Install the OpenCV Developer package. On Ubuntu systems that's
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
go get github.com/zikes/chrisify
go get github.com/lazywei/go-opencv
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zikes/chrisify && go build
Simplest: chrisify path/to/image.jpg > output.jpg
If executed from any location besides the repository, you must tell it where to find the bundled Haar Cascade face recognition XML file. I tried to bundle it with the binary, but it must be provided as a file to the OpenCV library, so a file path is necessary.
chrisify --haar /path/to/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml /path/to/input.jpg > output.jpg
If you'd like to use different faces, you can provide a directory of PNG files to be imported:
chrisify --faces /path/to/faces /path/to/input.jpg > output.jpg