- Set a global configuration object:
global.SLoptions = { /* options */ };
- Load the gulp tasks:
const { tasks } = = require('@zivtech/starterlight-tasks'); for(let task in tasks) { exports[task] = tasks[task]; }
sourcemaps (bool)
Turn Sass sourcemaps on or off.
sass (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: A glob of Sass files to be compiled into CSS.
- dest: The directory the compiled CSS file will be placed in.
- config: An object of node-sass configuration options.
js (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: A glob of JS files to lint.
- eslint: An object of eslint configuration options. This will typically be unused since we inherit our linting rules from Drupal core.
sassGlob (obj)
An object of gulp-sass-glob configuration options.
sassLint (obj)
An object of sass-lint configuration options.
postcss (obj)
- postcssPresetEnv: An object of postcss-preset-env configuration options. Use this if you need to support older browsers (e.g. IE11) but want to use newer CSS specifications. See https://preset-env.cssdb.org/features for a list of features this helps support.
- postcssSortMediaQueries: An object of postcss-sort-media-queries configuration options.
- cssnano: An object of cssnano configuration options. We use the default preset and override a few of its optimization options.
favicons (obj)
- paths (obj)
- src: The path to the image file from which the rest of the favicons will be created.
- dest: The directory the generated favicons will be placed in.
- templateFile: The name of the template file where favicons will be injected. This should be to
unless you changed where the injection tags are located. - templateDir: The path to the directory where the
- config: An object of favicons configuration options.
browserSync (obj)
An object of Browsersync configuration options.
Here are the defaults we use. You can copy this and configure to fit your needs.
sass: {
sourcemaps: true,
paths: {
src: ["./scss/**/*.scss"],
dest: "./css/"
config: {
outputStyle: "expanded"
js: {
paths: {
src: ["./js/**/*.js"]
eslint: {}
sassGlob: {},
sassLint: {
files: {
ignore: ["scss/00-base/settings/**/*.scss"]
rules: {
property-sort-order: 0,
indentation: 0,
no-color-literals: 0,
variable-name-format: 0,
force-element-nesting: 0,
no-qualifying-elements: 0,
placeholder-in-extend: 0,
nesting-depth: 0,
leading-zero: 0,
no-duplicate-properties: 0,
no-vendor-prefixes: 0,
force-pseudo-nesting: 0,
pseudo-element: 0,
no-important: 0,
extends-before-declarations: 2,
extends-before-mixins: 0,
mixins-before-declarations: [
exclude: [
declarations-before-nesting: 2,
class-name-format: 0,
no-transition-all: 0,
space-around-operator: 0,
force-attribute-nesting: 0,
no-ids: 0,
no-misspelled-properties: 0
postcss: {
postcssPresetEnv: {
autoprefixer: {},
features: {}
postcssSortMediaQueries: {},
cssnano: {
preset: [
autoprefixer: {
exclude: false
discardUnused: {
exclude: false
mergeIdents: {
exclude: false
reduceIdents: {
exclude: false
favicons: {
paths: {
src: "./images/favicon-source.png",
dest: "./images/favicons/",
templateFile: "html.html.twig",
templateDir: "./templates/layout/"
config: {
path: "/themes/custom/starterlight/images/favicons",
appName: "Enter the name of the site or app here",
appDescription: "Enter a short description of the site or app here",
appleStatusBarStyle: "#fff",
background: "#fff",
theme_color: "#fff",
display: "standalone",
orientation: "portrait",
start_url: "/?homescreen=1",
version: 1.0,
logging: false,
html: "favicons.html",
pipeHTML: true,
replace: true,
icons: {
android: {
offset: 10,
background: true
appleIcon: {
offset: 10,
background: true
appleStartup: {
offset: 10,
background: true
coast: {
offset: 10
favicons: true,
firefox: {
offset: 15,
background: true,
mask: true,
overlayGlow: false
windows: {
offset: 10,
background: true
yandex: true
browserSync: {
proxy: "local.dev",
open: true
"sass": {
"sourcemaps": true,
"paths": {
"src": ["./scss/**/*.scss"],
"dest": "./css/"
"config": {
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"js": {
"paths": {
"src": ["./js/**/*.js"]
"eslint": {}
"sassGlob": {},
"sassLint": {
"files": {
"ignore": ["scss/00-base/settings/**/*.scss"]
"rules": {
"property-sort-order": 0,
"indentation": 0,
"no-color-literals": 0,
"variable-name-format": 0,
"force-element-nesting": 0,
"no-qualifying-elements": 0,
"placeholder-in-extend": 0,
"nesting-depth": 0,
"leading-zero": 0,
"no-duplicate-properties": 0,
"no-vendor-prefixes": 0,
"force-pseudo-nesting": 0,
"pseudo-element": 0,
"no-important": 0,
"extends-before-declarations": 2,
"extends-before-mixins": 0,
"mixins-before-declarations": [
"exclude": [
"declarations-before-nesting": 2,
"class-name-format": 0,
"no-transition-all": 0,
"space-around-operator": 0,
"force-attribute-nesting": 0,
"no-ids": 0,
"no-misspelled-properties": 0
"postcss": {
"postcssPresetEnv": {
"autoprefixer": {},
"features": {}
"postcssSortMediaQueries": {},
"cssnano": {
"preset": [
"autoprefixer": {
"exclude": false
"discardUnused": {
"exclude": false
"mergeIdents": {
"exclude": false
"reduceIdents": {
"exclude": false
"favicons": {
"paths": {
"src": "./images/favicon-source.png",
"dest": "./images/favicons/",
"templateFile": "html.html.twig",
"templateDir": "./templates/layout/"
"config": {
"path": "/themes/custom/starterlight/images/favicons",
"appName": "Enter the name of the site or app here",
"appDescription": "Enter a short description of the site or app here",
"appleStatusBarStyle": "#fff",
"background": "#fff",
"theme_color": "#fff",
"display": "standalone",
"orientation": "portrait",
"start_url": "/?homescreen=1",
"version": 1.0,
"logging": false,
"html": "favicons.html",
"pipeHTML": true,
"replace": true,
"icons": {
"android": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"appleIcon": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"appleStartup": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"coast": {
"offset": 10
"favicons": true,
"firefox": {
"offset": 15,
"background": true,
"mask": true,
"overlayGlow": false
"windows": {
"offset": 10,
"background": true
"yandex": true
"browserSync": {
"proxy": "local.dev",
"open": true