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Boolean Retrieval Model

This project implements a basic information retrieval system capable of processing boolean and proximity queries. The system utilizes inverted and positional indexes to efficiently retrieve relevant document IDs based on user queries.


  • Supports boolean queries including AND, OR, and NOT operations.
  • Implements proximity queries to find terms within a specified distance of each other.
  • Utilizes inverted and positional indexes for efficient query processing.
  • Provides a simple GUI interface for user interaction.

Getting Started

To run the information retrieval system, follow these steps:

  • Ensure you have Python 3.12 installed.
  • Install NLTK, tkinter and customtkinter library using pip install NLTK etc.
  • Make sure Stopword-List.txt and the Research Paper directory containing all the documents is in your current working directory.
  • Run the files in an IDE.
  • Run this command to download the tokennizer:'punkt')
  • Run the script first using python to create and save the indexes.
  • Then run the using python for queries.
  • Use the tkinter GUI interface to input queries and press 'Process Query' button to retrieve the required document IDs.
  • Press the 'Exit' button to exit the program.


Boolean Queries

Boolean queries can be constructed using AND, OR, and NOT operations. Simply enter your query in the provided text box and click the "Process Query" button to retrieve relevant documents.

Proximity Queries

Proximity queries allow users to find terms within a specified distance of each other. Enter your query in the format 'term1 term2 /distance' and click "Process Query" to retrieve relevant documents.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • This project was inspired by information retrieval concepts and algorithms.
  • Special thanks to the developers of NLTK for providing essential natural language processing tools.
  • Special thanks to Tom Schimansky for developing CustomTkinter that was used for making the GUI.