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Utility to easily integrate ReportPortal with your automation framework


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  1. Utility to easily integrate ReportPortal with your JAVA-TestNG automation framework
  2. This is a library which implements basic utilities for ReportPortal (com.epam.reportportal)


  1. ReportPortalLogger: For logging messages to ReportPortal at different levels like DEBUG, INFO WARN
  2. ScreenShotManager: Takes care of following
    1. Capturing Screenshot using selenium
    2. Descaling/Reducing file size of the taken screenshot
    3. Saving the screenshots in managed test level hierarchies
  3. CommandLineExecutor and CommandLineResponse: Take care of running any CLI commands and storing its Standard Output, Error responses


mvn clean install -DskipTests

If facing issues with dependencies not being resolved from, then check the settings.xml file you're using for building your maven projects. If you've proxies configured in the same, then make sure is part of nonProxyHosts configuration. For instance


How to consume the dependency


How to configure ReportPortal in your automation framework

  1. Listener Configuration
    1. Approach-1 Listener in TestNG XML file: Add the following line to configure ReportPortal listener in the xml file where you have configured your testng suite
      1. Without overloading properties
        <listener class-name="com.epam.reportportal.testng.ReportPortalTestNGListener"/>
      2. With overloading properties
        <listener class-name="com.znsio.reportportal.integration.listener.ReportPortalListener"/>
    2. Approach-2 Listener in Maven Surefire Plugin: Add the following snippet to configure ReportPortal listener in the pom.xml file where you have configured your maven-surefire-plugin
      1. Without overloading properties
      2. With overloading properties
    3. Approach-3: Use the following snippet to configure ReportPortal listener when creating TestNG file programmatically
      1. Without overloading properties
        ReportPortalTestNGListener reportPortalTestNGListener = new ReportPortalTestNGListener();
      2. With overloading properties
        ReportPortalListener reportPortalListener = new ReportPortalListener();
    4. For more details on listener configuration, refer reportportal-agent-java-testNG
  2. Properties file: Create a file either in src/main/resources/ or in src/test/resources directory in your automation framework with the following mandatory attributes
    rp.endpoint = <Your Endpoint>
    rp.uuid = <Your UDID>
    rp.launch = <Your Launch Name>
    rp.project = <Your Project Name>
  3. Launch attributes related to CI (Pipeline) execution: The setPipelineAttributes method of ReportPortalPropertiesOverloader class takes care of setting the following attributes in case the test execution is happening on CI (Pipeline)
    All these attributes will be set as launch attributes if the execution is happening on CI, and if they are either set at System property or System environment variable. If your pipeline is using different keys to set the above attributes then the ones we're using above, for each such key, you can define the new key value in the config.proprties file of your automation framework like below:
  4. For more details on configuration and additional parameters for, refer reportportal-client-java and reportportal-agent-java-testNG

How to use the ReportPortal utilities

  1. ReportPortalPropertiesOverloader class takes care of dynamically setting Report Portal properties at run time like launch name, description, attributes etc. The method which takes care of this is getProperties() which is automatically invoked from ReportPortalListener class as part of listener initialization

  2. Configuring the test metadata:

    1. The following property values are mandatory to be provided for capturing the relevant test execution metadata. You can provide them in the file, or add a System property RP_CONFIG with the relative path from project root directory (user.dir) where this file exists.
      • LAUNCH_NAME=[application_name]
      • TARGET_ENVIRONMENT=[dev/qa/preprod/prod]
      • PLATFORM=[web/android/ios/desktop/api/etc.]
      • BROWSER=[if Platform==web, which browser is used for test execution - chrome/firefox/na]
      • APP_PACKAGE_NAME=[if Platform==android/ios, the package name]
      • IS_LOCAL_DEVICE=[true/false] - is the test running on local browser/device or cloud
      • IS_VISUAL=[true/false] - if Visual testing is enabled or not
      • BRANCH_NAME=[the current branch name as obtained by git command, or can be specified as an absolute value, or the environment varaiable/system property name which indicates the branch name]
      • RUN_IN_CI=[true/false] - if test is running in CI or not
      • BUILD_ID=[the environment variable or system property name which indicates the build id]
      • CI_AGENT_NAME=[the environment variable or system property name which indicates the CI agent name]
    2. For setting any additional property to launch attributes which is not already configured in ReportPortalPropertiesOverloader class, we need to set that attribute key with prefix - RP_ and value as either System Property level or at Environment variable or in the file. For instance, if you're setting environment variable like export RP_Version=0.0.1, then on ReportPortal, you'll see the corresponding launch attribute as Version:0.0.1
  3. ReportPortalLogger class has all its public methods defined as static, so it doesn't require the consumer to create an object of this class. Following are the methods we can use to report logs to ReportPortal

    1. ReportPortalLogger.logInfoMessage(String message): Logs message at INFO level to ReportPortal as well as console
    2. ReportPortalLogger.logDebugMessage(String message): Logs message at DEBUG level to ReportPortal
    3. ReportPortalLogger.logWarningMessage(String message): Logs message at WARN level to ReportPortal
    4. ReportPortalLogger.captureAndAttachScreenshot(WebDriver webDriver): This method implicitly calls captureScreenShot method of ScreenShotManager class to capture the screenshot and then calls attachFileInReportPortal method of ReportPortalLogger class to log the screenshot to ReportPortal
    5. ReportPortalLogger.captureAndAttachScreenshot(WebDriver webDriver, Sting message): It is overloading the captureScreenShot method with additional capability of logging the message (passed in parameter) to ReportPortal along with the screenshot
    6. ReportPortalLogger.attachFileInReportPortal(String message, File file): Logs message and attaches file at INFO level to ReportPortal
  4. ScreenShotManager class has all methods as private except one (captureScreenShot) .Following are the methods we can use to capture screenshots. This class creates the following directory under your project directory " TestReport/Screenshots" where the screenshots will be saved

    1. ScreenShotManager.captureScreenShot(WebDriver webDriver): This method will take the calling step as its fileName, and its parent as the testName. It will then call processScreenShot() method to capture, descale and save the screenshot. The method returns a File object where the captured file is stored.
  5. CommandLineExecutor class has all its public methods defined as static, so it doesn't require the consumer to create an object of this class. Following are the methods we can use to run CLI commands using Java

    1. CommandLineExecutor.execCommand(final String[] command): Run the command passed in the parameter value and returns the response of type CommandLineResponse. The method automatically takes care of identifying the platform (Mac, Windows etc)
    2. CommandLineExecutor.execCommand(final String[] command, int timeoutInSeconds): It is overloading the execCommand method with additional capability of specifying the timeout in seconds. The process will wait for the specified time until we save the response from the command execution
  6. CommandLineResponse class stores the CLI command execution response as part of following methods:

    1. setExitCode(int exitCode) and getExitCode(): Getters and Setters for process.exitValue()
    2. setStdOut(String stdOut) and getStdOut(): Getters and Setters for process.getInputStream()
    3. setErrOut(String errOut) and getErrOut(): Getters and Setters for process.getErrorStream()
  7. @Step annotation: Modularise your tests by dividing into multiple Steps to achieve Nested Steps in ReportPortal. Nested steps is a common way to group your test logs into small described pieces. For more details and how to use nested steps, refer ReportPortal-NestedSteps


Utility to easily integrate ReportPortal with your automation framework







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