This is an implementation of the Whitespace esoteric programming language.
This is a utility to translate between an assembly representation of whitespace and pure whitespace.
Usage: wt [--to-asm] [--to-wsp] [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
Positional arguments:
INPUT Input filename. Defaults to STDIN.
OUTPUT Output filename. Defaults to STDOUT
--to-asm, -a Translate to assembly
--to-wsp, -w Translate to whitespace
--help, -h display this help and exit
This is the whitespace interpreter. It only reads pure whitespace, not the assembly representation.
Usage: wi [--debug] [INPUT [OUTPUT]]
Positional arguments:
INPUT Input file. Defaults to STDIN.
OUTPUT Output file. Defaults to STDOUT.
--debug, -d
--help, -h display this help and exit
If the input is a file (ie, passed as an argument), user input uses STDIN. Otherwise, no user input is allowed.
MIT License. See