traytop is an extension for GNOME Shell 3.4 that puts all your tray icons to the top panel, where they belong.
- No configuration needed; all tray icons are moved.
- Tray icons that are hidden by default are still hidden (e.g., Network Manager which is replaced by the native Shell icon).
- Tested in GNOME Shell 3.4.2 (Debian wheezy).
- Doesn't work in the latest version of GNOME Shell.
Download the extension:
git clone \ ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
Restart GNOME Shell (Alt+F2 and type 'r').
Open gnome-tweak-tool and enable the extension.
All new tray icons should now appear in the top panel. If you want to move existing tray icons there, restart GNOME Shell again.