Automation CMS to create and manage automated task whithin your browser
Shaker is built on top of Bash with python/mako layer. Shaker let you edit your shell scripts and your environment variables file. You can also perform a syntax check and run the scripts.
In addition, Shaker allows you to manage your IT infrastructure, configure and create Virtual Machines from any HyperVisor, and push the configurations on your Network devices.
Finally, Shaker strength is its extendability. You can write you own modules whithin the web interface.
git clone
cd shaker && sudo bash setup.bash
please check if the version of node installed >= v0.10.XX if not, install NVM and get v0.10
curl | sh
(( reopen the terminal ))
nvm install 0.10
node app
Go to shaker/py-sc/shaker.conf and edit with a valid account, this account will be used to ssh your localhost (if it's needed) You can create a dedicated user for shaker, in this case you will be able to control shaker permissions
change also the "pwd" with the curent shaker folder in your machine
user : shaker
password: shakerpass@
pwd : /home/shaker
node app.js
You can access to Shaker at this address : http://localhost:3002/
user : admin
password : admin
We have two files, the env file, where we fetch our variables, we can use Python code to fetch and Mako to template the file the second file is the bash script,
In this case, we have a Proxmox cluster and a Shaker machine, we will run this script in the shaker machine, Shaker will perform an ssh to the Proxmox cluster and run our commands
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis()
data = r.hgetall(argv[0]) ## we get data from REDIS DB, argv[] it's shaker parameters
## data its a dictionnary
## data = {ip : IP,mac : MAC , vmid: ID,..}
host : # proxmox machine
user : root
password : cspolperdio
mac : ${data['mac'].upper()}
# we can have vm paramters like cpu ram image ...ect
code: |
import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis()
print "update vm !"
NEXT_VMID=$(pvesh get cluster/nextid | sed 's/"//g')
mkdir /var/lib/vz/images/$NEXT_VMID
cp /var/lib/vz/images/111/base-111-disk-1.qcow2 /var/lib/vz/images/$NEXT_VMID/base-$NEXT_VMID-disk-1.qcow2
pvesh create /nodes/proxmox/qemu -vmid $NEXT_VMID -memory 2048 -sockets 1 -cores 2 -net0 e1000=${env['vm']['mac']},bridge=vmbr0 -ide0=local:$NEXT_VMID/base-$NEXT_VMID-disk-1.qcow2
echo "vm created"
$$ sk_console.get GET_VAR ## get variable from Proxmox machine
$$ rbox.py_run UPDATE_VM_ID ## update in our DB the curent VM_ID of the virtual machine
sleep 5 ; pvesh create /nodes/proxmox/qemu/$NEXT_VMID/status/start
we can call to internal shaker module with "$$", it's very easy to add new modules to shaker, you just have to add a python code in py-sc/modules/yourfile and add the name of your file in ""
- from terminal
python -x -e <path to env file> -s <path to shell file>