The plugin allows you to pick atomic changes from the guest machine folder via rsync.
The rsync
shared folder type is much faster (10x times maybe)
than nfs/virtualbox/smb and others.
But it has one huge disadvantage: it isn't possible to sync data in a bidirectional way at all. So when you generate a new migration or rake task for example your changes are kept on your guest machine only.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-rsync-pick
And then configure your guest directory (where the files are taken from) and your host directory (where the files are stored to):
config.rsync_pick.guest_dir = "/var/www/my-app"
config.rsync_pick.host_dir = Dir.pwd
Execute this command so the file(s) is(are) rsynced to you host folder:
$ vagrant rpick db/migrate/20100825634193_create_table.rb
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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Everyone interacting in the VagrantRsyncPick project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.