Update site: http://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/zoodiac/update
Here's a few of the tasks being worked on, completed or being entertained:
Just touch a file named shutdownnow either at the root of your workspace or at the root of any project in that workspace, and Eclipse will cleanly shut down.
Likewise for a refreshnow file, and Eclipse will "F5" refresh all projects (or that specific projects).
In case you did not notice, Eclipse has 2 parallel models for things that change the Abstract Syntax Tree. The heavyweight model -- refactorings -- performs across-file changes, at the cost of speed. The lightweight mode -- source changes -- simply changes the current file, and is quite snappy and interactive, encouraging more frequent use. These are some of the improvement contributed in that area:
Increase/Decrease visibility (Shift+Control+= and Shift+Control+-): changes the current method/class/field's visibility (a few bugs remain)
Add "private final": adds a 'private final' to a class, as well as the same as a constructor param for each constructor declared in the class, and a "this.foo = foo" statement to each constructor