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Prover server

The prover server allows a seamless interface to request proofs from a server. It also allows you to encrypt your requests to the server by making use of the NSM attestation API.


  1. To build the Dockerfile first run:
git submodule update --init
git submodule update --init
cd ../rapidsnark
git submodule update --init
cd ..
  1. Assuming you have yarn installed, install node_modules in the self/circuits directory:
cd self/circuits
cd ../../
  1. Building the docker image:
docker build --build-arg PROOFTYPE=<PROOFTYPE> -f Dockerfile.tee -t <IMAGE_NAME> .

Where the <PROOFTYPE> can be one of: {register, dsc, disclose}.

Running the server

The following options can be used to run the server:

  -s, --server-address <SERVER_ADDRESS>
          Web server bind address (e.g., [default:]
  -d, --database-url <DATABASE_URL>
          PostgreSQL database connection URL [default: postgres://postgres:mysecretpassword@localhost:5433/db]
  -c, --circuit-folder <CIRCUIT_FOLDER>
          Circuit folder path [default: ../circuits]
  -k, --zkey-folder <ZKEY_FOLDER>
          ZKey folder path [default: ./zkeys]
  -z, --circuit-zkey-map <CIRCUIT_ZKEY_MAP>
          Witness calc circuit to zkey mapper
  -r, --rapidsnark-path <RAPIDSNARK_PATH>
          Rapidsnark path [default: ./rapidsnark]
  -h, --help
          Print help

When running the server in a nitro enclave please make sure you have two proxies running on the ec2 instance. One would be for the RPC server and the other for the DB.

# Install socat
sudo dnf install socat -y
socat tcp-listen:8888,fork,reuseaddr vsock-connect:<ENCLAVE_ID>:8888 # for the rpc server
socat vsock-listen:8889,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:<DB_HOST>:<DB_PORT> # for the db


This API follows the JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol and operates under the openpassport namespace.

1. hello

Description: The first part of an ECDH handshake. The user sends their public key along with a UUID that is linked to their session ID when scanning the QR code.

Method Name: openpassport_hello

Request Parameters:

  • user_pubkey (Vec): The public key of the user.
  • uuid (String): A unique identifier for the request.

Response: Returns a ResponsePayload containing HelloResponse which is the request UUID and the attestation response. Please verify the response before making the second request.

2. submit_request

Description: Submits an encrypted request along with authentication data. The encryption scheme used is AES-GCM.

Method Name: openpassport_submit_request

Request Parameters:

  • uuid (String): A unique identifier for the request.
  • nonce (Vec): A cryptographic nonce.
  • cipher_text (Vec): The encrypted request payload.
  • auth_tag (Vec): The authentication tag for integrity verification.

Response: Returns a ResponsePayload containing the UUID.

3. attestation

Description: Requests attestation for user data and cryptographic parameters.

Method Name: openpassport_attestation

Request Parameters:

  • user_data (Option<Vec>): Optional user-related data.
  • nonce (Option<Vec>): Optional cryptographic nonce.
  • public_key (Option<Vec>): Optional public key.

Response: Returns a ResponsePayload containing attestation data as a vector of bytes.


Clients can send JSON-RPC requests to the OpenPassport API endpoint, following the standard JSON-RPC 2.0 format:

Example Request:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "openpassport_hello",
  "params": {
    "user_pubkey": "...",
    "uuid": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"
  "id": 1

Example Response:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "uuid": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
    "attestation": [...]