list all generations (new one after each nixos-rebuild
sudo nix-env --list-generations --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
delete all generations except the current one
sudo nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --delete-generations old
sudo cp ~/dotfiles/root/reflector.conf /etc/xdg/reflector/
sudo systemctl enable reflector.service --now
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
sudo chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.zshrc ~/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.zprofile ~/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/starship.toml ~/.config/
mkdir -p ~/.config/fastfetch &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/fastfetch/config.jsonc ~/.config/fastfetch/
mkdir -p ~/.config/hypr &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/hypr/* ~/.config/hypr/
mkdir -p ~/.config/rofi
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/rofi/*.rasi ~/.config/rofi/
mkdir -p ~/.config/kitty/themes &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/kitty/*.conf ~/.config/kitty/ &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/kitty/themes/* ~/.config/kitty/themes/
mkdir -p ~/.config/waybar &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/waybar/* ~/.config/waybar/
mkdir -p ~/.config/swaync &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/swaync/* ~/.config/swaync/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/mimeapps.list ~/.config/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/mimeapps.list ~/.local/share/applications/
crontab -e
add line after command above
@daily /usr/bin/trash-empty 30
search MAKEFLAGS & set to:
pacman -Syyu
paru -Syyu
pacman -Qdtq | sudo pacman -Rsn -
paccache -dvk2
paccache -rvk2
paccache -duvk0
paccache -ruvk0
pacman -Sccd
paru -Sccd
# flatpak
flatpak update
# nvim
Youtube video explains!
das auch sehr wichtig
sudo ln -sf ~/dotfiles/root/tlp.conf /etc/
sudo tlp start
important: follow suggestings from error messages
ags --init
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/ags/* ~/.config/ags/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/.bash_profile ~/
mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/functions &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/fish/* ~/.config/fish/
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/fish/functions/* ~/.config/fish/functions/
mkdir -p ~/.config/foot &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/foot/* ~/.config/foot/
github with install instructions (aur package is trash) for install script use this command
mkdir ~/.themes &
./ -l -t all
needed qt6ct qt5ct also possible
mkdir ~/.config/qt6ct/colors &
ln -sf ~/dotfiles/config/qt6ct/colors/*.conf ~/.config/qt6ct/colors/
now open qt6ct and apply settings