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Jim Fulton edited this page May 19, 2016 · 1 revision

Notes on commit concurrency in ZODB

Concurrency in ZODB is provided via transactions. Separate logical threads of execution (processes, threads, or even greenlets) execute independently and synchronize their data at transaction boundaries.

Transactions are committed using a two-phase commit protocol. Traditionally, storages only committed one transaction at a time. This was ensured using commit locks that were acquired at the beginning of the commit process (tpc_begin) and released at the end (tpc_abort or tpc_finish). This is wasteful and limits transaction throughput and increases latency.

ZEO servers provide somewhat finer-level concurrency, holding a lock only in the second phase of 2-phase commit, and NEO takes this further, by holding object-level locks. NEO only truly gets a storage-global lock in tpc_finish, when a final transaction id is assigned.

In general, we should assume that multiple transactions can be in flight at once, with object-level locks held in the second phase, and a global lock needed only for tpc_finish.

This has implications for transaction ids. Ideally, transaction ids wouldn't be set until tpc_finish. Return values from existing APIs that return new serials (store and tpc_vote) aren't useful except in the special case where a storage signals that a conflict was resolved. In the near future, ZODB will stop requiring storages to return new serials for objects in store and vote, except to indicate conflict resolution.

If there are multiple transactions in flight, we need to be able to keep track of multiple sets of transaction data.

This simplest approach is to just hang data on transaction objects, as suggested In a post to the transaction list

ZEO defined an API for getting the current transaction. This API doesn't make any sense anymore. The API is used primarily for logging and in tests. ZEO servers should be changed to manage their own data for this purpose, since they control their storage life cycles anyway.