dir_path_z.ptr, .{}, true) catch return error.FileNotFound;
const prefixed_path = try windows.wToPrefixedFileW(dir_path_z);
break :dir fs.cwd().openDirW(prefixed_path.span().ptr, .{}, true) catch return error.FileNotFound;
defer dir.close();

Expand Down
307 changes: 242 additions & 65 deletions lib/std/os/windows.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1157,9 +1157,9 @@ pub fn GetFinalPathNameByHandle(

// This surprising path is a filesystem path to the mount manager on Windows.
// Source:
const mgmt_path = "\\MountPointManager";
const mgmt_path_u16 = sliceToPrefixedFileW(mgmt_path) catch unreachable;
const mgmt_handle = OpenFile(mgmt_path_u16.span(), .{
// This is the NT namespaced version of \\.\MountPointManager
const mgmt_path_u16 = std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16LeStringLiteral("\\??\\MountPointManager");
const mgmt_handle = OpenFile(mgmt_path_u16, .{
.access_mask = SYNCHRONIZE,
.creation = FILE_OPEN,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1997,43 +1997,248 @@ pub fn cStrToPrefixedFileW(s: [*:0]const u8) !PathSpace {
return sliceToPrefixedFileW(mem.sliceTo(s, 0));

/// Converts the path `s` to WTF16, null-terminated. If the path is absolute,
/// it will get NT-style prefix `\??\` prepended automatically.
pub fn sliceToPrefixedFileW(s: []const u8) !PathSpace {
var path_space: PathSpace = undefined;
const prefix = "\\??\\";
const prefix_index: usize = if (mem.startsWith(u8, s, prefix)) prefix.len else 0;
for (s[prefix_index..]) |byte| {
switch (byte) {
'*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|' => return error.BadPathName,
else => {},
const prefix_u16 = [_]u16{ '\\', '?', '?', '\\' };
const start_index = if (prefix_index > 0 or !std.fs.path.isAbsolute(s)) 0 else blk: {[0..prefix_u16.len].* = prefix_u16;
break :blk prefix_u16.len;
path_space.len = start_index + try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16Le([start_index..], s);
if (path_space.len > return error.NameTooLong;
path_space.len = start_index + (normalizePath(u16,[start_index..path_space.len]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.TooManyParentDirs => {
if (!std.fs.path.isAbsolute(s)) {
var temp_path: PathSpace = undefined;
temp_path.len = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16Le(&, s);
std.debug.assert(temp_path.len == path_space.len);[path_space.len] = 0;
path_space.len = prefix_u16.len + try getFullPathNameW(&,[prefix_u16.len..]);[0..prefix_u16.len].* = prefix_u16;
std.debug.assert([path_space.len] == 0);
/// Same as `wToPrefixedFileW` but accepts a UTF-8 encoded path.
pub fn sliceToPrefixedFileW(path: []const u8) !PathSpace {
var temp_path: PathSpace = undefined;
temp_path.len = try std.unicode.utf8ToUtf16Le(&, path);[temp_path.len] = 0;
return wToPrefixedFileW(temp_path.span());

/// Converts the `path` to WTF16, null-terminated. If the path contains any
/// namespace prefix, or is anything but a relative path (rooted, drive relative,
/// etc) the result will have the NT-style prefix `\??\`.
/// Similar to RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U with a few differences:
/// - Does not allocate on the heap.
/// - Relative paths are kept as relative unless they contain too many ..
/// components, in which case they are treated as drive-relative and resolved
/// against the CWD.
/// - Special case device names like COM1, NUL, etc are not handled specially (TODO)
/// - . and space are not stripped from the end of relative paths (potential TODO)
pub fn wToPrefixedFileW(path: [:0]const u16) !PathSpace {
const nt_prefix = [_]u16{ '\\', '?', '?', '\\' };
switch (getNamespacePrefix(u16, path)) {
// TODO: Figure out a way to design an API that can avoid the copy for .nt,
// since it is always returned fully unmodified.
.nt, .verbatim => {
var path_space: PathSpace = undefined;[0..nt_prefix.len].* = nt_prefix;
const len_after_prefix = path.len - nt_prefix.len;
@memcpy([nt_prefix.len..][0..len_after_prefix], path[nt_prefix.len..]);
path_space.len = path.len;[path_space.len] = 0;
return path_space;
.local_device, .fake_verbatim => {
var path_space: PathSpace = undefined;
const path_byte_len = ntdll.RtlGetFullPathName_U(
path.ptr, * 2,
if (path_byte_len == 0) {
// TODO: This may not be the right error
return error.BadPathName;
} else if (path_byte_len / 2 > {
return error.NameTooLong;
path_space.len = path_byte_len / 2;
// Both prefixes will be normalized but retained, so all
// we need to do now is replace them with the NT prefix[0..nt_prefix.len].* = nt_prefix;
return path_space;
.none => {
const path_type = getUnprefixedPathType(u16, path);
var path_space: PathSpace = undefined;
relative: {
if (path_type == .relative) {
// TODO: Handle special case device names like COM1, AUX, NUL, CONIN$, CONOUT$, etc.
// See

// TODO: Potentially strip all trailing . and space characters from the
// end of the path. This is something that both RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U
// and RtlGetFullPathName_U do. Technically, trailing . and spaces
// are allowed, but such paths may not interact well with Windows (i.e.
// files with these paths can't be deleted from explorer.exe, etc).
// This could be something that normalizePath may want to do.

@memcpy([0..path.len], path);
// Try to normalize, but if we get too many parent directories,
// then this is effectively a 'drive relative' path, so we need to
// start over and use RtlGetFullPathName_U instead.
path_space.len = normalizePath(u16,[0..path.len]) catch |err| switch (err) {
error.TooManyParentDirs => break :relative,
};[path_space.len] = 0;
return path_space;
// We now know we are going to return an absolute NT path, so
// we can unconditionally prefix it with the NT prefix.[0..nt_prefix.len].* = nt_prefix;
if (path_type == .root_local_device) {
// `\\.` and `\\?` always get converted to `\??\` exactly, so
// we can just stop here
path_space.len = nt_prefix.len;[path_space.len] = 0;
return path_space;
return error.BadPathName;
const path_buf_offset = switch (path_type) {
// UNC paths will always start with `\\`. However, we want to
// end up with something like `\??\UNC\server\share`, so to get
// RtlGetFullPathName to write into the spot we want the `server`
// part to end up, we need to provide an offset such that
// the `\\` part gets written where the `C\` of `UNC\` will be
// in the final NT path.
.unc_absolute => nt_prefix.len + 2,
else => nt_prefix.len,
const buf_len = @intCast(u32, - path_buf_offset);
const path_byte_len = ntdll.RtlGetFullPathName_U(
buf_len * 2,[path_buf_offset..].ptr,
if (path_byte_len == 0) {
// TODO: This may not be the right error
return error.BadPathName;
} else if (path_byte_len / 2 > buf_len) {
return error.NameTooLong;
path_space.len = path_buf_offset + (path_byte_len / 2);
if (path_type == .unc_absolute) {
// Now add in the UNC, the `C` should overwrite the first `\` of the
// FullPathName, ultimately resulting in `\??\UNC\<the rest of the path>`
std.debug.assert([path_buf_offset] == '\\');
std.debug.assert([path_buf_offset + 1] == '\\');
const unc = [_]u16{ 'U', 'N', 'C' };[nt_prefix.len..][0..unc.len].* = unc;
return path_space;
});[path_space.len] = 0;
return path_space;

pub const NamespacePrefix = enum {
/// `\\.\` (path separators can be `\` or `/`)
/// `\\?\`
/// When converted to an NT path, everything past the prefix is left
/// untouched and `\\?\` is replaced by `\??\`.
/// `\\?\` without all path separators being `\`.
/// This seems to be recognized as a prefix, but the 'verbatim' aspect
/// is not respected (i.e. if `//?/C:/foo` is converted to an NT path,
/// it will become `\??\C:\foo` [it will be canonicalized and the //?/ won't
/// be treated as part of the final path])
/// `\??\`

pub fn getNamespacePrefix(comptime T: type, path: []const T) NamespacePrefix {
if (path.len < 4) return .none;
var all_backslash = switch (path[0]) {
'\\' => true,
'/' => false,
else => return .none,
all_backslash = all_backslash and switch (path[3]) {
'\\' => true,
'/' => false,
else => return .none,
switch (path[1]) {
'?' => if (path[2] == '?' and all_backslash) return .nt else return .none,
'\\' => {},
'/' => all_backslash = false,
else => return .none,
return switch (path[2]) {
'?' => if (all_backslash) .verbatim else .fake_verbatim,
'.' => .local_device,
else => .none,

test getNamespacePrefix {
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.none, getNamespacePrefix(u8, ""));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.nt, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\??\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.none, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "/??/"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.none, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "/??\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.none, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\?\\\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.local_device, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\\\.\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.local_device, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\\\./"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.local_device, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "/\\./"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.local_device, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "//./"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.none, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "/.//"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.verbatim, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\\\?\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.fake_verbatim, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\/?\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.fake_verbatim, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "\\/?/"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(NamespacePrefix.fake_verbatim, getNamespacePrefix(u8, "//?/"));

pub const UnprefixedPathType = enum {

inline fn isSepW(c: u16) bool {
return c == '/' or c == '\\';

/// Get the path type of a path that is known to not have any namespace prefixes
/// (`\\?\`, `\\.\`, `\??\`).
pub fn getUnprefixedPathType(comptime T: type, path: []const T) UnprefixedPathType {
if (path.len < 1) return .relative;

if (std.debug.runtime_safety) {
std.debug.assert(getNamespacePrefix(T, path) == .none);

if (isSepW(path[0])) {
// \x
if (path.len < 2 or !isSepW(path[1])) return .rooted;
// exactly \\. or \\? with nothing trailing
if (path.len == 3 and (path[2] == '.' or path[2] == '?')) return .root_local_device;
// \\x
return .unc_absolute;
} else {
// x
if (path.len < 2 or path[1] != ':') return .relative;
// x:\
if (path.len > 2 and isSepW(path[2])) return .drive_absolute;
// x:
return .drive_relative;

test getUnprefixedPathType {
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, ""));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.root_local_device, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "//."));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.root_local_device, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "/\\?"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.root_local_device, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "\\\\?"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.unc_absolute, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "\\\\x"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.unc_absolute, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "//x"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.rooted, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "\\x"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.rooted, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "/"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:abc"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_relative, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:a/b/c"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_absolute, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:\\"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_absolute, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:\\abc"));
try std.testing.expectEqual(UnprefixedPathType.drive_absolute, getUnprefixedPathType(u8, "x:/a/b/c"));

fn getFullPathNameW(path: [*:0]const u16, out: []u16) !usize {
Expand All @@ -2046,34 +2251,6 @@ fn getFullPathNameW(path: [*:0]const u16, out: []u16) !usize {
return result;

/// Assumes an absolute path.
pub fn wToPrefixedFileW(s: []const u16) !PathSpace {
var path_space: PathSpace = undefined;

const start_index = if (mem.startsWith(u16, s, &[_]u16{ '\\', '?' })) 0 else blk: {
const prefix = [_]u16{ '\\', '?', '?', '\\' };[0..prefix.len].* = prefix;
break :blk prefix.len;
path_space.len = start_index + s.len;
if (path_space.len > return error.NameTooLong;
@memcpy([start_index..][0..s.len], s);
// > File I/O functions in the Windows API convert "/" to "\" as part of
// > converting the name to an NT-style name, except when using the "\\?\"
// > prefix as detailed in the following sections.
// from
// Because we want the larger maximum path length for absolute paths, we
// convert forward slashes to backward slashes here.
for ([0..path_space.len]) |*elem| {
if (elem.* == '/') {
elem.* = '\\';
}[path_space.len] = 0;
return path_space;

inline fn MAKELANGID(p: c_ushort, s: c_ushort) LANGID {
return (s << 10) | p;
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/std/os/windows/ntdll.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,16 @@ pub extern "ntdll" fn RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(
) callconv(WINAPI) BOOL;
pub extern "ntdll" fn RtlFreeUnicodeString(UnicodeString: *UNICODE_STRING) callconv(WINAPI) void;

/// Returns the number of bytes written to `Buffer`.
/// If the returned count is larger than `BufferByteLength`, the buffer was too small.
/// If the returned count is zero, an error occurred.
pub extern "ntdll" fn RtlGetFullPathName_U(
FileName: [*:0]const u16,
BufferByteLength: ULONG,
Buffer: [*]u16,
ShortName: ?*[*:0]const u16,
) callconv(windows.WINAPI) windows.ULONG;

pub extern "ntdll" fn NtQueryDirectoryFile(
FileHandle: HANDLE,
Event: ?HANDLE,
Expand Down

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