Strongly Typed Client API Generators generate strongly typed client API in C# codes and TypeScript codes. This repository contains code examples explained in the following articles:
- .NET Core 2.x had dependency on Newtonsoft.JSON, while .NET Core 3.0 had been decoupled from Neewtonsoft.JSON and the default serializer is working well in most scenarios except for Tuple, 2D array and anonymous object etc. If you would support these data types or would keep 100% compitability with the serialization of NewtonSoft.JSON, you should explicitly include package
and add addAddNewtonsoftJson()
And this repository contains the demo applications.
- Core3WebApi, ASP.NET Core Web API providing data to other test suites.
- Core3Mvc, ASP.NET Core MVC.
- Tour of the Heroes with MAUI, migrated from Xamarin Heroes, in folder mobile.
- Tour of the Heroes with Aurelia in folder AureliaHeroes. Integration test suite included.
- Tour of the Heroes with React TS in folder ReactHeroes. Integration test suite included.
- vueTS, JEST test suite with Vue TypeScript and the generated TypeScript codes.