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Markdown viewer, editor, and help components for the Zooniverse. Requires React 16.8 or higher.


Available on npm, include as a dependency using npm install --save markdownz

This package contains three publicly accessible components: a Markdown viewer and a Markdown editor for Zooniverse-flavored Markdown, and a MarkdownHelp component.


Parse markdown to HTML with markdown-it, then render the result as a React component tree with rehype-react.

import { Markdown } from 'markdownz';

<Markdown>{A String of `Markdown`}</Markdown>

Debug the viewer with the debug prop:

import { Markdown } from 'markdownz';

<Markdown debug>{A String of `Markdown`}</Markdown>


import { MarkdownEditor } from 'markdownz';

<MarkdownEditor rows={20} value="A String of `Markdown`" onChange={this.handleMarkdownChange} />


import { MarkdownHelp } from 'markdownz'

<MarkdownHelp talk={true} title={<h1>Guide to Markdown</h1>} />


import { utils } from 'markdownz';

const content = `
# A test document

This is a test [with a link](
const html = utils.getHTML({ content });
// render HTML as JSX with utils.getComponentTree
import { utils } from 'markdownz';
const html = '<p>This is a test paragraph, with <a href="">a link.</a>';
const markdownChildren = utils.getComponentTree({ html });
return <div>{markdownChildren}</div>;


The useMarkdownz hook accepts the same props as the Markdown component. It returns the parsed content as a React component tree, which can be rendered as JSX or with React.createElement;

import { useMarkdownz } from 'markdownz';

const markdownChildren = useMarkdownz({ content: 'This is some markdown', debug: true });
return <>{markdownChildren}</>;

Supported Properties


property default effect
children null Markdown String to Render
components null Rehype component mappings for the parsed output
content '' Markdown String to Render used if this.props.children is null
debug false Return error messages, if true, for easier debugging
settings {} Rehype settings for the parsed output
tag div HTML tag to wrap markdown content with
className '' css classes for the element
project null Panoptes project for links
baseURI 'null' Set the base URI for building links
inline false Toggles rendering between markdownIt.render and markdownIt.renderInline


property default effect
name '' Name for the <textarea> in the Markdown editor
value '' Value of the <textarea> in the Markdown editor
placeholder '' Placeholder text in the <textarea>
row 5 Height of the <textarea>
cols '' null
onChange NOOP Change listener
project null Panoptes project for links
baseURI 'null' Set the base URI for building links
className '' css classes for the element
helpText null String or Component for custom help text for the editor
onHelp NOOP Function to run when help button is clicked
previewing false Toggle the editor's preview mode


property default effect
talk false Toggle the inclusion of Talk-specific Markdown help content
title <h1 className="markdown-editor-title">Guide to using Markdown</h1> Title displayed at the top of the MarkdownHelp component

Zooniverse-Flavoured Markdown

We use markdown-it for rendering Markdown and twemoji for cross-browser emoji support.

TODO: Document custom extensions.




  1. Create a new branch for the new version.
  2. Add the new version to the changelog with summary of changes.
  3. Update package.json and package-lock.json with the new version number (manually or with npm --no-git-tag-version version [major|minor|patch]).
  4. Commit and push the changes to GitHub. Create a pull request, optionally have it reviewed, and merge it.
  5. Using GitHub's web interface, create a new tag and release with the new version number and summary of changes.
  6. Pull the new version of the package locally.
  7. To clear any prior build (./lib), run tests, and create a fresh build, run "rm -rf lib && npm test && npm run build".
  8. Run npm publish --dry-run to check that the package is ready to publish.
  9. Run npm publish to publish the new version to npm.


Copyright 2015 by The Zooniverse. Licensed under the Apache Public License v2. See LICENSE for details.