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Installing ZSH on Windows

This readme is to help you install zsh on windows , for step by step method with images visit My Post

  • You can refer the resources folder for some useful files

1. Cygwin Setup :

  1. Download Cygwin
  2. When Running The Installer, Follow the Instructions.
    1. Make Sure to Let the installer install at C:\cygwin64
    2. For Download site Select Any URL , Click Add
    3. Stop at packages screen, search wget expand All under Web select latest version of it under bin of wget no need to select Source. Then Continue.
  3. Finish Installing and launch the Terminal.
  • We are going to use Cygwin to Install Some Packages that will help to use Linux System on Windows. We will install apt-cyg which will work like apt-get and many other packages too like vim
  1. Run The following to download apt-cyg with wget. Note you can prompt to install gdb, vim or dos2unix if you want to use them or just remove them, you can install even more packages of your choice if you wish !

      > wget
      > install apt-cyg /bin
      > apt-cyg install zsh git gdb dos2unix openssh vim [or your favorite text editor]
  2. If you want your home folder to be your user's folder, you need to edit cygwin64/etc/nsswitch.conf. You can do this in the text editor you just downloaded, or type explorer /etc to open the root directory to edit the file.

  3. Add this line to the bottom: db_home: windows

That's it for Cygwin , you can close the Terminal. Now let's move to the terminal we are using in this guide.

2. CMDER setup

  1. Download and install one font from the package of Powerline Font to use in the terminal for the custom Icons. For This Guide I will be using MesloGS NF given in the Files of this Repo

  2. Download Cmder (the full Version !) it's a portable package so to install it just extract it into a folder where it can stay permanently.

  3. Run cmder.exe

  4. Right Click the Tab Bar and open Settings, We will be tweaking some of it. You Can Tweak As You Wish Too ! Or you can simply import my settings , file is in the resources folder.

    i. Under General>Fonts. = Select Main Console Font MesloGS NF and remove check from Alternative Font

    ii. Under General>Size & Pos. = Check Snap To desktop edges

    iii. Under General>Appearance. =

    • You can remove Check from Show Button In tab bar and Show Search Field ,
    • check Hide Scroll Bar

    iv. Under General>Tab bar select auto show.

    v. Under General>Confirm You can switch off confirmation of creating new tab if you don't need it (I Never wanted it).

    vi. Under **General>Taskbar **

    • check Don't show ConEmu Window on taskbar &
    • Auto Minimize to TSA (to not interrupt in alt+tab)

    vii. IMPORTANT : Under Startup>Tasks

    • Click on + then Rename it from Group xx to cygwin:ZSH.

    • Check Default Task For New Console

    • Under Task you can give Location of any Icon You Wish to have (.ico file), icon available in resources

      -icon "C:\cygwin64\Cygwin.ico"

    • Now In the Last Command Box paste this command

        C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /usr/bin/zsh --login -i -new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%
    • Last step is Click on General and choose startup task from the dropdown {cygwin:ZSH}

    • Do the same for Admin Privileges , rename it as {cygwin:ZSH as Admin} and replace command with

        *C:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /usr/bin/zsh --login -i -new_console:d:%USERPROFILE%

    viii. Under Features>Colors choose Monokai Scheme

    ix. For the setup of shortcuts, Click on Keys & Macro then change the shortcuts. Here is my setup :

       Win + Esc : MInimize/Restore
       Win + Down : Create New Console
       Win + T : Create new console (With Dialog)
       Win + N : Split: Duplicate active ‘shell’ split to bottom
       Win + Right : Switch Next Console 
       Win + Left : Switch Previous Console
       Win + Q : Close active Console
       Win + E : Close all Consoles
       Win + Alt + P : Show Settings 
       Win + Alt + Space : Show ConEmu Menu 
    • To make These Work go to Keys & Macro>Keyboard and check Support Special Keys

    x. Under Keys & Macro>Paste make sure Multi Lines is Checked Everywhere.

    xi. After Completing the Settings Click On Save Settings.

  5. You Have setup to use Cygwin in Cmder, Close the terminal and open a new one

  6. Tada! you will see some differences, There You Go Running Cygwin In Cmder Successfully.

  7. If a Prompt Comes type 0 to exit, we can edit the specified files later manually.

3. Setting Up ZSH

Now let's add a manager to handle plugins, updating and themes. The Reason Why you are here 😉

  1. Install oh-my-zsh the manual way, Run the lines one by one
 > git clone git:// ~/.oh-my-zsh
 > cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
  1. If it prompts , type 0 to exit

  2. There You Go Running ZSH on WINDOWS !

Now we are going to theme and edit all features of zsh and cygwin you can continue if you wish to make it look like mine.

4. Customization

  • Changing Color Scheme and other Mintty settings

    1. Right click your terminal

    2. Hit options

    3. Change font-size and Apply the settings , this creates .minttyrc file

    4. Browse to Root folder of the user , open .minttyrc file and paste my settings , file available in resources

    Font=MesloLGS NF
  • Changing Zsh Themes and prompts

    - To install the **Powerlevel10k** theme that I am using you can run ```cmd git clone --depth=1 $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k ``` - Set `ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k"` in `~/.zshrc`. - Close and Open a new terminal window - Finally Go through the setup in the prompt as you wish - I have edited the **p10k.zsh** file, manually to make it look even more clearner, the file is available in this repo

  • Adding Plugins

    - To install plugins just go to your root user folder, open `.zshrc` and you will find a variable plugins. Simply add the plugins you want to install with spaces `plugins=(git z zsh-autosuggestions)` - **Z** = saves the locations you visit the most, so that you can access it in one shot - **git** = brings many aliases in the command line - **npm Trash-cli** = it is an npm package, very useful to replace rm command - **Auto suggestions** = automatically suggests the code to type and autocomplete, has to be installed manually not internally available 1. run `git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions` 2. add `zsh-autosuggestions` in plugins variable (available in resources)

Setup Complete 🎉


  • You can checkout about all the features of oh-my-zsh on the internet , go explore

  • Errors :

    • on some commands oh-my-zsh runs less command with -R (repaint). You can disable this behavior by adding the following line at the end of your ~/.zshrc
      unset LESS;
    • This is set to -R in ~/.oh-my-zsh/lib/misc.zsh

    • incase there is Insecure completion-dependent directories error : run this

      chmod -R 755 ~/.oh-my-zsh


Installing ZSH on Windows






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